Photo Retouching ..?

tmyusuf Posté à 30/04/2015 11:11

3. Hello, my name is Towab Muhammad Yusuf. I am working in an outsourcing company named OEL. This is my brief description, and my question is ' I am normally an adobe photoshop user, I have a old photo (family photo) and I want to retouch it. Adobe Photoshop has many tools to do this but which one would be perfect to retouch this old photo?


gandjcarr Posté à 30/04/2015 18:02

Hi Towab,

I am not clear if you are asking your question about PhotoShop or Photo Manager.  Photo Manager is really just a a photo organizer much like Google's Picassa.  Yes they both have some photo editing capability, but both products have pretty limited enhancement tools.  I personally do not like any of the Adobe products very much because they are not very intuitive to use (just my opinion).  I would use Xara Photo and Graphic Designer to edit pretty much anything I want to in a still image.

You did not mention what it is you actually want to do to retouch your photo but if you have and like using Photoshop, I would ask this question on the Adobe forum, not this one.

You may want to consider downloading the free trial for the Xara product and see if it will do the edits that you hope to achieve.  If you go this route and have any problems, please add more detail to this question and I would be happy to help you work through them.


tmyusuf Posté à 02/05/2015 06:36

I do not mention what I want it, but you give me the solid answer. So thank you very much.