Filmencodierung wird nach dem 2.Schritt (Menü-Encodierung) abgebrochen

oskar216 schrieb am 26.03.2022 um 20:25 Uhr

Video deluxe Premium 2022

Bei der Encodierung von TV-Aufnahmen stelle ich immer 3 ca. 1,5 Stunden-Filme zum brennen und Archivierung auf einer DVD zusammen.

Dieses funktionierte schon seit Jahren. Seit einiger Zeit meldet sich das Programm nach dem 2. Encodier-Schritt ( Menü ) ab.

Abgekürzt lautet die Fehlermeldung: GetLastError(122): Der an einen Systemaufruf übergebene Datenbereich ist zu klein.

Wenn ich den Encodier-Vorgang mit 3 kleinen Filmen (ca. 7 min pro Film) ausführe funktioniert alles korrekt.

Bin der Meinung, dass dieser Fehler das erste mal auftrat als ein externes DVD-Laufwerk installiert werden sollte, dieses aber vom System nicht erkannt wurde. Dieses Laufwerk ist wieder deinstalliert worden.

Im Anschluss die Errordatei:

022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 --
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0xc747
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0xc747
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x10de
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x1d01, 0x8c981462, 0xa1
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 1.9358 / 0 / 7.9802 GB (video/system/shared)
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 0
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: 
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: 
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: -- Microsoft WARP device --
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: MX ID: 0xd248
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: DXGI description: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: LUID: 0x0:0xd248
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Vendor: 0x1414
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: ID/SubSys/Rev: 0x8c, 0x0, 0x0
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Memory: 0 / 0 / 7.9802 GB (video/system/shared)
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Flags: 2
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: 
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: **************************************************************************************
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: User QT GUI is not defined.
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Qt GUI rendering uses 'angle'.
2022/03/26 15:52:16 [INFO]    [SystemInfo]: Qt GUI rendering uses 'angle' in warp mode.
2022/03/26 15:52:20 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Shutdown MAGIX Video deluxe Plus
2022/03/26 15:52:20 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::FreeAllUnusedDlls
2022/03/26 15:52:20 [INFO]    [_Common]: DllPool::~Host
2022/03/26 15:55:12 [ERROR]   [UserInterfaceCallback]: ShowErrorMessage: 0000000060BEE9C0
2022/03/26 15:55:13 [ERROR]   [MXMPEG2 init/release action]: InitVideoStream: init video fails with error: Error 0x2902: no PMT in transport stream found, error code: 0x85002902
2022/03/26 15:55:13 [ERROR]   [UserInterfaceCallback]: ShowErrorMessage: 0000000060BEE9C0
2022/03/26 15:55:13 [ERROR]   [UserInterfaceCallback]: ShowErrorMessage: 0000000060BEE9C0
2022/03/26 15:58:24 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Autosave.MV_..
2022/03/26 15:58:25 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2022/03/26 16:03:29 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030"); and ExportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030" - "CPU" fallback); rendering to J:\TV-Aufnahmen\Datei formatiert\Tatort\Vorspann\Vorspann 01.mp4 started (MxMpeg4Intel|1920x1080p|1.77778|25 FPS|22000 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|160 kbit/s)
2022/03/26 16:03:29 [FATAL]   [MPEGIntel]: VideoEncoderBase::Initialize: CreateEncoder failed with DP4 errno=0x04100003: Error 3: not implemented(fall back to SW encoding)
2022/03/26 16:04:20 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export 31.6s finished successful (Duration=51.1s)
2022/03/26 16:08:26 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Autosave.MV_..
2022/03/26 16:08:26 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2022/03/26 16:18:27 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Autosave.MV_..
2022/03/26 16:18:27 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2022/03/26 16:28:28 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Autosave.MV_..
2022/03/26 16:28:28 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2022/03/26 16:38:29 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Autosave.MV_..
2022/03/26 16:38:30 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2022/03/26 16:48:35 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project Autosave.MV_..
2022/03/26 16:48:36 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2022/03/26 16:50:47 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2022/03/26 16:53:19 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project T-ort,DieKaltenunddieToten,Fürimmerdich,KAL,Kollaps,D,21,19,16.MVP..
2022/03/26 16:53:20 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2022/03/26 16:53:24 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Brenntab
2022/03/26 16:55:31 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2022/03/26 16:55:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4161) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: Vorspann 01.ts at Pos: 0ms
2022/03/26 16:55:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1953) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2022/03/26 16:55:31 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2022/03/26 16:55:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4161) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: Vorspann 01.ts at Pos: 0ms
2022/03/26 16:55:31 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1953) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2022/03/26 16:55:46 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2022/03/26 16:55:46 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4161) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: Vorspann 01.ts at Pos: 0ms
2022/03/26 16:55:46 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1953) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2022/03/26 16:55:46 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2022/03/26 16:55:46 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4161) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: Vorspann 01.ts at Pos: 40ms
2022/03/26 16:55:46 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1953) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2022/03/26 16:58:23 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Arranger
2022/03/26 16:58:37 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project T-ort,DieKaltenunddieToten,Fürimmerdich,KAL,Kollaps,D,21,19,16_BAK1.MV_..
2022/03/26 16:58:38 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2022/03/26 16:59:11 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Brenntab
2022/03/26 16:59:29 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Arranger
2022/03/26 17:00:15 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Brenntab
2022/03/26 17:00:34 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Arranger
2022/03/26 17:01:29 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Brenntab
2022/03/26 17:01:56 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Arranger
2022/03/26 17:02:03 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2022/03/26 17:02:03 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project T-ort,DieKaltenunddieToten,Fürimmerdich,KAL,Kollaps,D,21,19,16.MVP..
2022/03/26 17:02:03 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2022/03/26 17:02:08 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Brenntab
2022/03/26 17:07:30 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Arranger
2022/03/26 17:07:36 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Initiate save project
2022/03/26 17:07:36 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project T-ort,DieKaltenunddieToten,Fürimmerdich,KAL,Kollaps,D,21,19,16.MVP..
2022/03/26 17:07:36 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2022/03/26 17:08:41 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Switch main tab to Brenntab
2022/03/26 17:08:44 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2022/03/26 17:08:44 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4161) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: Vorspann 01.ts at Pos: 0ms
2022/03/26 17:08:44 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1953) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2022/03/26 17:08:44 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2022/03/26 17:08:44 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4161) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: Vorspann 01.ts at Pos: 40ms
2022/03/26 17:08:44 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1953) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2022/03/26 17:09:21 [INFO]    [UserAction]: Save project T-ort,DieKaltenunddieToten,Fürimmerdich,KAL,Kollaps,D,21,19,16_BAK2.MV_..
2022/03/26 17:09:21 [INFO]    [UserAction]: ..succeeded
2022/03/26 17:09:41 [WARNING] [DiscMaker]: setting no speed limit
2022/03/26 17:09:48 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: succeeded: chosen Bitrate=1953156 (SR); SR switched really OFF -> adapt settings
2022/03/26 17:09:54 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: succeeded: chosen Bitrate=1953156 (SR)
2022/03/26 17:09:56 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: AbraShrink2: succeeded: chosen Bitrate=1953156 (SR); SR switched really OFF -> adapt settings
2022/03/26 17:09:59 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 1 of 5, Encodiere Film 1 ...
2022/03/26 17:09:59 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030"); and ExportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030" - "CPU" fallback); rendering to J:\TV-Aufnahmen\Images\DVD Image T-ort,DieKaltenunddieToten,Fürimmerdich,KAL,Kollaps,D,21,19,16\VTS_01_1.VOB started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|720x576i|1.77778|25 FPS|1953 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|224 kbit/s)
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export 16019.2s finished successful (Duration=6908.8s)
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 1 done
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 2 of 5, Encodiere Filmmenü ...
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [INFO]    [_Common]: Export with ImportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030"); EngineDevice("NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030"); and ExportDevice("NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030" - "CPU" fallback); rendering to J:\TV-Aufnahmen\Images\DVD Image T-ort,DieKaltenunddieToten,Fürimmerdich,KAL,Kollaps,D,21,19,16\menu_00.mpg from 0 to 1518720 started (MxMpeg2Intel-DVD|720x576i|1.77778|25 FPS|1953 kbit/s||2 CHN|48000 Hz|224 kbit/s)
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4161) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: Vorspann 01.ts at Pos: 0ms
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1953) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [ERROR]   [Import]: VideoReader_GetFrame: FAILED to get video frame
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video3.cpp(4161) Video Engine Get Video Frame from File FAILED for File: Vorspann 01.ts at Pos: 20ms
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [ERROR]   [VideoEngine]: d:\workspace\workspace\Release\VideoDeluxe_Classic_Plus\mumaeasy\Source\Videoengine\Video1.cpp(1953) Video Engine Mix FAILED
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [FATAL]   [Export - Engine]: Bounce: CInfoException: 0x80004005 - copy to export adapter
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [FATAL]   [Export - Engine]: Bounce: GetLastError(122): Der an einen Systemaufruf übergebene Datenbereich ist zu klein.
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: ExportDvdMenu: cannot encode dvd menu
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: CB_EncodeDiscMenu: CInfoException: 0x80004005
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [INFO]    [DiscMaker]: Step 2 done
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: PrepareDVDVideoFiles() failed with errNo 5 - encoding failed
2022/03/26 19:05:08 [FATAL]   [DiscMaker]: !!! DBK BurnProject: 10 - movie encoding failed !!!


Vielleicht kann mir ein Experte weiterhelfen.

Viele Grüße



rolf-degen schrieb am 30.03.2022 um 23:26 Uhr

Ein guter Freund in der Nachbarschaft hatte einen ähnlichen Fehler mit einem neuen DVD Laufwerk. Erst eine Neuinstallation von Windows 10 und Video Deluxe hat den Fehler beseitigt.