HELP! Problems again with soundpools, can't access

dpizza schrieb am 24.06.2024 um 22:23 Uhr

I have purchased soundpools commercial licenses and now some of them show with an infinity icon.

I uninstalled one that had the infinity icon and tried to reinstall but it will not show up in download content says "no downloadable content". And now the one I uninstalled can't be reinstalled unless I purchase it again (Drum and Bass DNB)

This is happening frequently to different soundpools. Right now I have 6 unrecognized soundpools. I purchased a commercial license on them. I cant access the loops at all.

At a loss on how to fix this. I paid for these why does this keep happening?

I am using the latest version Studio 25 premium



SP. schrieb am 25.06.2024 um 00:23 Uhr

@dpizza Did you use another customer account to purchase them? That would explain, why you cannot see them unlocked on the store.

The infinity icon only means that the Soundpools were downloaded as a part of the Loops Unlimited subscription.

Also, some Soundpools will only be installed if you reinstall Music Maker because these are Soundpools that come free with the software. To my knowledge, they are not automatically unlocked in the store.

dpizza schrieb am 25.06.2024 um 01:15 Uhr

1.No dont have another account only one account.

2.Yes I know that the infinity means loops unlimited (I paid for that also) but I purchased the commercial rights to the ones that are showing up all of a sudden missing.

3.These were not free soundpools and I purchased the commercial license, so it shouldn't matter even if they were free, you still would need to purchase the commercial license to use them outside of MM.

4.This is the second time this has happened recently. Attached screenshot shows what is happening, the now show up as UPDATE but you have to pay! Why? All of the missing ones are being shown in the update of store. Ive had updates before to ones Ive purchased but never had to pay just click the update button. Now there is no update button and replaced with buy now. I cannot see the original loops I purchased either, section in middle of screen is blank. Looks like there is a bug in Soundpool for prior purchases that get updates. It wipes out all of your loops and the only update option is to use buy now. All of my missing tracks are UPDATES. So there is definitely a bug somewhere in the update process for Soundpool.


dpizza schrieb am 25.06.2024 um 01:33 Uhr

Sent an email to support.

SP. schrieb am 25.06.2024 um 07:52 Uhr

@dpizza Have you checked the Download tab instead of the store?

The Soundpool Bass Drops Part 2 is not uninstalled if it is still listed in your Loops Tab. I my experience you cannot redownload it as long as it is listed there. You need to make a right click on it and select to uninstall it. If this doesn't work, and it's still visible in the Loops tab, rescan the Soundpools in the program settings or reset the program settings.

dpizza schrieb am 25.06.2024 um 15:09 Uhr

Hi again, yes I checked download tab there is nothing in there.

I tried right clicking and uninstalling. They just go away and if I dont write the soundpool names down i would forget which ones i deleted. Dont understand why certain soundpools get greyed out, should not be happening. If the soundpool needs an update they should show update and not the soundpool icon. And the update button should bring down the latest update. But there is no update button only buy now?

And I just ran a rescan in program settings the loops are still greyed out showing the soundpools icon. I still cannot see any instruments for the loop. middle section of loops tab is empty. Very confusing as a user, I forget the rescan option is even available in program settings, there should be a rescan button in the loops tab or store tab where you need to see it. The whole process needs to be changed for stores and loops imo. Should be easier for a user to do what they need to do with loops, unlimited loops, updates and buying. Would be helpful in a version release to see some changes.

Also one other issue with MM2025 Store tab, unless you select a genre, update is not available as a menu item. Once you select a genre then the menu appears (All, new, sales%, update). Hiding menus is not good for users. That menu should be available at top level, how would a user know they need to click on a genre to find the menu with update? I believe MM2024 had the menu with update at top level always visible.

dpizza schrieb am 25.06.2024 um 15:53 Uhr


1. In MM2024 the start up dialogue screen shows your sign in email and if purchased unlimited loops.

2. Sometimes in MM2024 I had to logoff/log back in several times for MM2024 to recognize I purchased unlimited loops.

3. MM2025 start up dialogue does not show anything - no sign in email or unlimited loops purchase. I have a feeling the program does not know I purchased unlimited loops and is showing everything as buy now and the update feature is not available because the program thinks I haven't purchased unlimited loops.

Where can I see my account information and whether or not the program knows I purchased unlimited loops in MM2025 since it is no longer shown on the dialogue start screen like it was in MM2024?

UPDATE 6/25/24 9:51

Definitely a problem/bug, signed into my MM2024 (Thank goodness I didnt uninstall) and everything there is working ie: one soundpool - The Islands still shows in my loop tab and all the loops show. When I go to MM2025 The Islands loop is greyed out with a soundpool infinity icon and no loops are showing. The program does not know I have unlimited loops and I can't see where to re-sign in. Where is the sign on and unlimited loop purchase showing in MM2025? I cant find it anywhere. MM2025 does not know I purchased the unlimited soundpools.

SP. schrieb am 25.06.2024 um 16:45 Uhr

@dpizza Is there information about the store in the PDF manual? I don't have Music Maker 2025 since it's a paid upgrade and not free as the prevoius versions. So I cannot check this myself.

dpizza schrieb am 25.06.2024 um 17:40 Uhr

I checked the manual and it does show a user account display in the top right but for some reason it is not showing on my screen (I have attached what I am seeing in MM2024 and MM2025 and its missing the sign in id section. And there is no sign in on any menu items. And the start dialog no longer has your name and if you are subscribed to loops unlimited

GRB schrieb am 25.06.2024 um 18:08 Uhr

I checked the manual and it does show a user account display in the top right but for some reason it is not showing on my screen (I have attached what I am seeing in MM2024 and MM2025 and its missing the sign in id section

I don't recall having to sign into MM2025Prem upon install....

I think it was just the "activation" prompt upon install, and the rest was done "automatically"... associated to my account.

I could be wrong, but I've recently uninstalled and reinstalled Magix stuff over and over, and I'm almost certain I haven't had to "sign in" besides the Activation box....


Cheers and may the Music Season be 24/7/365 !

Magix Installed & Loved: ACID Pro 11 / Samplitude Music Studio X8 / Music Maker 2025 Premium / Sound Forge Audio Studio 17 / SF Audio Cleaning Lab 4....

--- Current System: HP Laptop, 64bit, AMD Ryzen 5 7520U with Radeon Graphics, 16gb ram, 256gb SSD, running Win 11 Home and a Seagate 4TB external drive.

dpizza schrieb am 25.06.2024 um 18:18 Uhr

There is no where to sign in, thats the problem. My MM2025 does not know I purchased unlimited soundpools and there is no way to tell I'm signed in or to try and re-sign in to make software recognize my unlimited soundpool purchase. I had this issue with MM2024 but to resolve I just re-signed in until it finally recognized the purchase of unlimited soundpools. Since there is no sign in at top right (like the manual for 2025 shows), my unlimited soundpools are not available to me.


Why would you @GRB be uninstalling and reinstalling MM2025 over and over? You should only have to install once. What is the need to keep reinstalling??


A. I have attached the image from the MM2025 manual showing there is suppose to be a sign in on the top right

B. image of MM2025 showing there is no field like that on the main screen.

SP. schrieb am 25.06.2024 um 18:20 Uhr

@dpizza Thanks for the images. I suspect that the store synchronization now works differently because there is no longer a Free Edition, so no more logging in with your account. It looks like the Loops Unlimited subscription simply doesn't work correctly at the moment.

So that's definitely something that technical support should check out. In case you didn't already open a ticket for this and only send an e-mail to I suggest you also open a technical support ticket. Click on the SUPPORT link at top of this page and then select your product. On the next page scroll down until you can click on Contact Support and create your e-mail ticket there.

GRB schrieb am 25.06.2024 um 18:30 Uhr

There is no where to sign in, thats the problem. My MM2025 does not know I purchased unlimited soundpools and there is no way to tell I'm signed in or to try and re-sign in to make software recognize my unlimited soundpool purchase. I had this issue with MM2024 but to resolve I just re-signed in until it finally recognized the purchase of unlimited soundpools. Since there is no sign in at top right (like the manual for 2025 shows), my unlimited soundpools are not available to me.


Why would you @GRB be uninstalling and reinstalling MM2025 over and over? You should only have to install once. What is the need to keep reinstalling??

Oh, I didn't know you had the Unlimited version.. I do not... so Apples to Oranges.... sorry about that. I'm not familiar with that program difference.

The uninstall/reinstall thing was not related to current Magix Products or issues, it is associated to aging ACID (AMS11/AP10 I own) program compatibility and some issues in being "happy" and residing alongside newer Magix core programs (MM2025Prem, SMSX8, SFAS17, etc). Was doing process of elimination and choosing "clean" installs after clearing out files and content folders... if that makes sense.

Does your Magix account, Producer Planet, and Unlimited loops account(?) all share the same email? Thats all I can think of for you, but others here are way more knowledgeable. Magix Support will be able to help you I'm sure, they have been very good with me/my issues/questions over the many years, more so in last year or two for the record. Quite impressed actually.

Zuletzt geändert von GRB am 25.06.2024, 18:31, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Cheers and may the Music Season be 24/7/365 !

Magix Installed & Loved: ACID Pro 11 / Samplitude Music Studio X8 / Music Maker 2025 Premium / Sound Forge Audio Studio 17 / SF Audio Cleaning Lab 4....

--- Current System: HP Laptop, 64bit, AMD Ryzen 5 7520U with Radeon Graphics, 16gb ram, 256gb SSD, running Win 11 Home and a Seagate 4TB external drive.

dpizza schrieb am 25.06.2024 um 18:59 Uhr

@GRB Yes, makes sense about your uninstall/install issues. Yes, I am using the same email for magix, producer planet and unlimited loops.

dpizza schrieb am 25.06.2024 um 19:01 Uhr

@SP. Yes I have opened a ticket with tech support. Very odd the manual shows a sign in userid and it's not in the software. I agree there is a unlimited soundpool issue which is causing my headaches.

I really think there needs to be a sign in and soundpool check like in MM2024 so the user can verify everything is working properly in MM2025. (Even MM2024 had soundpool linking issues but my workaround was just logout and login again a few times which I cant do with MM2025)

For now I am using MM2024 until the issue/bug is fixed.

dpizza schrieb am 10.07.2024 um 17:20 Uhr

Ok some resolution - Went back to using MM2024 since 2025 is still not recognizing I purchased unlimited soundpools. But I did find the reason the infinity icon is showing up. The reason there is an infinity symbol after some of the unlimited soundpools means there is an update for that soundpool. Probably should show maybe UP for update instead of the infinity symbol so we know an update is available in the store.