Other World ( Ambient)

Picnicboy schrieb am 16.11.2020 um 00:16 Uhr
Tags: MIDI, Ambient


Hier is ma ne ganz andere Klangerzeugung untergebracht.

Der Track is komplett analog.

Moog Modular und Roland SH5 sind hier zu hören.

Am Modular laufen drei Sequenzer und dann hab ich mim SH5 dazu gespielt.

Die Geräusche stammen auch vom SH5.

Streicher und Chor sind dann MIDI.

Viel Spaß mit dem Stück im Stil der Berliner Schule.

LG, Pic😎


Sandro_Glavina_Channel schrieb am 16.11.2020 um 00:50 Uhr

Absolutely addicting. Fantastic emotional experience of listening to this music - the interaction of the synths used is perfect - ciao da sandro

Sandro Glavina is an italian composer, named L'Uomo e L'Ombra. The choice of the name derives from the title of the album "L'uomo e l'ombra" of the band "Abstract Music Nuova Esistenza", an experimental group founded by Sandro Glavina together with his friends in the mid-70s.

In the period 2009-2022, L'Uomo e L'Ombra has done 84 albums. The compositions of Sandro Glavina are partly influenced by progressive rock. Sandro has developed a personal style with many experimentations and actualizations. He offers music beyond borders by intertwining different styles in crossover with each other. Prog, psychedelia, classical, post-rock, jazz, pop are some of the influences that dissolve in ambient atmospheres, citations of contemporary music and minimalist nuances. Sandro Glavina aka L'Uomo e L'Ombra plays the music using VSTI synthesizers, keyboards and adds some loops. Sandro isn't a professional musician, composes and plays music just for fun, but his works reach a good outcome, pleasant to listen. L'UOMO E L'OMBRA





Xanevik schrieb am 16.11.2020 um 02:00 Uhr

I had that exact helmet man! Gave it away this year as a gift. Your synths are amazing and you use them the best. Excellent track. Enjoyed very very much.

Ehemaliger User schrieb am 16.11.2020 um 10:48 Uhr

Hi Pic,

0 Meckerei...an den "Synthies" macht dir keiner mehr was vor...schönes atmosphärisches Stück, erinnert mich an alte Tage, als Synthesizer so langsam das Licht der Welt erblickten (analog)>Fazit...klasse gemacht👍👍👍



Jochen-S schrieb am 16.11.2020 um 12:46 Uhr

Hi Pic,

sehr schön anzuhören... Diese analogen Synthies, kann man einfach nicht wegdenken...👍👌👍

LG, Jochen...

Siggi-M schrieb am 16.11.2020 um 15:52 Uhr

das ist wieder schöne Hamburger Schule 👌

Gut gemacht Pic.

Gruß Siggi....

Ingo-Flieger schrieb am 16.11.2020 um 16:40 Uhr

space-time !!

und die Synths sind erste Sahne👍👍👍👌👌👌

Grüße, Ingo

franco-galateo schrieb am 16.11.2020 um 18:34 Uhr

just fabulous, very interesting arpeggiator ... very good musical construction
