Happy Birthday my Dear

PianoMan schrieb am 18.11.2019 um 15:36 Uhr
Tags: Pop, Countrypop, Sonstiges

Auch wenn ich im Moment leider nicht viel Zeit habe, um Musik zu machen, aber ein kleines Liedchen zum Geburtstag meiner Frau war noch drin. Ist also ein eigener, ganz neuer Song, Basics mit BiB 2019 gemacht, Vocals mit Samplitude Pro X4 aufgenommen und noch Cello und Strings hinzugefügt und dort auch alles abgemischt.



Although at the moment I do not have much time to make music, but a little song for my wife's birthday was still in there. So it's a completely new song, basics done with BiB 2019, vocals recorded with Samplitude Pro X4 and added cello and strings and mixed everything there.

[ Image is a free one from Pixabay, Gerd Altmann ]

Here ist the text:

Time is passing by
and the circle of life 
is spinning around,
but I'm glad what I found,
that's  you, yes it's you,
it's so true, so true.

So happy birthday my dear,
we wish you all the best,
and not only for this year,
live long live well,
that would be the best.

In the darkest hour
you shall have the needed power
to solve all your problems
so never give up.
Because we all need you,
that is true, so true.

So happy birthday my dear,
we wish you all the best,
and not only for this year,
live long live well,
that would be the best.



Jochen-S schrieb am 18.11.2019 um 15:43 Uhr

great 👍👍👍👋👋👋, nice birthday song...
Greeting Jochen

Siggi-M schrieb am 18.11.2019 um 21:30 Uhr

schön gemacht !


GuanyinJC schrieb am 18.11.2019 um 23:54 Uhr

Guau genial improvisacion, me dejas sin palabras. Estoy seguro de que a tu esposa le habra encantado. Felicidades para los dos. 👏👌


Wow great improvisation, you leave me speechless. I'm sure your wife would have loved it. Congratulations to both of you.

franco-galateo schrieb am 19.11.2019 um 10:17 Uhr

 everything seems well built, I would say that it is a good track


h-rtl schrieb am 19.11.2019 um 15:32 Uhr

Guter track.I like it😎😎😎!!!

Paulo.Costa schrieb am 20.11.2019 um 00:32 Uhr

Ótima Melodia... Feliz Aniversário!!!

Renewal schrieb am 05.12.2019 um 21:25 Uhr

Gut gemacht!