Impro Live Piano Olya and Synth One AudioKit 02 05 et 24 05 22...

Pat_02 Posté à 25/05/2022 17:14
Impro Live Piano Olya and Synth One AudioKit 02 05 et 24 05 22...
Balises: Design graphique, Autres
Fabricant de la caméra: Apple
Modèle de caméra: iPhone 7 Plus
Largeur: 4032
Hauteur: 3024
Distance focale: 4 mm
Fondu: f/1.8
Temps d'obturation: 0.25 s
Éclair: Flash did not fire, auto
Iso: 100
Date d'enregistrement : 08/11/2021 18:51

Impro live on YouTube :

Salut les amis,
Voici pour changer un peu de mes Rides à 2 roues électriques, lol ! plusieurs improvisations Live que j'ai fait récemment dont la 2e le 24 mai, donc hier, la première impro date du 2 mai et joué en Bourgogne chez ma chérie et en Bonus : un Extrait d'une improvisation live du 25.03.22 jouée chez moi dans l'Aisne avec le Plugin :" Synth One d'AudioKit" joué sur mon iPad Pro M1 raccordé en Bluetooth sur mon Piano Olya 2 et sur mon iPad Air 2 raccordé sur mon piano à l'aide de mon interface audio : "iRig 2" et enregistré en audio en même temps que ma GoPro hero 8, sur l'application : "GarageBand"
Salutations et à bientôt pour d'autres live improvisés et la suite de mon long Ride du 7 mai où vous me verrez discuter avec des Bikers pas encore décidés à rouler sur de l'électrique même s'ils ont finit par s'intérresser à mon Bomber, lol ! 
Pat W le Persévérant.

Hi friends,
Here's to change a little of my Rides to 2 electric wheels, lol! several Live improvisations that I recently did, including the 2nd on May 24, so yesterday, the first improvisation dates from May 2 and played in Burgundy at my darling and as a Bonus: an Extract from a live improvisation from 03.25.22 played at me in Aisne with the Plugin: "Synth One from AudioKit" played on my iPad Pro M1 connected via Bluetooth to my Piano Olya 2 and on my iPad Air 2 connected to my piano using my audio interface: " iRig 2" and recorded in audio at the same time as my GoPro hero 8, on the application: "GarageBand"
Greetings and see you soon for other improvised lives and the continuation of my long Ride of May 7 where you will see me chatting with Bikers who have not yet decided to ride on electric even if they have ended up being interested in my Bomber, lol!
Pat W the Persevering.


Sandro_Glavina_Channel Posté à 25/05/2022 18:28


I saw the video: soon we will also be able to play with the wristwatch or maybe touch our front teeth.
I am thinking if it is possible to play for example with EyeClick, the eye communicator usable with a blink of an eye or with a single movement of the pupil, which uses a common computer and a simple webcam

ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


Pat_02 Posté à 25/05/2022 21:49


I saw the video: soon we will also be able to play with the wristwatch or maybe touch our front teeth.
I am thinking if it is possible to play for example with EyeClick, the eye communicator usable with a blink of an eye or with a single movement of the pupil, which uses a common computer and a simple webcam

ciao da sandro

Thank you Sandro and glad you like it, it's true that the instruments, audio techniques and others, evolve and some who have a lot of imagination come out with very bizarre and avant-garde instruments like our music and that of Franco also, who could come from elsewhere lol! But it's good that the way of playing music with conventional instruments evolves in this direction, I love new technologies in all areas and of course in all that concerns my passions which are the creation of music, the 2 wheels electricity, the building too, the audio too. Thank you for joining me your biography, it's nice, lol! Friendly greetings. Patrick

Grazie Sandro e felice che ti piaccia, è vero che gli strumenti, le tecniche audio e altro, si evolvono e alcuni che hanno molta fantasia escono con strumenti molto bizzarri e all'avanguardia come la nostra musica e anche quella di Franco, che potrebbe vieni da altrove lol! Ma è positivo che il modo di suonare con gli strumenti tradizionali si evolva in questa direzione, amo le nuove tecnologie in tutti i campi e ovviamente in tutto ciò che riguarda le mie passioni che sono la creazione della musica, l'elettricità a 2 ruote, anche l'edilizia, il anche l'audio. Grazie per esserti unito a me nella tua biografia, è bello, lol! Saluti amichevoli. Patrick

Merci Sandro et content que ça te plaise, c'est vrai que les instruments, techniques audio et autres, évoluent et certains qui ont beaucoup d'imagination sortent des instruments très bizarre et d'avant-garde comme le sont nos musiques et celles de Franco également, qui pourraient venir d'ailleurs lol ! Mais c'est bien que la façon de jouer de la musique avec des instruments conventionnels évolue dans ce sens, j'adore les nouvelles technologie dans tous les domaines et évidement dans tout ce qui concerne mes passions que sont la création musiques, le 2 roues électrique, le bâtiment aussi, l'audio également. Merci de m'avoir joint ta biographie, c'est sympa, lol ! Salutations amicales. Patrick

Jochen-S Posté à 25/05/2022 22:09

Hello Patrick,
very interesting musical video from you... I also appreciate that you have a perfect command of electronics... BRAVO...
Many greetings,

Pat_02 Posté à 25/05/2022 22:35

Hello Patrick,
very interesting musical video from you... I also appreciate that you have a perfect command of electronics... BRAVO...
Many greetings,

Hallo mein Freund,
vielen Dank und schön, dass es dir gefällt, lol!
Besten Wünsche.
Freundliche Grüße

Hi my friend,
thank you very much and glad you like it, lol!
Best wishes.
friendly greetings

Salut mon ami, 
merci beaucoup et content que tu apprécies, lol ! 
Bonne continuation.
Salutations amicales

franco-galateo Posté à 26/05/2022 08:16

interesting and as always alternative music. music that is born free from any stylistic bond. undoubtedly interesting and with pleasing and well-built sonic contents. As always, I appreciate your work


Pat_02 Posté à 26/05/2022 14:02

interesting and as always alternative music. music that is born free from any stylistic bond. undoubtedly interesting and with pleasing and well-built sonic contents. As always, I appreciate your work


Grazie amico mio Franco e felice che ti piaccia il mio live. Saluti amichevoli. Patrick

Thank you my friend Franco and glad you like my live. Friendly greetings. Patrick

Merci mon ami Franco et content que mes live te plaisent. Salutations amicales. Patrick