@beateM Vielleicht plant Xara zukünftig eine Nicht-Abo-Version anzubieten.
Xara Perpetual is available for Pro, Web, Photo but it has not been announced on the Xara website yet. We’ve created this version so we can offer an equivalent to what Magix was offering, for customers who require perpetual (such as academic and government) and the any public pricing is for new customers rather than upgrades. The Perpetual products, like the Plus products, are built with the Xara account system and installer (100% Xara version, no Magix). * currently version 19 *one-time payment, you own the version * online help resources * bundled standard templates * no product updates * no online content catalog * nothing turns off * upgrade will be a new purchase
Inwiefern Xara Designer überhaupt brauchbar ist, ohne Zugriff auf die Widgets im Content-Katalog, ist aber eine berechtigte Frage. Es ist die Rede von Standard-Templates, die dabei sein sollen.