Dragonfiles Lake

datamix escrito el 22.03.PM a las 16:36 horas


Dragonfiles Lake is the eighth track of the new album


This is a work or travel through the world of fairies and frogs, in which our protagonist, Valentina princess, must travel in order to obtain their wings ......


eighth part: Dragonfiles Lake


Once in the lake with his friend the bear, Valentina sits near the shore.
From the blue lily leaves, small blue dragonflies start flying around,
Ah, if I had wings valentina said ...
Bear says: Rub your the pink powder hurry and follow him, watch it, and maybe learn how to fly ...
valentina and the bear dance, she seems to shine and smile ...........



Thank you all for your comments



Note: If you want to hear the complete work, the links of songs are:


Fairy door (track 1):             http://www.magix.info/es/fairy-door.audio.285156.html
The magic way (track 2):     http://www.magix.info/es/the-magic-way.audio.304140.html
Frogs and wings (tarck 3):  http://www.magix.info/es/frogs-and-wings.audio.314456.html
Rain music (track 4):            http://www.magix.info/es/rain-music.audio.314832.html
Pink powder (track 5):         http://www.magix.info/es/pink-powder.audio.328345.html
Lazy bear cave (track 6):     http://www.magix.info/es/lazy-bear-cave.audio.385849.html
Music Batlle (track 7):          http://www.magix.info/es/music-batlle.audio.390892.html



El lago de las libelulas, es la Octava cancion de un nuevo album:

Se trata de una obra o viaje por el mundo de las hadas y sapos; en el que nuestra protagonista; la princesa Valentina; debe recorrer para lograr obtener sus alas......


Parte Octava, el lago de las libelulas:


Un vez en el lago con su amigo el oso, Valentina se sienta cerca de la orilla.
Desde la hojas de lirio azul, pequeñas libelulas azules comienzan a volar a su alrededor,
Ay!, si tuviera alas comenta valentina...
el oso le dice: apurate frotate el polvo rosa y sigamosle, observalas bien, quizas así aprendas como volar...
valentina y el oso bailan, ella parece brillar y sonrie...........

Gracias a todos por sus comentarios


Note: Si quieres escuchar la obra completa estos son enlaces de las canciones editadas:


La puerta de la hadas (Pista 1):       http://www.magix.info/es/fairy-door.audio.285156.html
El camino de la magia (Pista 2):        http://www.magix.info/es/the-magic-way.audio.304140.html
Ranas y alas (Pista 3):                      http://www.magix.info/es/frogs-and-wings.audio.314456.html
La musica de la lluvia (pista 4):        http://www.magix.info/es/rain-music.audio.314832.html
Polvo rosa (pista 5):                         http://www.magix.info/es/pink-powder.audio.328345.html
la cueva del oso perezoso (pista 6):http://www.magix.info/es/lazy-bear-cave.audio.385849.html
Batalla musical ( pista 7):                 http://www.magix.info/es/music-batlle.audio.390892.html


Spartano escrito el 22.03.PM a las 16:58 horas

Du bist immer noch in deine Wunderbare Geschichte, Bären die Fliegen Lernen, will ich auch!

Sehr schöne Musik mit Interessante Klänge!

Herzlichen Gruß dein Musikfreund Joachim!

Mein Künstler name ist Spartano 301, meine Freunde nennen mich Joachim, meine Jahrelange Erfahrung in der Musik ist das abmischen ( Mastern ) der Musik.

Mein Musikstill ist sehr breit gefächert, Trance, Dance, Pop, und Rock.

Musik ist für mich ein wichtige Teil meines Lebens, und es macht Spaß immer neue Musiker kennen zu lernen,

lg, von Joachim.


jos31620 escrito el 22.03.PM a las 17:04 horas

tres belle piste

amical jos 5*

HPMusicProject escrito el 22.03.PM a las 17:24 horas

Hallo,tolles Kino, schöne Arbeit

LG Heiko

thierrychoppin escrito el 22.03.PM a las 17:36 horas

I listened with headphones is a wonderful journey into your world, what a multitude of sounds that gives an idea of ​​the work,,,,,, that is very good


Best regards


Thierry 5*

Antiguo usuario escrito el 22.03.PM a las 18:00 horas

a wonderful trip through your world of sounds, I like it ........


LG Sigrid

B59fly escrito el 22.03.PM a las 19:12 horas

Eine sehr angenehme Musik. Zum träumen schön. Exzellent!

Rana escrito el 22.03.PM a las 19:34 horas

Dragonflies have always fascinated me. I went back many years in time when I was a child and catching them was so much fun, this beautiful track has stirred up so many good memories, excellent.

Antiguo usuario escrito el 22.03.PM a las 19:56 horas

Ihr schreibt alle immer was von Album -:Macht ihr sowas?! -:Eine eigene CD rausbringen -:Ist beachtlich -:Lohnt sich allemale!



Michel-Solo-Band escrito el 22.03.PM a las 20:08 horas

You do a very interressting of music,.... full with instruments and different sounds or FX.

Through the many instruments and sounds, FX "") the song leads of timing problems in some tracks.
Consider this once one, to reduce little.

Otherwise, I like the music.


Njego escrito el 22.03.PM a las 20:42 horas

You made ​​a fantastic song again (Each one of your song as a story for itself) !!!!

Antiguo usuario escrito el 22.03.PM a las 22:19 horas

muy buena Jose...



Antiguo usuario escrito el 22.03.PM a las 22:22 horas

magic music  

                  for the beautiful

                                         moments in life

holie escrito el 22.03.PM a las 22:35 horas

I can imagine the pictures you built with your words and music . . . wonderful . . . soft an happy !

Hugh ! Karin

Antiguo usuario escrito el 22.03.PM a las 23:04 horas

Great originality and creativity, in the music and in the sounds.

I like it.



Antiguo usuario escrito el 23.03.AM a las 00:59 horas

Hai un modo di fare musica molto originale, creativo e per niente scontato, questo brano è molto bello in tutti i passaggi nuove emozioni.Ciao5*+ You have the an opportunity to make very original music, creative and at all discounted, this passage is very beautiful in all the passages new emotions.Ciao5*+

Sandro_Glavina_Channel escrito el 23.03.AM a las 01:23 horas

WONDERFUL !!! ciao da Sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA





SpriteBat escrito el 23.03.AM a las 06:42 horas

I can always hear a unique style in the songs of this project. The atmospheres you create have painted pictures in my mind. Well done! 5*


How many songs remain?

nihon94 escrito el 23.03.AM a las 07:43 horas

Nice cover design and great music

5 s


bluebox escrito el 23.03.AM a las 07:48 horas

Nice fantastic music.......very music score like.



jorual escrito el 23.03.AM a las 10:13 horas

Hola Jose,


Con este tema, uno se siente volando entre sueños agradables. Excelente Jose.

Saludos de Joaquin.

redisland escrito el 23.03.AM a las 11:08 horas

einfach klasse

gruss die redis

Antiguo usuario escrito el 23.03.PM a las 18:12 horas

You take the thread of your story, with a nice way ....

Always the music for this magical world of fairies .... and you're the magician ....

Antiguo usuario escrito el 23.03.PM a las 18:51 horas

starts with something to relax, goes on with something confusing, ends up in harmonie & leaves me something to think about - very inspiring!  5*

Antiguo usuario escrito el 23.03.PM a las 20:10 horas

Hello Pedro,

My friend VickyDan has told always for me ..


with frienship

Antonio Fiorillo