01_LIGHT_SKON QUASS ET GALATEO franco-galateo Posté à 02/10/2022 10:35 5 205 Balises: Autres, MIDI, Alternatif, Artiste Music Maker Retour au message
Commentaires Siggi-M Posté à 02/10/2022 12:03 WOOW, that sounds good 😮 👌. I like that voice a lot. You have composed a great mix of samples, midi and voices here, Bravo !!!! LG,Siggi... Jochen-S Posté à 02/10/2022 12:29 Well done Franco, I liked it …Many greetingsJochen… kreativ_music Posté à 02/10/2022 15:00 Beautiful Song and Sound 🙂👌👌👌✌️✌️ Beamish-Spartano Posté à 02/10/2022 17:03 Schöne Elektronische Musik mit Gute Ideen in diesen Track. Die Vocals sind schön, aber ab und zu spielen sie nicht im Takt mit der Musik. Sonst eine Gute Musikalische Arbeit, Gruß von Spartano.🙂🙂🌈✈️ MuBike-Dummy Posté à 02/10/2022 17:54 Good Track....well done. Nice electronic sounds and vocoder effects. Jinty Posté à 02/10/2022 18:34 Hello Franco, You have created a class track,I've enjoyed the listen!!!!!!!!!! All the best, Jinty..... Kryo Posté à 02/10/2022 19:54 Wonderful! Glow in the dark... 🤓 Picnicboy Posté à 03/10/2022 14:15 Moin. Very nice Track Franco and The Sound is great. LG, Pic😎 Ancien utilisateur Posté à 03/10/2022 16:59 Wow Franco...what have you done... it´s a wonderful song from you I love it very much and the vocals are great❤️ All the best...Bert Vio-Project Posté à 04/10/2022 20:01 Good electronic sound with good voices! Great work! 👍👍👍👌👌👌💪💪💪👏👏👏 LG Sylvio 😎 Philip-J Posté à 17/12/2022 17:29 A great mix of Magix and MIDI. I enjoyed the vocals. The feeling is very Egyptian! Well done! Best wishes, NewDream 1