Liebe Musiker-Freunde,
unser Freund Dan (Vicky-Dan) sandte mir einen wunderschönen Song und fragte, ob mir etwas dazu einfallen würde . . . nun, dies ist mir dazu eingefallen ist.
Ich hoffe, ich hab' dett schöne Ding nich versaut . . . pardon . . . und
wir hoffen, es macht Euch ein wenig Freude !
Habt eine schöne Woche !
Herzlichst, Karin und Dan
Hello, english-speaking friends !
our friend Dan (Vicky-Dan) sent me his wonderful song to asked me if I have an idea for this,
So, this is my idea . . . (rest I can not translate :o) . . . ok, it is something like "I hope I did it ok . . "
We hope you like it.
Have a niece week !
Sincerely Dan and Karin
We have thousand possibilities, just in difficult times
to remember, what is important to us.
And there are thousand possibilities to spread love
also if it is simply a smile.
I look around and the world seems to be colder
people getting older, but it just seems to be
around the world, love will flow ahead
if we join together, and no one is left alone
No one accustom us - not even over the time -
of unsecurity and fear.
We still know what happiness means to us.
No one
you are not alone . . .
I look around and I'm grateful that I'm here
with friends and with you
that makes sense in my life -
around the world, love will flow
because we join together, and no one is left alone . . .