Samplitude Music Studio 8

ANDRS-FLREZHERRERO escrito el 23.08.AM a las 01:35 horas

Hello, the program is getting worse and worse, it hangs or closes quite frequently. Sometimes as soon as you open it and other times every time you open or modify the parameters of any plugin. Until recently, a form would open indicating the error (I don't know if this information reaches them or if it is of any use). In addition, I have to activate some of the plugins again for them to work properly. The truth is that I am already quite tired because it prevents me from working fluently and I am always aware of making backup copies just in case. It even sometimes makes my PC restart. It is the only program (and I work with a lot of video, image and sound editing software) that I have these problems with. Today I installed the trial version of Samplitude Pro and so far everything is correct, it is letting me finish the project I started with Samplitude Studio. Just in case, I'm going to uninstall and reinstall Samplitude Studio.


SP. escrito el 23.08.AM a las 01:54 horas

@ANDRS-FLREZHERRERO Try resetting the program settings via the Help menu. Reinstalling will not reset the settings.

ANDRS-FLREZHERRERO escrito el 23.08.AM a las 02:13 horas

I will try your proposal, thanks SP for your quick response ;)