Frankie Kay & Elemental Child - At the Mountains of Madness

Frankie-Kay schrieb am 30.08.2020 um 15:10 Uhr
Tags: Ambient, Soundtrack


- Zum 130. Geburtstag von H. P. Lovecraft, dem Meister der phantastischen Horrorliteratur -


Concept, Music and Production by Frankie Kay & Elemental Child © 2020



I After the Storm 0:00

II The White Aeon-dead World 4:13

III The Gigantic Mountains 9:37

IV Elder Things 13:50

V The Mystery in Black 15:54

VI Zoological Complete Specimens 17:11

VII The Very Emergency 18:51

VIII Dreadful Havoc 21:35

IX Under Five-pointed Mounds 22:56

X The Scene of the Tragedy 25:54

XI Shoggoth 27:38

XII Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li! 29:35


Ehemaliger User schrieb am 31.08.2020 um 11:19 Uhr


sehr interessante Klangwelt die mir sehr gut gefällt..



smartsmurf schrieb am 04.09.2020 um 07:51 Uhr


Modern psychology offers only unproven theories. Some see them as the meaningless tossing and turning of a brain settling into a restful sleep. Others see them as laden with symbols of our unconscious desires. To still others, dreams represent the upwelling of the archetypes, normally hidden deep within the recesses of the human collective unconscious. Of one thing I am certain: after a brush with the Ancients, our dreams metamorphosize into nightmares...

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