Why have you difficulties with AUDIO RECORDING in MMM? Explanation.

CBY_TLSE Posté à 24/12/2010 15:56

MMM cannot record directly in MONO Mode!

If you select the MONO mode, it records in stereo and after encodes in MONO... with all the consequences :

. reduced level
. more noise
. voice on Left side if ommiting to specify MONO


1 – I use MMM 15 and I have migrated to WINDOWS 7 without problem retrieving all the functionnalities of MMM. In the past I have an AUDIGY XFI PCI audio card not specificaly dedicated to music. With my new PC, I just bought an external firewire audio interface : a FOCUSRITE SAFFIRE PRO 24 DSP with several input doors including 2 microphones inputs (L1 and L2).


2 – With XP, I always got recording level variance between MMM and AUDACITY, the signal level with MMM being smaller. I got the same result with my new configuration with Windows 7. I used to record in mono the voices with AUDACITY and to import to MMM. What a pity!


3 – In MMM, with my new audio interface, in the « AUDIO RECORD » menu I get a clear view of all the entries I can select. After selecting the MONO option in a sub window, I can only select pairs of entries including (L1 + L2) corresponding to mic 1 and mic 2. If I plug 2 mics, I can activate the two bars of the vu-meter. The other entries are always by pair and viewed by MMM as a Left and Right stereo input. It is impossible to select only one door corresponding to a unique mic in order to record in a real MONO mode!


4- In MMM, after selecting the MONO mode, during recording, you can record each mic R or L. I deduce that the recording is made inSTEREO and after converted to MONO. In this case, if you use only one mic, which is the nominal way to record in mono, the software adds the Left voice (record) with the Right voice (empty) and divide the sum by 2. You get a signal level devided by 2 in terms of power!


This is what you I have experimented, cf §2.


5 – In AUDACITY, with the same setting of the audio interface, the recording is made in real MONO with only one mic, and you cannot record with the second mic if you have selected MONO in the properties. You get a very high level signal and you are oblige to reduce the entry level to avoid clicks.


With ABLETON LIVE LITE 8, bundle provided with the FOCUSRITE, you have access to all the individual input doors L1, L2, L3, L4 when you record in mono, and you record in this case on only one mic, the second mic is not in use. The LITE version authorize to use 4 mics.


To get the same recording level, you have to set the gain control to 5,5 for AUDACITY and LIVE and to 9 for MMM on a scale of 10. The fact to have to increase the gain increases the noise and you get no room.


6 – I have some difficulties to understand that for a non professional software the default mode is the stereo mode. It is the first screen you see when you record AUDIO. The MONO option is hidden in a sub screen. When you select MONO, the view meter with 2 bars (L & R) is kept.


On a logical point of view, MONO should be the default option and has to be a real MONO recording avoiding decreasing of level and increasing of noise. The fact to record a voice or an instrument in stereo mode, needing 2 mics, is not suitable in this case.


7 – All theses points explain all the recuring difficulties that we see periodicaly in the forum : low level, noisy, voice on the left … The new versions of MMM seem to have the same features.


At the moment, the only way to solve this issue, is to export the mix in AUDACITY (or an other software) and to record the voice in it in MONO mode. To export the voice in a MONO Wav file and to import it in MMM.


If users having external audio interface (USB or firewire) with several inputs could check it and confirm it. If you have only on mic, check it in AUDACITY in MONO mode (set the input gain to 0 dB in AUDACITY).


I hope that MAGIX will read this topic, can answer and will implement a real MONO recording mode in the next version or update. I cannot send directly a message to MAGIX, MMM 15 is too old and they claim 12€ to have the right to do it!.


It is a real issue. Most of user change their mic, buy a preamp or an audio card... and get the same result with a lot of deception and headache!


The only positive point, if you have 2 mics : you can record a stereo track and split it in 2 tracks.

