Bel pezzo, riflessivo, mi piacciono gli archi dominanti che supportano magnificamente la chitarra, oltre al bel canto. Unica nota stonata: la conclusione troncata, peccato. Ma va bene lo stesso. Ottimo lavoro.
What do you people have with the Skorpions (Rana too). I find your voice from time to time a little too much in the background and I think Tommy G is right. But still the result is splendid 5* (could be super splendid).
eine spanische Version hab ich auch noch nicht gehört.....setzt deiner Kreativität auch keine Grenzen....deine Stimme könnte etwas mehr nach vorn oder als Alternative im Duett mit Frank Sinatra .
You do your part well but the mastering destroy it all. You should take more attention on it. Its not only your voice, its the whole song that have to be in balance.
I know you are a good singer and a fantastic guitar-player. But it seems the work in the studio is not your best choice ^^. But if you are your own producer, you have to learn it.
Its not so hard you think maybe. Come on, you can do it. ^^