Video Deluxe vs. Movie Studio 13

Cris-Videoeditando escrito el 23.01.PM a las 16:38 horas


I have used Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 Platinum to edit my family videos. I'm used to cutting and pasting clips, ungrouping sound from image, using transitions, adding music, editing sound... Just some little tricks to make a yearly DVD to enjoy with our family.

But since I started using HD videos and I upgraded to Windows 10, Movie Studio 9 got hanged most times when rendering, so I realized I had to move on.

Now the question is: what software do you think is more suitable for my activities, Video Deluxe or Movie Studio 13?

I'm new to this forum and I'm thankful for your answer.





ILoboAudiovisual escrito el 09.02.PM a las 17:08 horas

The best option is whatever you feel comfortable using by, some prefers Premiere , others Video Pro X (or Videodeluxe who has same layout and working flow), another Vegas ( or Movie Studio its consumer equivalent).
So if you feel comfortable using Movie studio and have no time or simply not fancy to learn another working flow maybe the better option is to stay with you are accustomed to


PD: Are u spanish native/hispanohablante? (si es asi es una chorrada que estemos hablando en inglés jajajajja)

Cris-Videoeditando escrito el 10.02.AM a las 08:48 horas

Thanks. Finally I'll go for Movie Studio, as I was quite happy with my old Vegas 9.

And yes... from Spain... Hispanohablante también.  😄😄😄

ILoboAudiovisual escrito el 10.02.AM a las 09:58 horas

Aunque sea un foro de Magix te comento que pruebes Hitfilm 4 Express , que es gratis (otra cosa son los add ons) , es como un pseudo after effects + premiere y bastante divertido de usar . Lo uso en conjunción con mi VideoDeluxe ( cuyo flujo de trabajo me encanta).

PD: también soy de España XDDD , este es el foro en español asi que sientete comodo hablando en tu lengua materna ;)