love your guns 2

dario-b62 schrieb am 04.04.2015 um 21:43 Uhr

love your guns: musick and lyrics--osso

i wanted a love came out a protest song about guns, wars and comenders siting in warm cozy places , the idiots ; fight and die, never knowing the real war reasons.

like allways

dedicated to all wo died fighting for a god reason and does wo keep doing it, to make the world a better place.


tingel schrieb am 05.04.2015 um 20:22 Uhr

hey dario....?? kenne Deinen Namen nicht... tut mir leid, sicher ne coole Nummer, doch voll übersteuert... kann jetzt nicht mal die Absicht sehen dahinter... mach das noch mal und schicke den Text mit... ich glaube, dass Du uns etwas mitteilen willst... ich denke nur, das wir das falsch verstehen... Du wirst verstehen, das ich so keine Sterne vergeben kann... ... denn ich habe nichts verstanden... gruß Tingel...

dario-b62 schrieb am 05.04.2015 um 22:28 Uhr


they are holding the guns

and firing guns

like wars, firing guns, fighting wars, stretsching holes, making holes, skating doles

firing guns.....rataatataaaattttaaaa....firing guns

improperli used by the wrong peopel, wo ist wrong who s right, who s god, who s bad, who s in comand

hey dude, i m going home, i m gona see my parents, see if amy s stil around, the war is over,

you are crazy mann , better stay place for the next one, the otherone coming, i tell you , it won t be long

hey dude ! take your gun and go fight our enemis, 

i wana go home, i don t want to fight no more, let them do the blody work, i would do anything for my peopel and country but i don t kill anyone, i refuse to do it, go on yourself, if you realy want to





Ehemaliger User schrieb am 07.04.2015 um 17:14 Uhr

"E' apprezzabile l'impegno, ma questo brano non mi ha entisiasmato.

rimane comunque che la musica è musica e quindi è meglio comporta che non comporla.
