Why do people not click the "thank you" button?

gandjcarr Posté à 24/07/2012 18:18

Hello Everyone,

I have been a part of this group for just over 7 months.  I and many others have spent a lot of time trying to answer questions that are posed with little or no feedback.  Is it really that hard to click the "thank you" button when someone posts a reply that helps with your question?  I try to research each and every question I reply to and I can tell by the replies from the moderators and other contributors that they do too.  A simple click in the "thank you" box gives the contributor the feedback that tells them their effort has helped.  No feedback makes people think "why am I wasting my time".  This is a community of users helping users, and yes, the occasional Magix employee participates, but even Magix employees need some feedback.  Clicking that button takes less than one second and makes a world of difference!



Shirt Posté à 25/07/2012 08:24

Maybe a few users have'nt understand this.

Dernière modification de Shirt le 25/07/2012, 08:24, Modifié 1 fois au total.

Erfahrungen konnte ich schon mit folgenden MAGIX Programmen sammeln:

  • Video deluxe
  • Video Pro X
  • Foto & Grafik Designer
  • Online Album
  • PC Check & Tuning
  • Fotos auf DVD
  • Xara Designer
  • Musik Maker

Internetbrowser: FF, IE, Opera, Google Chrome


nirvanray Posté à 03/08/2012 14:28


Hello George,

I am a month-old in the community and I thank you personally for all the help that you have exteded to me. Indeed it surprises me that you are constantly helping us in such a less time.

COngrats and thanks. Sukhran.