Ich habe Photostory deluxe Version (UDP3) . Mein System
Mein Problem ist, dass beim arbeiten in einem Projekt fast alle Prozesse extrem langsam arbeiten. Dazu ist auffällig, dass sehr viel Arbeitsspeicher verbraucht wird. Wenn man bedenkt, dass 8GB ausrechen können. Meine 16GB sind bis auf ca. 80% belegt.
Ich bin jetzt auf eine Photostory-LOG-Datei gestoßen, die mich nachdenklich macht. Es sind viele ERRORs enthalten. Ich würde sie ja gerne anhängen. Geht das? Darum einen kleinen Ausschnitt:
Deluxe\Export\Photostory 2021-09-06 Urlaub 2019 verk GPU gemischt.mp4 started (MxMpeg4Intel|1920x1080p|1.77778|25 FPS|22000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|128 kbit/s)
2021/09/07 13:29:05 [ERROR] [Import]: CreateColorConversionTargetFrame: video frame allocation failed
2021/09/07 13:29:05 [ERROR] [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\Photostory_Deluxe_Premium_Release\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4470) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: Dummy_A.png at Pos: 0ms
2021/09/07 13:29:05 [ERROR] [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\Photostory_Deluxe_Premium_Release\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2021/09/07 13:29:05 [ERROR] [Import]: CreateColorConversionTargetFrame: video frame allocation failed
2021/09/07 13:29:05 [ERROR] [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\Photostory_Deluxe_Premium_Release\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4470) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: default.def at Pos: 0ms
2021/09/07 13:29:05 [ERROR] [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\Photostory_Deluxe_Premium_Release\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1956) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2021/09/07 13:29:05 [ERROR] [Export]: ConvertToYUV: color conversion failed with hr = 0x8007000E Für diesen Vorgang sind nicht genügend Speicherressourcen verfügbar.
2021/09/07 13:29:05 [FATAL] [Export - Engine]: CheckFrameForColorFormat: Could not convert color format to export requirement
2021/09/07 13:29:05 [FATAL] [Export - Engine]: Bounce: CInfoException: 0x8000ffff - check color format for normal
2021/09/07 13:29:35 [INFO] [UserAction]: Shutdown MAGIX Photostory Deluxe
2021/09/07 13:29:35 [INFO] [_Common]: DllPool::FreeAllUnusedDlls
2021/09/07 13:29:36 [INFO] [_Common]: DllPool::~Host
2021/09/07 15:26:07 [INFO] [UserAction]: Start MAGIX Photostory Deluxe(
2021/09/07 15:26:07 [INFO] [_Common]: DllPool::Host = true
2021/09/07 15:26:09 [INFO] [_Common]: Initial GPU adapter: NOT FOUND
2021/09/07 15:26:09 [INFO] [_Common]: Initial video mode: CPU
2021/09/07 15:26:09 [ERROR] [_Common]: GPUCommunication: SwitchAdapter() - cannot find adapter 1
2021/09/07 15:26:09 [INFO] [_Common]: GPUCommunication: SwitchAdapter() - retrying with adapter 87971
2021/09/07 15:26:14 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: EstimateDiscSizeForStandardDisc: CInfoException: 0x80070006
2021/09/07 15:26:15 [INFO] [_Common]: RegisterApplicationForRestart()=Result=0
2021/09/07 15:26:18 [INFO] [UserAction]: Load project Photostory 2021-09-06 Urlaub 2019.MPH
2021/09/07 15:26:20 [INFO] [_Common]: CProgressDlg1Manager::CProgressDlg1Manager: semantic error - progress dialog not null
2021/09/07 15:26:28 [ERROR] [Import]: no import module for image file:
2021/09/07 15:26:28 [ERROR] [Import]: no import module for image file:
2021/09/07 15:26:28 [ERROR] [Import]: no import module for image file:
2021/09/07 15:26:28 [ERROR] [Import]: no import module for image file:
2021/09/07 15:26:28 [ERROR] [Import]: no import module for image file:
2021/09/07 15:26:28 [ERROR] [Import]: no import module for image file:
2021/09/07 15:26:28 [ERROR] [Import]: no import module for image file:
2021/09/07 15:26:28 [INFO] [DiscMaker]: QueryDiscMetrics: (true == QuerySize) && (false == DiscMetrics.isDiscSizeValid)
2021/09/07 15:26:29 [INFO] [DiscMaker]: QueryDiscMetrics: (true == QuerySize) && (false == DiscMetrics.isDiscSizeValid)
2021/09/07 15:28:04 [INFO] [UserAction]: Shutdown MAGIX Photostory Deluxe
2021/09/07 15:28:04 [INFO] [_Common]: DllPool::FreeAllUnusedDlls
2021/09/07 15:28:05 [INFO] [_Common]: DllPool::~Host
Kann jemand damit etwas anfangen und mir sagen, was da schief läuft? Und ist das eine Ursache, warum das Programm so langsam ist?
VG Volker