Hidden Garden

seraphin Posté à 14/11/2012 18:05
Titre: Hidden Garden
Artiste: Seraphin
Album: Under The World

Hello community,

My new album. Return to sources ... This album is "Under The World" (Nu-Metal / Post-Grunge / Metal Alternatif / Rock Alternatif / Grunge). Some very hard songs and others calm songs. A very lot of work for this album, and very very difficult creation. Finished for 5th January 2013.

Under The World

1-Under The World
2-Understanding No More
3-The Lost Times
4- Faraway Mind
5-I Want To Believe
7-National Country
8-Hidden Garden
9-The Mind Of A Countess (feat. Adeline)
10-Au Plus Profond
11-Inside Of Me
12-Black Moon
13-Lumière De La Source
14-No Change
15-My Monstrous Heart
16-Red Into The Blue
17-Difference Away
18-The Way Of The Romance

Hidden Garden
Year: 2013
Style: Post-grunge / Rock Alternatif


Basse, guitares, effects, voice, drums (Robota) and lyrics by Seraphin


julien-0106 Posté à 14/11/2012 18:14

Encore une superbe réussite !!!   

Bravo Baptiste !!   


@ +



Ancien utilisateur Posté à 14/11/2012 18:18

Der Song gefällt mir sehr gut.

Das Git.Solo gefällt mir sehr.

Besten Gruß, Daniel

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 14/11/2012 18:56


very good part of your new album.

Maboe Posté à 14/11/2012 19:17

Yes, it's a great part of your album. I like the way you sing and how you're playing the guitar.

Very well done!


Starless friend

JuanIsidoro Posté à 14/11/2012 19:25

surely you will be famous one day,or maybe it already is. I wish you luck ....



Dernière modification de JuanIsidoro le 14/11/2012, 19:25, Modifié 1 fois au total.


Me llamo Juan Isidoro. Soy de Sevilla al sur de España.Trabajo en un camion y hago musica por placer.

Espero que os guste.

My name is juan Isidoro. I’m from Seville in southern Spain.
Working a truck and do music for pleasure.I hope you like.



FAbemol Posté à 14/11/2012 19:35

Très bon titre rock entre ballade (début) et rock pur et dur. Style rock très personnel... .

austria60 Posté à 14/11/2012 19:38

HI , nicht schlecht, gefällt mir gut, obwohl es nicht meine Richtung ist.

samp Posté à 14/11/2012 19:51

Style is great! Love the guitar....

Your voice is very nice!!!

LG samp


Ancien utilisateur Posté à 14/11/2012 21:42

Hi seraphin - very good work rock music - I like it -  5*****

Sandro_Glavina_Channel Posté à 15/11/2012 00:17

Grat track in your great album !!!!! WONDERFUL !!!  ciao da sandro

Dernière modification de Sandro_Glavina_Channel le 15/11/2012, 00:17, Modifié 1 fois au total.

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA





dilampercutshow Posté à 15/11/2012 08:25

super chanson rock, voix très agréable et progression musicale intense, bien réussi à tous les nivaux, bravo !                                                                                    Starless Friend

Spartano Posté à 15/11/2012 09:26

Ja das ist ein schöne Rock Pop Song, mit ein Gute Gesang, wo du noch in deine Musik Verbessern kannst ist die Abmischung deine Musik,  um ein Besseren Hörgenuss zu Entwickeln, das du sehr Gute Musik machst das weiß ich, das Master ist dein Zweite Schritt denn du angehen sollst, und ich bin sicher das Lernst du auch noch, Herzlichen Gruß von dein Musikfreund Joachim!

Dernière modification de Spartano le 15/11/2012, 09:26, Modifié 1 fois au total.

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


Ancien utilisateur Posté à 15/11/2012 12:21

probier´s mal = Mastering deiner Guten Musik , wäre gespannt auf das Ergebniss !??

Gruß Oktave


Ancien utilisateur Posté à 15/11/2012 16:31

a rock ballad, really beautiful, nice light instrumentally very straightforward and well built.
a trace of the past that should not be forgotten.
a great job that I put one of my favorites
hello frank

strarless friend

jorual Posté à 15/11/2012 19:12

Hi Baptiste,

Sehr schoene Musik und Gesang, die Qualitaet ist nicht so gut. Trotzdem denke Ich das

mit einem guten Mastering waere eine sehr gute Musik. 

Gruesse von Jorual

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 15/11/2012 19:42

Und schon wieder erwischt, jemand der auf Länge und gutes Wert legt -, !!


Ancien utilisateur Posté à 15/11/2012 21:51

Hallo my friend,
this is music that  I love .a ballade very impactive with sound and sonority very vey pleasant
with friendship and love

Antonio Fiorillo

Picnicboy Posté à 15/11/2012 23:39



Really nice!!!Love it!!!


Frankie-Kay Posté à 16/11/2012 02:09

starke musik, very good work, i love it!




Ancien utilisateur Posté à 16/11/2012 19:19

makes me immediately wanna pick up my guitar, althow i´ll never reach your special stile - you´re just a real MUSICIAN!!! (i guess you know what i mean...)

This Posté à 17/11/2012 16:45

Great rock ballad with a fantastic guitar sound. Love the song......

Regards Matthias

Alighiero-Tozzi Posté à 18/11/2012 11:02


You have a grunge voice and this song is wonderful.


Dernière modification de Alighiero-Tozzi le 18/11/2012, 11:02, Modifié 1 fois au total.

Ho scritto la mia prima canzone nel 1991, ho smesso nel 1993 dopo aver realizzato un piccolo album casalingo e ho ripreso a scrivere e comporre nel 2011 dopo tanto tempo passato in tante occupazioni.

Fin da piccolo ho amato la canzone italiana da De Andrè a De Gregori, da Tenco a Branduardi, La New Wave ed il rock classico. Ringrazio la mia professoressa di musica delle scuole medie per avermi fatto ascoltare a 11 anni la musica classica che è la mia vera passione.


Maury Posté à 18/11/2012 23:41

A great voice and interpretation ..... ....... a style much appreciated here!

                   Super 5*****+FAV                                        Ciao da Maury.

B59fly Posté à 19/11/2012 14:04

Il est également très agréable .....