Below Sea Level

NorbertSN schrieb am 11.09.2015 um 10:16 Uhr
Album: Norbert MAGIX Songs

Diving with whales - what can be more majestic and exciting at the same time?

I tried to create a steady underwater atmosphere within kind of an Easy Listening / Ambient / Trance surrounding.

Hope you enjoy this track. Samples & Wave files.

BR Norbert


Tauchen mit Walen - was kann majestätischer und aufregender zugleich sein?

Ich habe versucht eine stete Unterwasser Atmosphäre innerhalb einer Easy Listening / Ambient / Trance Umgebung zu schaffen.

Ich hoffe, Ihr mögt dieses Stück. Samples und Wave Files.

VG Norbert


smartsmurf schrieb am 12.09.2015 um 23:52 Uhr

Mit Unterwasseratmosphäre kann ich dieses Stück zwar nicht in Verbindung bringen...

...egal, mir gefällt's trotzdem.  

D-Hynez schrieb am 22.09.2015 um 20:41 Uhr

I sort of get where you are trying to go with this track, I like the track, the feel of it...I do not see an association with a whale, I see something more vast, whereas the oceans are full of wonderful sea beings. I imagined myself going sea diving and found myself in a deep sea adventure; floating through the coral reefs, playing around with a few dolphins, and waving at the whales...

Zuletzt geändert von D-Hynez am 22.09.2015, 20:41, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

I come from a musical background, from my parents 1960's throw down parties, singing lead in choirs and in groups,  playing the Baritone & Tuba Treble  Clef during the good old days of Junior High & High School Band, and later on in my life, there is  music production.

 Most individuals ask what music genre am I. I am eclectic, withstanding I produce music that gives me goose bumbs, stirs my soul, or gives me heart palpitations - easy on the ears and active. 

Generally I am a mad scientist when it comes to music, I like to experiment with different sounds and blend all types of genres. Since I have had the wonderful experience of playing instruments in band, my  key signature is the piano. I love piano, it is sophisticated, melodic and piano can blend into any type of music.  

Strings gravitates towards feelings, emotions and dramatics, while saxaphones and trumpets are sassy.  I am a bass line lover, so my bass lines will have different variations to change the groove of my instrumental pieces.

So you see I am a bundle of variations, and I hope that you enjoy the experience and the sounds of D-HYNEZ'S music...Blessings to you all and thank you in advance..