After Glow .... With Keystone Angel

dan-t Posté à 21/01/2021 21:42
Balises: Bande son, Classique, Autres, MIDI

With the virtual participation of Keystone Angel from Tasmania ....
Song from 2015, which I took over the a capella with this arrangement that could be classified as "Orchestral/Classical" ....


MG4 Posté à 21/01/2021 22:10

Wunderschön .........Klasse Music and Voice ´s .............. Merci !

Jochen-S Posté à 21/01/2021 22:17

Salut DAN mon ami,
belle bande-son musicale avec de superbes voix👌🎹🎤🎼... Bien joué...
Salutations Jochen ...

Jinty Posté à 22/01/2021 00:08

Hello Dan,

It's a fantastic track, the vocals are very beautiful!!!!!!!!!

All the best,


Ancien utilisateur Posté à 22/01/2021 04:05

Wow...beautiful track

Siggi-M Posté à 22/01/2021 10:18

Hi Dan,it's a nice rollercoaster of emotions, a wonderful song that hits my soul too ❤️


franco-galateo Posté à 22/01/2021 10:31

music always very accurate and of excellent quality .. delicate and refined ambient style track with a great vocals .. very good


Picnicboy Posté à 22/01/2021 14:15


Wow, very beautiful Song.

Love it.

LG, Pic😎

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 22/01/2021 15:04

🌍 A very good and impressive work. Especially the vocals fit very well.

Also the great cover impresses.

Greetings - Eddie

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 22/01/2021 20:07

Hi dan-t

wow...what a wonderful song from you... to relax and/or dream with an angel voice in my ears and brain...really good work👌👍👌👏

All the best


charlie007 Posté à 24/01/2021 11:17

Sehr sehr ansprechend. Siehe, da oben schwebt er 😀 Ja, die Mietze ist meine!

Ancien utilisateur Posté à 24/01/2021 18:01


Wow. Very beautiful Track. Very nice. Well done.

LG Andy

MG4 Posté à 28/01/2021 17:36

Guten Tag & Abend " Dan " ...

jeden Tag wenn ich Träumen will , Besuche ich dieses Wunderbare Musik & Voices Song , diese Music ist ein großer Traum und Trost in dieser Welt ! Exzellent *****+

LG Andreas ( MG4