Fed Up (old School Rap)

speedy_eg_5-8. schrieb am 04.06.2017 um 14:57 Uhr
Tags: Musikvideos
Breite: 960
Höhe: 540
Dauer: 06:40
Format: mp4

Those were the days. Falco and his Kommissar. But I also remember Mezzoforte, Grandmaster Flash, and my all time favorite Debbie Harry-Blondie and Rapture. If you can't sing properly Rap is always a solution ;-)😎


franco-galateo schrieb am 04.06.2017 um 15:30 Uhr

performance video and audio very good


speedy_eg_5-8. schrieb am 04.06.2017 um 22:19 Uhr

thx franco I use normally several Win Amp plug ins. Everything with Win Amp is quite old. But you find the player and the gimmicks still in the net. Milkdrop is still an amazing visualizer. For the use for Video I use Ice Cream a sceenshot and capture programm or let's say app. Unregistered normally also fed up of more and more spam mails. But since a few weeks this version makes only Videos up to about 3 min. This is why you can see here the Desktop for a moment. It's looped twice. Btw Magix Music Maker is then the perfekt tool to add all this stuff under the Sound Tracks. I use the MMM not so much for composing, recording and midi instruments but I like the DAW for arranging, editing, also auto mastering and sometimes the guitar amp Vandal SE. Forgot to say Ice Cream allows also writing into the Video, and I have muted switched off soundcard und sound recording. It would be analog straight via soundcard. cya again

speedy_eg_5-8. schrieb am 24.06.2017 um 05:26 Uhr

Thx a lot