Rendervorgang bricht nach einiger Zeit ab

Wi3l4nd schrieb am 07.08.2014 um 22:53 Uhr

Ich habe einen sehr aufwendigen Film bearbeitet und möchte diesen nun als Mpeg4 exportieren (Magix Video Deluxe 2013). Doch irgendwann bricht der Exportvorgang einfach ab und Magix stürtzt ab. Ich habe jetzt bereits 3 Stunden damit verbracht eine Lösung zu finden (Auch im Internet). Auf einer Seite hieß es, dass das bis dahin gerenderte Video im .Temp Ordner gefunden werden könne. Danach könne man den Film untern den Film bei Magix ziehen und gucken bei welcher Minute ein Fehler vorliegt. Allerdings habe ich im Temp Ordner nirgendwo etwas sehen können. Oder kann es sogar sein, dass ich den falschen Ordner aufgesucht habe? Ich bin mittlerweile wirklich sehr ratlos und werde hier noch verrückt :/. Deswegen hoffe ich, dass jemand eine Lösung für mich hat!

Vielen Dank im Vorraus.

MFG Julian


Ehemaliger User schrieb am 07.08.2014 um 23:52 Uhr

Bitte gehen Sie bei Ihrer Fragestellung auf folgende Punkte ein:

    Womit haben Sie ein Problem?
    Wann und wie tritt es auf?
    Was für eine Hardware nutzen Sie?
    Welches Betriebssystem verwenden Sie?
    Wie heißt die Software, die Sie benutzen und wie lautet ihre Versionsnummer?

BilderMacher schrieb am 08.08.2014 um 09:13 Uhr

Oder kann es sogar sein, dass ich den falschen Ordner aufgesucht habe?


Im Speicherordner, also da, wohin das Video exportiert werden soll, liegt der unvollständige Teil ...


Zuletzt geändert von BilderMacher am 08.08.2014, 09:13, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

"Je mehr die Menschen wissen, desto weniger müssen sie glauben!"

Ich kann vieles, darf aber nicht alles.


Hardware / Software:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
12288 MB RAM
DirectX 12

Intel(R) UHD Graphics (für Import, Verarbeitung, Export)

NVIDIA GeForce MX250 (wird nicht in Schnitt-SW verwendet)

  • Video deluxe 2016 Premium
  • Video deluxe 2024 Premium
  • Video Pro X 15
  • Photostory Deluxe 2024
  • Samplitude X7 Suite
  • ACID Pro 11
  • Music Maker 2025 Premium
  • MAGIX/XARA Graphic-/Web-Designer


Edition    Windows 10 Home
Version    22H2
Installiert am    ‎15.‎10.‎2020
Betriebssystembuild    19045.4717
Leistung    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0


Browser: Mozilla Firefox 128.0 (64-Bit)

Wi3l4nd schrieb am 08.08.2014 um 19:17 Uhr


Oder kann es sogar sein, dass ich den falschen Ordner aufgesucht habe?


Im Speicherordner, also da, wohin das Video exportiert werden soll, liegt der unvollständige Teil ...


Die Datei, die sich im Speicherordner befindet ist beschädigt. Ich kann sie weder öffnen noch irgendetwas anderes damit machen.

Wi3l4nd schrieb am 08.08.2014 um 19:37 Uhr


Unter welchem Namen und mit welcher Dateiendung wurde die Datei angelegt ...

Ich exportiere die Datei im MPEG 4 Format. Aber es ist egal welches Format ich nehme, da Magix immer abschmiert.


BilderMacher schrieb am 08.08.2014 um 20:06 Uhr

Gibt es eigentlich ein Log von den Abstürzen? Bitte mal posten!

Zuletzt geändert von BilderMacher am 08.08.2014, 20:06, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

"Je mehr die Menschen wissen, desto weniger müssen sie glauben!"

Ich kann vieles, darf aber nicht alles.


Hardware / Software:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
12288 MB RAM
DirectX 12

Intel(R) UHD Graphics (für Import, Verarbeitung, Export)

NVIDIA GeForce MX250 (wird nicht in Schnitt-SW verwendet)

  • Video deluxe 2016 Premium
  • Video deluxe 2024 Premium
  • Video Pro X 15
  • Photostory Deluxe 2024
  • Samplitude X7 Suite
  • ACID Pro 11
  • Music Maker 2025 Premium
  • MAGIX/XARA Graphic-/Web-Designer


Edition    Windows 10 Home
Version    22H2
Installiert am    ‎15.‎10.‎2020
Betriebssystembuild    19045.4717
Leistung    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0


Browser: Mozilla Firefox 128.0 (64-Bit)

Wi3l4nd schrieb am 08.08.2014 um 20:38 Uhr


Gibt es eigentlich ein Log von den Abstürzen? Bitte mal posten!

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  24.08.2013  15:09
CrashDump 20130824_150923_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20130824_150923_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00000a50)
  eax=80000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=80000000  edx=80000000
  esi=07fed9f0  edi=00000000  ebp=80000000  esp=0018f748
  eip=00649a5a  Flags=00210a87

  00649a52   89 6c 24 48 89 44 24 44
  00649a5a > 8b 4f 20 89 4c 24 40 89
  00649a62   5c 24 3c e8 a7 96 53 00

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  0
SI:  0
FSI:  0

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 0
BE:  0
PLE:  0
BE Pool:  0
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 0(0)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  0(0/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 0
PLE Display Cache: 0

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  0

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 0
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 108 MByte

TLS:  983
MXGUI:  674.664
Sum:  741.400

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
00649A5A  0018F7A8  0001:00248A5A D:\Video deluxe 2013\Videodeluxe.exe

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  01.12.2013  16:46
CrashDump 20131201_164647_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "ntdll.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x774e0000) an Adresse 0x7750e3be
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00000124)
  eax=678f9890  ebx=15315630  ecx=06a60000  edx=15315630
  esi=3f19325d  edi=15315628  ebp=15e6efa4  esp=15e6ef70
  eip=7750e3be  Flags=00010202

  7750e3b6   00 5e 77 89 7d fc 33 f1
  7750e3be > 8b 46 04 89 45 f4 c6 47
  7750e3c6   07 80 c6 47 06 00 8b 5e

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  15:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  01.12.2013  16:49
CrashDump 20131201_164905_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20131201_164905_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written


Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00001bc8)
  eax=26b40020  ebx=1a500020  ecx=00000270  edx=00000000
  esi=1a55d020  edi=26b9d020  ebp=1e42fdc8  esp=1e42fdc0
  eip=74be463e  Flags=00010202

  74be4636   eb 06 8d 9b 00 00 00 00
  74be463e > 66 0f 6f 06 66 0f 6f 4e
  74be4646   10 66 0f 6f 56 20 66 0f

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  15:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  512
Pages:  262.144

PI:  17.472
SI:  157.680
SI_TEMP_DATA: 163.644
FSI:  376

Blocks:  27.456
Temporary: 0
BE:  672.000
PLE:  780.000
BE Pool:  924
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 352
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 100(1)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  2.188.920(2.188.920/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 1.391.936(56)
SI Display Cache: 3.132.864
PLE Display Cache: 433.416

Buffer:  1.592.848
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  28.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  6.109.240

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 0
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 415 MByte

TLS:  976
MXGUI:  24.887.532
Sum:  41.954.508

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
74BE463E  1E42FDC8  _threadhandle+BB0
74BE46FC  1E42FDF8  _threadhandle+C6E
0B991FA6  1E42FE2C  DllGetClassObject+13B46
75BE1654  1E42FE30  WaitForMultipleObjectsEx+16B
757D19FC  1E42FE78  WaitForMultipleObjectsEx+8E
757D41D8  1E42FE94  WaitForMultipleObjects+18
0B99A3E5  1E42FEA8  DllGetClassObject+1BF85
0B9998E1  1E42FEB8  DllGetClassObject+1B481
0B999ADC  1E42FEF0  DllGetClassObject+1B67C
0B99A0C9  1E42FF14  DllGetClassObject+1BC69
0B998180  1E42FF30  DllGetClassObject+19D20
6A79A6E2  1E42FF78  DllGetClassObject+4A02
6A79AAD4  1E42FF88  DllGetClassObject+4DF4
757D336A  1E42FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77519F72  1E42FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77519F45  1E42FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  01.12.2013  16:57
CrashDump 20131201_165715_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20131201_165715_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 000018c0)
  eax=15810800  ebx=00000000  ecx=00018cbe  edx=00000000
  esi=157ad508  edi=1ca83000  ebp=22a3fdf8  esp=22a3fdf0
  eip=74bfae7a  Flags=00010212

  74bfae72   83 e2 03 83 f9 08 72 2a
  74bfae7a > f3 a5 ff 24 95 94 af bf
  74bfae82   74 90 8b c7 ba 03 00 00

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  15:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  01.12.2013  16:57
CrashDump 20131201_165715_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20131201_165715_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written


Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00001a54)
  eax=1ca7f160  ebx=00000000  ecx=5cab614b  edx=74c28fc2
  esi=068b0000  edi=00000000  ebp=21eafd74  esp=21eafd68
  eip=775130bd  Flags=00010206

  775130b5   33 0d a4 00 5e 77 33 ce
  775130bd > 66 8b 49 10 0f b7 f9 8a
  775130c5   48 07 80 f9 05 0f 84 2c

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  15:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  19.12.2013  20:08
CrashDump 20131219_200808_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20131219_200808_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00000e24)
  eax=80000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=80000000  edx=80000000
  esi=0e4ba9b0  edi=00000000  ebp=80000000  esp=0018f748
  eip=00649a5a  Flags=00010a87

  00649a52   89 6c 24 48 89 44 24 44
  00649a5a > 8b 4f 20 89 4c 24 40 89
  00649a62   5c 24 3c e8 a7 96 53 00

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  15:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  0
SI:  0
FSI:  0

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 0
BE:  0
PLE:  0
BE Pool:  0
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 0(0)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  0(0/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 0
PLE Display Cache: 0

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  0

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 0
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 110 MByte

TLS:  983
MXGUI:  674.664
Sum:  741.400

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
00649A5A  0018F7A8  0001:00248A5A C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\Videodeluxe.exe

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  06.03.2014  17:51
CrashDump 20140306_175113_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140306_175113_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written


Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00000b0c)
  eax=80000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=80000000  edx=80000000
  esi=08569928  edi=00000000  ebp=80000000  esp=0018f748
  eip=00649a5a  Flags=00010a87

  00649a52   89 6c 24 48 89 44 24 44
  00649a5a > 8b 4f 20 89 4c 24 40 89
  00649a62   5c 24 3c e8 a7 96 53 00

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  15:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  0
SI:  0
FSI:  0

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 0
BE:  0
PLE:  0
BE Pool:  0
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 0(0)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  0(0/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 0
PLE Display Cache: 0

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  0

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 0
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 106 MByte

TLS:  983
MXGUI:  674.664
Sum:  741.400

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
00649A5A  0018F7A8  0001:00248A5A C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\Videodeluxe.exe

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  05.05.2014  20:28
CrashDump 20140505_202808_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140505_202808_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 0000170c)
  eax=172e21c0  ebx=0e336418  ecx=00000070  edx=00000000
  esi=172e2000  edi=2d9f3fe8  ebp=1cc1fc04  esp=1cc1fbfc
  eip=00bc2c9a  Flags=00010216

  00bc2c92   83 e2 03 83 f9 08 72 2a
  00bc2c9a > f3 a5 ff 24 95 b4 2d bc
  00bc2ca2   00 90 8b c7 ba 03 00 00

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  48.048
SI:  348.648
SI_TEMP_DATA: 167.484
FSI:  940

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 0
BE:  408.000
PLE:  780.000
BE Pool:  644
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 100(1)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  15.033.760(15.033.760/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 1.292.512(52)
SI Display Cache: 3.132.864
PLE Display Cache: 0

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  6.110.344

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 0
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 376 MByte

TLS:  936
MXGUI:  35.592.398
Sum:  63.130.498

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
00BC2C9A  1CC1FC04  0001:007C1C9A C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\Videodeluxe.exe
0053BA93  1CC1FC3C  0001:0013AA93 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\Videodeluxe.exe

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  05.05.2014  20:28
CrashDump 20140505_202838_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140505_202838_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written


Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00000e38)
  eax=178c21c0  ebx=171c4800  ecx=00000070  edx=00000000
  esi=178c2000  edi=19c4e6c8  ebp=1a95fc04  esp=1a95fbfc
  eip=00bc2c9a  Flags=00010216

  00bc2c92   83 e2 03 83 f9 08 72 2a
  00bc2c9a > f3 a5 ff 24 95 b4 2d bc
  00bc2ca2   00 90 8b c7 ba 03 00 00

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  6.552
SI:  59.568
SI_TEMP_DATA: 96.192
FSI:  0

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 0
BE:  0
PLE:  780.000
BE Pool:  56
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 100(1)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  1.036.840(1.036.840/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 3.132.864
PLE Display Cache: 0

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  6.114.568

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 0
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 234 MByte

TLS:  975
MXGUI:  35.479.794
Sum:  46.867.282

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
00BC2C9A  1A95FC04  0001:007C1C9A C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\Videodeluxe.exe
0053BA93  1A95FC3C  0001:0013AA93 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\Videodeluxe.exe

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  10.06.2014  14:38
CrashDump 20140610_143810_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140610_143810_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 000010c0)
  eax=80000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=80000000  edx=80000000
  esi=04fe9d80  edi=00000000  ebp=80000000  esp=0018f748
  eip=00649a5a  Flags=00010a87

  00649a52   89 6c 24 48 89 44 24 44
  00649a5a > 8b 4f 20 89 4c 24 40 89
  00649a62   5c 24 3c e8 a7 96 53 00

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  0
SI:  0
FSI:  0

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 0
BE:  0
PLE:  0
BE Pool:  0
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 0(0)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  0(0/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 0
PLE Display Cache: 0

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  0

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 0
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 106 MByte

TLS:  984
MXGUI:  674.664
Sum:  741.400

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
00649A5A  0018F7A8  0001:00248A5A C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\Videodeluxe.exe

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  16.07.2014  23:02
CrashDump 20140716_230244_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140716_230244_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written


Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00001c10)
  eax=80000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=80000000  edx=80000000
  esi=0daa53c8  edi=00000000  ebp=80000000  esp=0018f748
  eip=00649a5a  Flags=00010a87

  00649a52   89 6c 24 48 89 44 24 44
  00649a5a > 8b 4f 20 89 4c 24 40 89
  00649a62   5c 24 3c e8 a7 96 53 00

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  0
SI:  0
FSI:  0

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 0
BE:  0
PLE:  0
BE Pool:  0
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 0(0)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  0(0/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 0
PLE Display Cache: 0

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  0

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 0
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 106 MByte

TLS:  983
MXGUI:  674.664
Sum:  741.400

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
00649A5A  0018F7A8  0001:00248A5A C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\Videodeluxe.exe

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  07.08.2014  19:00
CrashDump 20140807_190036_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140807_190036_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00000cf8)
  eax=5497070d  ebx=00000000  ecx=16045ffc  edx=00000000
  esi=16045fff  edi=000e6e85  ebp=00000360  esp=1e69ff04
  eip=725a1cd8  Flags=00010206

  725a1cd0   b6 51 01 0f af 54 24 10
  725a1cd8 > 0f b6 5e 01 0f af df 8d
  725a1ce0   94 1a ff ff 1f 00 c1 fa

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  256
Pages:  131.072

PI:  266.448
PI_TEMP_DATA: 23.936
SI:  672.768
SI_TEMP_DATA: 254.468
FSI:  3.948

Blocks:  340
Temporary: 8.294.528
BE:  312.000
PLE:  1.560.000
BE Pool:  1.036
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: -31.-104.-480
B.cache outproc: 88.910.136(155)
B.cache mapped: 6.428.992(2)
V.cache outproc: 522.552.576(84)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  58.752.880(27.648.400/16.761.800)
Bitmap:  27.688

Video thumbs: 19.312.768(340)
SI Display Cache: 9.093.120
PLE Display Cache: 402.320

Buffer:  326.448
Pointer:  0

Title:  115.100
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  70.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  6.107.224

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  32
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 966 MByte

TLS:  942
MXGUI:  31.983.170
Sum:  130.451.126

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
725A1CD8  1E69FF24  0001:00000CD8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\SMPWrapper.DLL
71CA1BE3  1E69FF6C  vcomp_fork+2A5
71CA7393  1E69FF88  vcomp_atomic_div_r8+12C
761E338A  1E69FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77889F72  1E69FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77889F45  1E69FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  07.08.2014  19:15
CrashDump 20140807_191512_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140807_191512_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written


Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 000014fc)
  eax=4ff8ff8d  ebx=00000000  ecx=06a35ffc  edx=00000000
  esi=06a35fff  edi=0007fef8  ebp=0000035f  esp=2c28ff04
  eip=725a1cd8  Flags=00010206

  725a1cd0   b6 51 01 0f af 54 24 10
  725a1cd8 > 0f b6 5e 01 0f af df 8d
  725a1ce0   94 1a ff ff 1f 00 c1 fa

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  256
Pages:  131.072

PI:  270.816
PI_TEMP_DATA: 23.936
SI:  709.560
SI_TEMP_DATA: 254.468
FSI:  4.136

Blocks:  340
Temporary: 8.294.528
BE:  360.000
PLE:  2.340.000
BE Pool:  1.120
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: -53.-914.-240
B.cache outproc: 189.861.736(108)
B.cache mapped: 6.428.992(2)
V.cache outproc: 522.552.576(84)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  79.488.960(25.574.720/16.761.800)
Bitmap:  27.688

Video thumbs: 14.291.856(138)
SI Display Cache: 9.043.392
PLE Display Cache: 3.649.780

Buffer:  326.448
Pointer:  0

Title:  205.567
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  70.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  6.112.552

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  32
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 920 MByte

TLS:  941
MXGUI:  29.644.854
Sum:  125.216.889

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
725A1CD8  2C28FF24  0001:00000CD8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\SMPWrapper.DLL
71CA1BE3  2C28FF6C  vcomp_fork+2A5
71CA7393  2C28FF88  vcomp_atomic_div_r8+12C
761E338A  2C28FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77889F72  2C28FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77889F45  2C28FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  07.08.2014  19:21
CrashDump 20140807_192144_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140807_192144_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00001c7c)
  eax=4d29ff8d  ebx=00000000  ecx=12895ffc  edx=00000000
  esi=12895fff  edi=0007fef8  ebp=0000035f  esp=2b61ff04
  eip=725a1cd8  Flags=00010206

  725a1cd0   b6 51 01 0f af 54 24 10
  725a1cd8 > 0f b6 5e 01 0f af df 8d
  725a1ce0   94 1a ff ff 1f 00 c1 fa

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  256
Pages:  131.072

PI:  251.160
PI_TEMP_DATA: 23.936
SI:  360.912
SI_TEMP_DATA: 254.468
FSI:  4.136

Blocks:  340
Temporary: 8.294.524
BE:  360.000
PLE:  1.560.000
BE Pool:  756
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: -41.-472.-400
B.cache outproc: 203.806.556(88)
B.cache mapped: 6.428.992(2)
V.cache outproc: 522.552.576(84)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  67.047.120(25.574.720/16.761.800)
Bitmap:  27.688

Video thumbs: 9.778.688(18)
SI Display Cache: 4.070.592
PLE Display Cache: 1.516.080

Buffer:  326.448
Pointer:  0

Title:  73.026
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  70.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  6.109.240

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 881 MByte

TLS:  941
MXGUI:  25.000.136
Sum:  107.270.314

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
725A1CD8  2B61FF24  0001:00000CD8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\SMPWrapper.DLL
71CA1BE3  2B61FF6C  vcomp_fork+2A5
71CA7393  2B61FF88  vcomp_atomic_div_r8+12C
761E338A  2B61FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77889F72  2B61FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77889F45  2B61FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  07.08.2014  19:28
CrashDump 20140807_192812_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140807_192812_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written


Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00001df0)
  eax=499aff8d  ebx=00000000  ecx=06aa5ffc  edx=00000000
  esi=06aa5fff  edi=0007fef8  ebp=0000035f  esp=298eff04
  eip=725a1cd8  Flags=00010206

  725a1cd0   b6 51 01 0f af 54 24 10
  725a1cd8 > 0f b6 5e 01 0f af df 8d
  725a1ce0   94 1a ff ff 1f 00 c1 fa

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  256
Pages:  131.072

PI:  251.160
PI_TEMP_DATA: 23.936
SI:  360.912
SI_TEMP_DATA: 254.468
FSI:  4.136

Blocks:  340
Temporary: 8.294.516
BE:  360.000
PLE:  1.560.000
BE Pool:  616
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: -41.-472.-400
B.cache outproc: 203.806.556(88)
B.cache mapped: 6.428.992(2)
V.cache outproc: 522.552.576(84)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  67.047.120(25.574.720/16.761.800)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 10.126.672(32)
SI Display Cache: 4.070.592
PLE Display Cache: 1.516.080

Buffer:  326.448
Pointer:  0

Title:  73.026
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  6.109.240

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 841 MByte

TLS:  941
MXGUI:  25.028.216
Sum:  107.548.542

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
725A1CD8  298EFF24  0001:00000CD8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\SMPWrapper.DLL
71CA1BE3  298EFF6C  vcomp_fork+2A5
71CA7393  298EFF88  vcomp_atomic_div_r8+12C
761E338A  298EFF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77889F72  298EFFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77889F45  298EFFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  07.08.2014  19:37
CrashDump 20140807_193732_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140807_193732_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 000009f4)
  eax=33ac070d  ebx=00000000  ecx=05a35ffc  edx=00000000
  esi=05a35fff  edi=000e6e85  ebp=00000360  esp=29f7ff04
  eip=725a1cd8  Flags=00010206

  725a1cd0   b6 51 01 0f af 54 24 10
  725a1cd8 > 0f b6 5e 01 0f af df 8d
  725a1ce0   94 1a ff ff 1f 00 c1 fa

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  256
Pages:  131.072

PI:  251.160
PI_TEMP_DATA: 23.936
SI:  360.912
SI_TEMP_DATA: 254.468
FSI:  4.136

Blocks:  340
Temporary: 116
BE:  360.000
PLE:  1.560.000
BE Pool:  616
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: -41.-472.-400
B.cache outproc: 203.806.556(88)
B.cache mapped: 6.428.992(2)
V.cache outproc: 522.552.576(84)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  81.562.440(40.090.040/16.761.800)
Bitmap:  27.688

Video thumbs: 6.891.952(27)
SI Display Cache: 4.070.592
PLE Display Cache: 1.516.080

Buffer:  384.704
Pointer:  0

Title:  73.026
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  6.109.240

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 25.165.824
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 725 MByte

TLS:  958
MXGUI:  25.028.216
Sum:  119.009.294

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
725A1CD8  29F7FF24  0001:00000CD8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\SMPWrapper.DLL
71CA1BE3  29F7FF6C  vcomp_fork+2A5
71CA7393  29F7FF88  vcomp_atomic_div_r8+12C
761E338A  29F7FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77889F72  29F7FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77889F45  29F7FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  07.08.2014  20:12
CrashDump 20140807_201214_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140807_201214_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written


Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 000015a4)
  eax=4bbcff8d  ebx=00000000  ecx=066a5ffc  edx=00000000
  esi=066a5fff  edi=0007fef8  ebp=0000035f  esp=2feaff04
  eip=725a1cd8  Flags=00010206

  725a1cd0   b6 51 01 0f af 54 24 10
  725a1cd8 > 0f b6 5e 01 0f af df 8d
  725a1ce0   94 1a ff ff 1f 00 c1 fa

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  256
Pages:  131.072

PI:  251.160
PI_TEMP_DATA: 23.936
SI:  360.912
SI_TEMP_DATA: 254.468
FSI:  4.136

Blocks:  340
Temporary: 8.294.516
BE:  360.000
PLE:  1.560.000
BE Pool:  756
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: -41.-472.-400
B.cache outproc: 201.833.996(89)
B.cache mapped: 6.428.992(2)
V.cache outproc: 522.552.576(84)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  69.120.800(27.648.400/16.761.800)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 10.350.376(41)
SI Display Cache: 4.070.592
PLE Display Cache: 1.549.504

Buffer:  326.448
Pointer:  0

Title:  73.026
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  70.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  6.109.240

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  32
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 882 MByte

TLS:  941
MXGUI:  25.000.136
Sum:  109.921.442

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
725A1CD8  2FEAFF24  0001:00000CD8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\SMPWrapper.DLL
71CA1BE3  2FEAFF6C  vcomp_fork+2A5
71CA7393  2FEAFF88  vcomp_atomic_div_r8+12C
761E338A  2FEAFF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77889F72  2FEAFFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77889F45  2FEAFFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  07.08.2014  20:49
CrashDump 20140807_204904_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140807_204904_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00001a5c)
  eax=3d94ff8d  ebx=00000000  ecx=04125ffc  edx=00000000
  esi=04125fff  edi=0007fef8  ebp=0000035f  esp=3740ff04
  eip=725a1cd8  Flags=00010206

  725a1cd0   b6 51 01 0f af 54 24 10
  725a1cd8 > 0f b6 5e 01 0f af df 8d
  725a1ce0   94 1a ff ff 1f 00 c1 fa

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  256
Pages:  131.072

PI:  251.160
PI_TEMP_DATA: 23.936
SI:  360.912
SI_TEMP_DATA: 254.468
FSI:  4.136

Blocks:  340
Temporary: 8.294.512
BE:  360.000
PLE:  1.560.000
BE Pool:  616
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: -41.-472.-400
B.cache outproc: 201.833.996(89)
B.cache mapped: 6.428.992(2)
V.cache outproc: 522.552.576(84)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  67.047.120(25.574.720/16.761.800)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 10.872.352(62)
SI Display Cache: 4.070.592
PLE Display Cache: 1.548.960

Buffer:  326.448
Pointer:  0

Title:  73.026
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  6.109.240

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  32
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 693 MByte

TLS:  953
MXGUI:  25.000.136
Sum:  108.299.050

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
725A1CD8  3740FF24  0001:00000CD8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\SMPWrapper.DLL
72141BE3  3740FF6C  vcomp_fork+2A5
72147393  3740FF88  vcomp_atomic_div_r8+12C
761E338A  3740FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77889F72  3740FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77889F45  3740FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  07.08.2014  21:20
CrashDump 20140807_212026_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140807_212026_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written


Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00001ea0)
  eax=3e95ff8d  ebx=00000000  ecx=048b5ffc  edx=00000000
  esi=048b5fff  edi=0007fef8  ebp=0000035f  esp=2b79ff04
  eip=71c31cd8  Flags=00010206

  71c31cd0   b6 51 01 0f af 54 24 10
  71c31cd8 > 0f b6 5e 01 0f af df 8d
  71c31ce0   94 1a ff ff 1f 00 c1 fa

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  256
Pages:  131.072

PI:  255.528
PI_TEMP_DATA: 29.920
SI:  392.448
SI_TEMP_DATA: 273.220
FSI:  4.136

Blocks:  340
Temporary: 8.294.512
BE:  360.000
PLE:  1.560.000
BE Pool:  616
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: -41.-472.-400
B.cache outproc: 203.856.188(90)
B.cache mapped: 6.428.992(2)
V.cache outproc: 522.552.576(84)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  67.047.120(25.574.720/16.761.800)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 10.300.664(39)
SI Display Cache: 4.070.592
PLE Display Cache: 1.640.120

Buffer:  326.448
Pointer:  0

Title:  73.026
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  6.109.240

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  32
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 699 MByte

TLS:  940
MXGUI:  25.000.136
Sum:  107.883.290

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
71C31CD8  2B79FF24  0001:00000CD8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\SMPWrapper.DLL
72971BE3  2B79FF6C  vcomp_fork+2A5
72977393  2B79FF88  vcomp_atomic_div_r8+12C
761E338A  2B79FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77889F72  2B79FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77889F45  2B79FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  07.08.2014  21:42
CrashDump 20140807_214214_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140807_214214_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00000744)
  eax=4f91ff8d  ebx=00000000  ecx=15ae5ffc  edx=00000000
  esi=15ae5fff  edi=0007fef8  ebp=0000035f  esp=2a7eff04
  eip=725a1cd8  Flags=00010206

  725a1cd0   b6 51 01 0f af 54 24 10
  725a1cd8 > 0f b6 5e 01 0f af df 8d
  725a1ce0   94 1a ff ff 1f 00 c1 fa

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  256
Pages:  131.072

PI:  255.528
PI_TEMP_DATA: 29.920
SI:  481.800
SI_TEMP_DATA: 369.412
FSI:  4.136

Blocks:  340
Temporary: 8.294.512
BE:  360.000
PLE:  1.560.000
BE Pool:  672
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: -45.-619.-760
B.cache outproc: 203.856.188(90)
B.cache mapped: 6.428.992(2)
V.cache outproc: 522.552.576(84)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  71.194.480(25.574.720/16.761.800)
Bitmap:  27.688

Video thumbs: 10.424.944(44)
SI Display Cache: 4.070.592
PLE Display Cache: 1.640.120

Buffer:  326.448
Pointer:  0

Title:  80.966
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  6.109.240

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  32
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 920 MByte

TLS:  931
MXGUI:  25.028.216
Sum:  108.308.142

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
725A1CD8  2A7EFF24  0001:00000CD8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\SMPWrapper.DLL
72141BE3  2A7EFF6C  vcomp_fork+2A5
72147393  2A7EFF88  vcomp_atomic_div_r8+12C
761E338A  2A7EFF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77889F72  2A7EFFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77889F45  2A7EFFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  07.08.2014  22:26
CrashDump 20140807_222617_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140807_222617_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written


Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00001e0c)
  eax=5f39070d  ebx=00000000  ecx=14f55ffc  edx=00000000
  esi=14f55fff  edi=000e6e85  ebp=00000360  esp=22e0ff04
  eip=70e81cd8  Flags=00010206

  70e81cd0   b6 51 01 0f af 54 24 10
  70e81cd8 > 0f b6 5e 01 0f af df 8d
  70e81ce0   94 1a ff ff 1f 00 c1 fa

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  256
Pages:  131.072

PI:  253.344
PI_TEMP_DATA: 29.920
SI:  430.992
SI_TEMP_DATA: 452.680
FSI:  4.136

Blocks:  340
Temporary: 8.294.512
BE:  360.000
PLE:  1.560.000
BE Pool:  784
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: -41.-472.-400
B.cache outproc: 202.909.852(92)
B.cache mapped: 6.428.992(2)
V.cache outproc: 522.552.576(84)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  81.562.440(40.090.040/16.761.800)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 10.226.096(36)
SI Display Cache: 8.190.912
PLE Display Cache: 781.176

Buffer:  384.704
Pointer:  0

Title:  128.646
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  28.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  6.109.240

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  32
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 25.165.824
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 1195 MByte

TLS:  950
MXGUI:  25.194.668
Sum:  134.696.150

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
70E81CD8  22E0FF24  0001:00000CD8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\SMPWrapper.DLL
72721BE3  22E0FF6C  vcomp_fork+2A5
72727393  22E0FF88  vcomp_atomic_div_r8+12C
761E338A  22E0FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77889F72  22E0FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77889F45  22E0FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  07.08.2014  22:36
CrashDump 20140807_223633_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20140807_223633_v12.0.0.32.dmp successfully written

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00001a40)
  eax=4ec5070d  ebx=00000000  ecx=064f5ffc  edx=00000000
  esi=064f5fff  edi=000e6e85  ebp=00000360  esp=2b1fff04
  eip=70db1cd8  Flags=00010206

  70db1cd0   b6 51 01 0f af 54 24 10
  70db1cd8 > 0f b6 5e 01 0f af df 8d
  70db1ce0   94 1a ff ff 1f 00 c1 fa

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Videodeluxe.exe 13.08.2012  16:05   9aa5856b

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.072
PE:  256
Pages:  131.072

PI:  255.528
PI_TEMP_DATA: 29.920
SI:  392.448
SI_TEMP_DATA: 273.220
FSI:  4.136

Blocks:  340
Temporary: 8.294.624
BE:  360.000
PLE:  1.560.000
BE Pool:  728
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: -41.-472.-400
B.cache outproc: 201.832.636(89)
B.cache mapped: 6.428.992(2)
V.cache outproc: 522.552.576(84)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  81.562.440(40.090.040/16.761.800)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 10.375.232(42)
SI Display Cache: 4.070.592
PLE Display Cache: 781.176

Buffer:  384.704
Pointer:  0

Title:  73.026
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  6.109.240

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  32
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 33.554.432
MP3 Reader: 0
JPEG buffer: 0

Private Bytes: 1073 MByte

TLS:  953
MXGUI:  25.028.216
Sum:  138.622.010

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
70DB1CD8  2B1FFF24  0001:00000CD8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video deluxe 2013\SMPWrapper.DLL
72721BE3  2B1FFF6C  vcomp_fork+2A5
72727393  2B1FFF88  vcomp_atomic_div_r8+12C
761E338A  2B1FFF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77889F72  2B1FFFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77889F45  2B1FFFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Video deluxe 2013  08.08.20

Wi3l4nd schrieb am 08.08.2014 um 23:40 Uhr


SMPWrapper.DLL - Fehler traten in der Vergangenheit auf, wenn ein Zoom-Effekt genau in einer Blende endete.

Ich habe einfach mal radikal alle Zoom Effekte und alle Blenden entfernt. Magix stürzt jedoch immer noch beim Exportvorgang ab :/

Wi3l4nd schrieb am 09.08.2014 um 18:03 Uhr


SMPWrapper.DLL - Fehler traten in der Vergangenheit auf, wenn ein Zoom-Effekt genau in einer Blende endete.

Mir ist gerade aufgefallen, dass immer wenn ich das Projekt öffne, feststelle, dass sich einige Videos überlappen. Also es entstehen immer Blenden, wenn ich das Projekt neu öffne...

Wi3l4nd schrieb am 09.08.2014 um 22:31 Uhr



SMPWrapper.DLL - Fehler traten in der Vergangenheit auf, wenn ein Zoom-Effekt genau in einer Blende endete.

Mir ist gerade aufgefallen, dass immer wenn ich das Projekt öffne, feststelle, dass sich einige Videos überlappen. Also es entstehen immer Blenden, wenn ich das Projekt neu öffne...

Âlles klar! Ich habe das Problem selbst behoben, indem ich immer nur einen kleinen Teil gerendert habe, den ich immer größer gemacht habe, sodass ich irgendwann den Fehler einkreisen konnte. Der Fehler war ein Text Objekt ohne jegliche Effekte! Ich habe keine Ahnung, was da für ein Fehler vorlag!

Trotzdem Vielen Vielen Dank für alle Antworten, die so schnell kamen!


MFG Julian