compliment this is a very good track in the conuntry rock style .. applause
Ehemaliger User
schrieb am 14.02.2021 um 14:26 Uhr
Hallo Hubert,
super Rockstück von dir mit dezentem Countryrock-feeling, was mir besonders gut gefällt. Schöne Breaks und schöne Gitarren drin... richtig gut gemacht 👌👍👌👏
Hi Hubert, is that your voice, wow love the drum beats and varied percussion, yeah it has that crossed fusion of country rock, great melody, wonderfully produced. an excellent piece from you, cheers. 💯😀👍🍺🍺🍺
je connais les boucles que tu as bien utilisées et surtout la partie voix!, Tu as tout mis en place d'une très belle manière, très cohérente pour en faire un rock personnalisé, très bon travail mon ami
Great rock track, Hubert! The accompaniment went well with the vocals. The sound is very clear. You did a good job of the mixing. The drumming and guitars are very strong and I liked the fast tempo. Well done!