Eternal Lullaby

seraphin Posté à 05/01/2025 11:13
Balises: Easy Listening, Chill-Out, Ambient, Bande son


I am very happy to participate in this adventure. Because my music is broadcast on the most realistic sailing simulator ever released on computers. The Sailaway III simulator is currently sold on Steam and on the official website ( ).

I'm starting to present you my new EP of 4 songs with my music in the videogame.

Eternal Lullaby was created for "Life Of Night" album in 2020 and broadcast in the simulator.

Album: Sailaway III - Original Soundtrack

Year: 2025

Free download of my music. Don't hesitate to contact me, I'll send you all my music. You can use them to mix, music projects or for your video projects.

Good listening !


franco-galateo Posté à 05/01/2025 11:17

track of the good quality.. sound rafined.. exellent idea compositional


Alter-Falter Posté à 05/01/2025 13:08

... ...

Mark_MERIX Posté à 05/01/2025 18:07

Hello Seraphin.

A beautiful accompaniment as music to your experiences.

Thank you very much !

Kind regards, Mark 😀😀😀

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Hallo Seraphin.

Eine wunderschöne Begleitung als Musik zu deinen Erlebnissen.

Danke dir sehr !

Lieben Gruß, Mark

Paolo-Brenner Posté à 05/01/2025 23:40

Wonderful silencing melody - I enjoyed it!!!