Beautiful Day By Rebecca King & Martin Hirsch

MartinHirsch schrieb am 13.01.2022 um 21:27 Uhr
Tags: Countrypop

Ladies and Gentlemen, I had the wonderful honor of working with Rebecca and Jochen. Rebecca and Jochen wrote these wonderful lyrics for this song. And the dreamlike voice of Rebecca King makes this song a real experience. I would like to thank Rebecca King and Jochen again for this great collaboration. Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish you a Beautiful Day with this song. Thanks for listening

Lyrics by Rebecca King and Jochen
Singing by Rebecca King @rebecca-newcountry
Instrumental Track and Mastering by Martin Hirsch

When I woke up this morning sunlight was kissing my neck.
Coffee tasted so good, everything fell right into place.

My heart was beating with the whole wide world
as I was singing with the trees, the wind, the birds…

Beautiful, Beautiful, Oh Beautiful Day
Beautiful, Beautiful, Oh Beautiful Day
B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, Beautiful Day
B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L Day.

At noon I found to many butterflies to count,
this is where I walked on air, not on the ground.

Life may not always be a walk in the park,
sometimes not slightly bright, more pretty dark.
But if you listen very carefully,
sometimes it plays your favourite melody.

When I saw the moonlight shimmering in your eyes,
it seemed to me this time timing was right.


Jochen-S schrieb am 13.01.2022 um 23:49 Uhr

Hallo Martin, klasse Zusammenarbeit, hat mir gefallen und gern gehört...

LG, Jochen...

MartinHirsch schrieb am 14.01.2022 um 02:26 Uhr

Vielen dank Jochen. Freud mich zu hören🙂🙏🙏

kreativ_music schrieb am 14.01.2022 um 09:00 Uhr

Sehr schöner Song. Stimmen mag ich sehr in einem Lied ( auch wenn ich englisch nicht verstehe) aber man kann Musik auch so verstehen wenn sie einen anspricht 🙂👌👏 🙋

Ehemaliger User schrieb am 14.01.2022 um 11:08 Uhr

Toll! Holt mich total ab, Martin! 😃👍👍 Dankeschön!

Vio-Project schrieb am 14.01.2022 um 22:21 Uhr

Great country sound! Singing and voice very professional! I like it very, very much!!! 👌👌👌👑👑👑👍👍👍

LG Sylvio 😎

Ehemaliger User schrieb am 15.01.2022 um 12:46 Uhr


Picnicboy schrieb am 16.01.2022 um 15:46 Uhr


Nice track with a good Chant. Cool Collaboration. WOW.

LG, Pic😎