Dear friend, for the sake of fairness, I am warning you of my decision. The community has been working very poorly for a long time and has lost its fundamental prerogatives, namely... publishing one's own work but also listening to and sharing that of others. This has not happened for a long time. I have continued willingly and without expecting anything in return to listen to what is published, but unfortunately I note that many have not understood this. Now in my area they say: now I'm going on strike and I will no longer listen to anything that is published. I am tied to the community so I will not leave and I will continue to publish my products and those of MITS. If I see improvements I will be ready to review my decision, if not, patience Ciao Franco
As usual, this is excellent material. That trumpet is perfect. Everything sounds just right and is mixed perfectly. Thanks for a great listen. God bless.
Wie üblich handelt es sich um ein hervorragendes Material. Diese Trompete ist perfekt. Alles klingt genau richtig und ist perfekt abgemischt. Vielen Dank für das tolle Zuhören. Gott segne Sie.