Exportation Webdesigner 7

DominiqueV Posté à 13/01/2012 13:10


j ai refais complètement mon site avec la Magixwebdesigner7 et pour moi savoir exporter mon site, je dois d abord l enregistrer, fermer le programme complètement et tout réouvrir, quand c'est fait je ne peux rien modifier et alors j arrive  à exporter mon site.
Si je fais pas comme ça j ai erreur interne, violation de programme,.... je pense que j ai eu tout les messages d erreur possible, je me demande si le cd que j ai acheté fonctionne


Si quelque pense pouvoir m aider je lui envoi mon fichier .web direct car moi je vais bientôt jeter l 'éponge.



DominiqueV Posté à 13/01/2012 14:30

apparement je suis pas le seul, voici un autre " Internal Error XARA Web Designer Premium 7.0.4
I recently upgraded from Xara 6 to Xara Web Designer 7 Premium, running a Dell PC XPS on Win 7, 4GB RAM and plenty of disk space.

My site is mainly on photos, which means that it contains a lot of JPGs, all optimized by Xara and designed for display in 96dpi 1000 pix longest side.

With Xara 6 I occationally had problems with uploading, but not often. With Xara 7 it happens all the time. In general I am not able to upload anything. I always meet the error message "internal error" during the export process.

What have I done? Here it is:

1) Posted a ticket. Got a reply from support asking me to optimize all JPGs, which I did. I could then upload ONCE, but then it was back to the same problem and optimizing again does not help
2) Try running the software as administrator, no good - same problem.
3) Removing the software, restaring PC, reinstalling and trying again - same problem.

I am stocked completely. Any suggestion for a solution is very much appreciated!

best wishes
Alf J