
SP. schrieb am 18.09.2020 um 11:34 Uhr

Can you please make a screenshot of the error message?

Andre_L schrieb am 19.09.2020 um 02:26 Uhr

Right now I am dealing with the issue with the support of Magix personnel. But the mistake I was making is this one.

Zuletzt geändert von emmrecs am 19.09.2020, 10:00, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Grund: To remove name of Magix personnel, publication of which is forbidden under Community rules

SP. schrieb am 19.09.2020 um 14:13 Uhr

Is your user account in Windows using some special characters? I found this article here in Japanese that is describing the problem. Try Google translate if you cannot read it.
