Beach Dreamings

moccale schrieb am 07.04.2013 um 16:36 Uhr

Hallo Kollegen,

Sonne, Meer und dann mit dem Baby an den Strand - was will man mehr! Bald ist wieder Sommer und endlich kann man wieder in lauen Nächten mit dem Boot an den Strand fahren und die warmen Sonnenstrahlen genießen..... - Davon erzählt die Melodie....

Hi guys,

sun, sea and then take your baby to the beach - thats what we are living for.  A few months then summer is on and you can go on a warm summer evening with the boat to the lovely beaches and get the warming evening sun - The melodie tells you about this feeling.


Jeen schrieb am 07.04.2013 um 20:17 Uhr

Nice combination of instruments!

Farstom schrieb am 07.04.2013 um 21:25 Uhr

well done

i like it

Zuletzt geändert von Farstom am 07.04.2013, 21:25, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

I know nothing about music. Only listened .. Using technology also makes possible for me to be able to make music.

  I am also into photography amateur.

I'm not here for stars score but coment with advice for improvement of my music.

at my coment on music of others, I remain honest. this must be mutual .

I give my voice just as public and not as someone who knows something from music.

 I'm open to all criticism. I want to learn something

