"Indulge yourself today — all that creative energy needs an outlet! See if you can sneak away from your obligations and make some art, write a song or just dance like a baby monkey."
Wonderful track...a smoothie.
Ehemaliger User
schrieb am 17.09.2011 um 11:45 Uhr
Hallo Tom,
schöner elektronischer Sound der 70/80er lässt eine spacige Stimmung entstehen.Gute Musik.
Ehemaliger User
schrieb am 17.09.2011 um 17:57 Uhr
Salut Tom ....
Always the musical theme, that you master with class .... You have a very perfection, and the illusion is perfect with the music of mythical group "Tangerine Dream", and guitar of Edgar Froese .... Truly a great musical moment .... I am and remain fan.