VDL 17 plus hakt/stoppt beim Export

paipel schrieb am 14.06.2011 um 08:55 Uhr


wie imTitel beschrieben, hakt das Programm nach ca. der Hälfte des Exports und stoppt dann ganz. Allerdings habe ich jetzt schon unterschiedliche Ausgabeformate probiert und es hakt immer an einer anderen Stelle. Projekt ist 17 min Lang und ich hatte es schon bis 2.11 min vor Ende gerendert gehabt! 
Importmaterial ist relatin rechenintensives HD_material von einer Canon 7d. Exportformat ist mpeg4/h264 und 2pass bei 20000 Kbps.
Ist nicht mein erster Film. Sonst hat es immer tadellos funktioniert. Gab nie Probleme. Einziger Unterschied zum jetztigen Film: Viel mehr Effekte und etwas länger (17 min).
Woran kann es liegen?

Kann jemand das Fehlerprotokoll lesen?


paipel schrieb am 15.06.2011 um 13:18 Uhr

Hier das Fehlerprotokoll, vielleicht kann ja jemand was damit anfangen:

MAGIX Video deluxe 17 Plus  19.05.2011  15:07
CrashDump 20110519_150704_v10.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "(null)" (Ladeadresse: 0xffffffff) an Adresse 0x939c2000
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 0000169c)
  eax=939c2000  ebx=71bcde00  ecx=0102ffff  edx=0018f078
  esi=0d5cf050  edi=003587e8  ebp=1a85a560  esp=0018e67c
  eip=939c2000  Flags=00010206

  939c1ff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  939c2000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  939c2008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 16.08.2010  13:29   a7d1f782

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  512
Pages:  262.144

PI:  270.928
PI_TEMP_DATA: 50.208
SI:  557.960
SI_TEMP_DATA: 89.648
FSI:  1.128

Blocks:  6.956
Temporary: 54
BE:  192.000
PLE:  770.000
BE Pool:  364
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 27.688
B.cache outproc: 2.847.220(6)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  4.608.080(4.608.080/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 1.938.768(78)
SI Display Cache: 3.885.640
PLE Display Cache: 2.016.844

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  10.961.224

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0

Private Bytes: 409 MByte

TLS:  990
MXGUI:  26.846.260
Sum:  52.629.430

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7600)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
939C2000  0018E678  0000:00000000 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_17_Plus\Videodeluxe.exe
0063A8D6  0018E67C  0001:002398D6 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_17_Plus\Videodeluxe.exe
0D85F6D0  0018E680  0000:00000000
0018F078  0018E684  0000:00000000
A6375A9E  0018F078  0000:00000000 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_17_Plus\Videodeluxe.exe

MAGIX Video deluxe 17 Plus  19.05.2011  15:08
CrashDump 20110519_150804_v10.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "(null)" (Ladeadresse: 0xffffffff) an Adresse 0xcccccccc
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 0000169c)
  eax=cccccccc  ebx=71bcde00  ecx=00680074  edx=0018f078
  esi=0d5cf050  edi=1604c9c0  ebp=1a990fa0  esp=0018e67c
  eip=cccccccc  Flags=00010206

  ccccccc4   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  cccccccc > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  ccccccd4   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 16.08.2010  13:29   a7d1f782

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  512
Pages:  262.144

PI:  270.928
PI_TEMP_DATA: 50.208
SI:  557.960
SI_TEMP_DATA: 89.648
FSI:  1.128

Blocks:  6.956
Temporary: 54
BE:  192.000
PLE:  770.000
BE Pool:  364
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 27.688
B.cache outproc: 2.847.220(6)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  4.608.080(4.608.080/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 1.938.768(78)
SI Display Cache: 3.885.640
PLE Display Cache: 2.016.844

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  10.961.224

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0

Private Bytes: 410 MByte

TLS:  989
MXGUI:  26.846.260
Sum:  52.629.430

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7600)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
CCCCCCCC  0018E678  0000:00000000 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_17_Plus\Videodeluxe.exe
0063A8D6  0018E67C  0001:002398D6 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_17_Plus\Videodeluxe.exe
0D85F6D0  0018E680  0000:00000000
0018F078  0018E684  0000:00000000
A6375A9E  0018F078  0000:00000000 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_17_Plus\Videodeluxe.exe

MAGIX Video deluxe 17 Plus  09.06.2011  17:28
CrashDump 20110609_172800_v10.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "(null)" (Ladeadresse: 0xffffffff) an Adresse 0x4106c7b6
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00000bac)
  eax=4106c7b6  ebx=7154de00  ecx=0031ffff  edx=0018ef80
  esi=0d4d6aa8  edi=17c3c198  ebp=0d542e14  esp=0018e584
  eip=4106c7b6  Flags=00010216

  4106c7ae   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  4106c7b6 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  4106c7be   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 16.08.2010  13:29   a7d1f782

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  339.808
PI_TEMP_DATA: 12.552
SI:  485.576
SI_TEMP_DATA: 30.260
FSI:  13.536

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 2.320
BE:  120.000
PLE:  770.000
BE Pool:  252
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 76(1)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  4.608.080(4.608.080/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 1.814.488(73)
SI Display Cache: 2.072.096
PLE Display Cache: 5.471.352

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  28.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  10.847.216

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0

Private Bytes: 465 MByte

TLS:  973
MXGUI:  31.301.460
Sum:  58.071.700

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7600)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
4106C7B6  0018E580  0000:00000000 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_17_Plus\Videodeluxe.exe
0063A8D6  0018E584  0001:002398D6 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_17_Plus\Videodeluxe.exe
0D480F80  0018E588  0000:00000000
0018EF80  0018E58C  0000:00000000
86A9FE8C  0018EF80  0000:00000000 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_17_Plus\Videodeluxe.exe

MAGIX Video deluxe 17 Plus  13.06.2011  22:19

MAGIX Video deluxe 17 Plus  13.06.2011  22:19

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 0000033c)
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=ff98f950  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=0000000c  ebp=ff98f8f4  esp=ff98f888
  eip=7788e066  Flags=00010293

  7788e05e   87 24 fc 04 00 8b 5d 08
  7788e066 > 8b 43 44 8b 4b 5c 09 45
  7788e06e   0c 89 4d f4 3b ce 0f 85

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 16.08.2010  13:29   a7d1f782

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  512
Pages:  262.144

PI:  211.232
PI_TEMP_DATA: 50.208
SI:  479.544
SI_TEMP_DATA: 89.648
FSI:  1.880

Blocks:  11.212
Temporary: 186
BE:  288.000
PLE:  770.000
BE Pool:  532
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 27.688
B.cache outproc: 20.794.412(18)
B.cache mapped: 8.294.520(1)
Video:  19.243.760(16.123.616/4.142.576)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 8.282.872(222)
SI Display Cache: 2.072.096
PLE Display Cache: 6.823.256

Buffer:  384.704
Pointer:  0

Title:  966
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  10.844.200

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  32
VSW:  0

Private Bytes: -581 MByte

TLS:  965
MXGUI:  37.032.724
Sum:  95.478.932

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7600)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB