
JuanIsidoro Posté à 18/12/2012 20:59

el principio es un poco abstracto pero poco a poco va cogiendo su rollo y al final le pones  las tiritas al corazon partioaaaaay!!!

Dernière modification de JuanIsidoro le 18/12/2012, 20:59, Modifié 1 fois au total.


Me llamo Juan Isidoro. Soy de Sevilla al sur de España.Trabajo en un camion y hago musica por placer.

Espero que os guste.

My name is juan Isidoro. I’m from Seville in southern Spain.
Working a truck and do music for pleasure.I hope you like.



Ancien utilisateur Posté à 19/12/2012 03:38

Hola Flansi...

Buena Musica...

5 *...


Ancien utilisateur Posté à 19/12/2012 11:23

L'inizio e molto confuso ma poi il resto va bene

nihon94 Posté à 19/12/2012 12:41

Good work



francois-bellanger Posté à 19/12/2012 13:17

Bon travail Flansi. Le début est un peu déconcertant, mais ensuite c'est agréable à écouter



jos31620 Posté à 19/12/2012 16:57

bon travail amigo joyeux noel

amical jose

Maboe Posté à 19/12/2012 20:37

Bravo, very well sung! I enjoyed listening.


Starless friend

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 19/12/2012 20:52

very well, exellent song 

very very good voices and job

hallo frank


strarless friends

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 20/12/2012 20:06

style changes but does not change the result of this artist who is always up when it comes to musical compositions and do not speak the voice, Calsa, persuasive, and deep.


strarless friends

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 21/12/2012 06:23

well done.


LG Sigrid

B59fly Posté à 21/12/2012 18:04

Usted ha elegido para cantar una muy abstracta, no una pieza fácil de hacerlo. Bravo! Super! 


Starless Friend

clash Posté à 21/12/2012 19:32



Sandro_Glavina_Channel Posté à 21/12/2012 21:42

Bella !!!!  ciao da sandro

Dernière modification de Sandro_Glavina_Channel le 21/12/2012, 21:42, Modifié 1 fois au total.

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA


samp Posté à 22/12/2012 17:18

Interesting song! Your voice great as always! Love it!

The composition.... unusual!

I wish you a merry X-Mas time! And a very good New Year!!!

All the best

samp H

Alighiero-Tozzi Posté à 25/12/2012 21:06

Bella Flansy.

Ciao da Alighiero

Dernière modification de Alighiero-Tozzi le 25/12/2012, 21:06, Modifié 1 fois au total.

Ho scritto la mia prima canzone nel 1991, ho smesso nel 1993 dopo aver realizzato un piccolo album casalingo e ho ripreso a scrivere e comporre nel 2011 dopo tanto tempo passato in tante occupazioni.

Fin da piccolo ho amato la canzone italiana da De Andrè a De Gregori, da Tenco a Branduardi, La New Wave ed il rock classico. Ringrazio la mia professoressa di musica delle scuole medie per avermi fatto ascoltare a 11 anni la musica classica che è la mia vera passione.


seraphin Posté à 25/12/2012 22:35

Merry Christmas my friend !!!


Une belle musique mon ami !!

Mais le melange des voix assez original. Ce n'est pas mon préféré. A mon avis la voix de la femme qui chante au debut etait en trop !! Juste ta voix suffit a rendre la musique magnifique

dilampercutshow Posté à 27/12/2012 18:41

très joli slow, bon feeling, bravo ! Starless Friend