In My Dreams ....

dan-t Posté à 07/03/2021 16:22
Balises: MIDI, Ambient, Bande son

Here it is just a moment of musical relaxation, but dreams can sometimes seem strange, frightening, fascinating or even a little crazy .... A combination of thoughts, sounds and images.

Also suggestive, and the source of many beliefs, myths, fables, superstitions ....


Ancien utilisateur Posté à 07/03/2021 17:10

Hi Dan,

you´re right...there a different ways of dreams...but your dream (music) is fascinating and beautiful ..OK a bit mysteriously... but not frightening... at the moment I read a Fantasy Novel and your music is more than welcome to make my mood and my imagination for this book perfect ...the listening was a great Joy for me👍👍👍👍

All the best


Jochen-S Posté à 07/03/2021 18:39

Salut Dan,
belle bande-son mystique qui fait rêver... Musicalement très bien fait par toi ...
Votre ami vous envoie des salutations d'Allemagne en France,


PATIENT-X Posté à 07/03/2021 20:32

A wonderful piece from you with many chapters of the imagination filled with suspense and emotional musical moments. cheers. 😀👍🍺🍺🍺

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Inti Posté à 07/03/2021 21:14

Hi Dan,
what wonderful sounds. very soulful.
beautiful to listen to. Excellent work.
Like it a lot. 💯👏👋👍💪

LG Thomas

Paulo.Costa Posté à 07/03/2021 22:19

Excelente Soundtrack 😀🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

Jinty Posté à 08/03/2021 04:28

Hello Dan,

You have created a wonderful track,I've enjoyed listening to your music!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the best,


franco-galateo Posté à 08/03/2021 11:53

track great.. sound of the hight quality... music relaxing with fusion ethereal... it is a cosmic journey into music


Sandro_Glavina_Channel Posté à 09/03/2021 16:53

wonderful track - ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Ancien utilisateur Posté à 11/03/2021 21:43


Very beautiful. Well done

LG Andy

cmartin Posté à 20/03/2021 14:05


Hast Du super gemacht!!!

Schönes ruhiges Stück und mit den leichten Stimmen perfekt!!!

Kann man sich öfters anhören!!!

Gern gelauscht!!!👍👍👍

Viele liebe Grüße Chris😊

Philip-J Posté à 14/01/2023 21:57

Superb blend of trance, chill, and ambience. The shimmering echo and reverberation go well and invite the listener to dream. That MIDI can be used in such music is something I did not know. Well done!

Best wishes,
