Fehler im Modul "mxexp_de.dll"

salvit schrieb am 03.01.2012 um 02:50 Uhr

Hallo Leute

Beim Exportieren in Windows Media Export, bekomme ich bei ca. 75% encodieren immer diese Felhermelung: Fehler im Modul "mxexp_de.dll" Bin langsam am verzweifeln. Woran kann das liegen?

Habe das Projekt mit Video Deluxe MX Premium erstellt. Habe das Projekt auch schon in ältere versionen geladen, doch auch da kommt das gleiche Problem.

Wäre Super wenn mir jemand helfen könnte. Falls noch weitere Angaben erforderlich sind, sagt mir bitte wie und was.

Liebe Grüsse



Technische Daten:

Windows 7 64 Bit

8 GB Ram

i7-2600k CPU 3.4 Ghz (8 CPUs)

Geforce GTX 580


BilderMacher schrieb am 03.01.2012 um 04:13 Uhr

Schau dir das fehlerhafte Ergebnis an - ja, das geht - und suche dann im Projekt auf der Timeline die Stelle. Wenn sich dort eine Blende befindet, entferne sie und setze einen anderen Effekt ein z.N. harter Schnitt.Ist dort ein Foto, prüfe das Format (Höhe/Breite) und auch die Datei-Art jpg oder bmp / png. Ersetze es durch ein anderes oder nimm es ganz raus.

Zuletzt geändert von BilderMacher am 03.01.2012, 04:13, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

"Je mehr die Menschen wissen, desto weniger müssen sie glauben!"

Ich kann vieles, darf aber nicht alles.


Hardware / Software:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
12288 MB RAM
DirectX 12

Intel(R) UHD Graphics (für Import, Verarbeitung, Export)

NVIDIA GeForce MX250 (wird nicht in Schnitt-SW verwendet)

  • Video deluxe 2016 Premium
  • Video deluxe 2024 Premium
  • Video Pro X 15
  • Photostory Deluxe 2024
  • Samplitude X7 Suite
  • ACID Pro 11
  • Music Maker 2025 Premium
  • MAGIX/XARA Graphic-/Web-Designer


Edition    Windows 10 Home
Version    22H2
Installiert am    ‎15.‎10.‎2020
Betriebssystembuild    19045.4717
Leistung    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0


Browser: Mozilla Firefox 128.0 (64-Bit)

salvit schrieb am 03.01.2012 um 14:39 Uhr

Hallo BilderMacher und FredW

Danke schon mal für die Antworten.

Werde anhand von euren Tipps versuchen den Fehler zu finden.

Sollte ich kein Erfolg haben, werde ich die dbk.log Datei hier noch posten.


Danke im Voraus für eure Hilfe


BilderMacher schrieb am 03.01.2012 um 15:41 Uhr

Die dbg.log muss einen aktuellen Report der letzten "fehlerhaften" Aktion aufgezeichnet haben. Scrolle bis zum unteren Ende ...


Zuletzt geändert von BilderMacher am 03.01.2012, 15:41, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

"Je mehr die Menschen wissen, desto weniger müssen sie glauben!"

Ich kann vieles, darf aber nicht alles.


Hardware / Software:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
12288 MB RAM
DirectX 12

Intel(R) UHD Graphics (für Import, Verarbeitung, Export)

NVIDIA GeForce MX250 (wird nicht in Schnitt-SW verwendet)

  • Video deluxe 2016 Premium
  • Video deluxe 2024 Premium
  • Video Pro X 15
  • Photostory Deluxe 2024
  • Samplitude X7 Suite
  • ACID Pro 11
  • Music Maker 2025 Premium
  • MAGIX/XARA Graphic-/Web-Designer


Edition    Windows 10 Home
Version    22H2
Installiert am    ‎15.‎10.‎2020
Betriebssystembuild    19045.4717
Leistung    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0


Browser: Mozilla Firefox 128.0 (64-Bit)

salvit schrieb am 03.01.2012 um 16:02 Uhr

also dbg.log habe ich gar nichts. dbk.log finde ich nur eine. Datum vom 11.09.2011

Aber ich habe die Datei gefunden wo der Crash beschrieben ist:

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  19.11.2011  01:43
CrashDump 20111119_014357_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mxexp_de.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x24050000) an Adresse 0x240c5c80
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00001728)
  eax=240c30c0  ebx=00000001  ecx=240eba08  edx=0034f788
  esi=0000f109  edi=240eba08  ebp=0018bb54  esp=0018bb3c
  eip=240c5c80  Flags=00210246

  240c5c78   04 00 00 00 58 5c 0c 24
  240c5c80 > 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  240c5c88   00 00 00 00 10 4d 0e 24

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  1.500.488
PI_TEMP_DATA: 50.208
SI:  2.485.728
SI_TEMP_DATA: 253.052
FSI:  59.972

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 5.760
BE:  4.632.000
PLE:  4.692.000
BE Pool:  5.656
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 27.688
B.cache outproc: 68.564(4)
B.cache mapped: 130.638.144(21)
V.cache outproc: 516.331.712(83)
V.cache mapped: 0(21)
Video:  22.809.864(16.589.000/1.555.240)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 11.707.176(471)
SI Display Cache: 8.104.512
PLE Display Cache: 42.636.240

Buffer:  384.704
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.855.488

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 209.715.200

Private Bytes: 3387 MByte

TLS:  974
MXGUI:  27.212.098
Sum:  474.966.514

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
240C5C80  0018BB54  0002:00009C80 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxexp_de.dll
00CB9AB8  0018FB88  0001:008B8AB8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
00CC93C7  0018FBB0  0001:008C83C7 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
0068CA98  0018FBD4  0001:0028BA98 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
00CBAFAC  0018FBF4  0001:008B9FAC C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
76B2F1B1  0018FC08  DdeConnectList+31C

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  19.11.2011  11:54
CrashDump 20111119_115437_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mxmpeg2.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x0ba20000) an Adresse 0x0ba2de95
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00001db4)
  eax=64810060  ebx=0000010d  ecx=00000000  edx=00001e00
  esi=64c08460  edi=45e6e140  ebp=0018ec1c  esp=0018ec00
  eip=0ba2de95  Flags=00210202

  0ba2de8d   cb 0f eb c1 0f 73 d0 20
  0ba2de95 > 0f 7e 04 0f 83 c1 04 3b
  0ba2de9d   4d 14 7c dc 03 75 10 03

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  1.567.536
PI_TEMP_DATA: 60.576
SI:  3.323.376
SI_TEMP_DATA: 380.772
FSI:  60.160

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 11.592
BE:  4.632.000
PLE:  14.858.000
BE Pool:  6.636
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 352
B.cache inproc: 27.688
B.cache outproc: 9.151.252(8)
B.cache mapped: 5.702.720(5)
V.cache outproc: 523.612.608(447)
V.cache mapped: 0(5)
Video:  14.457.984(7.776.280/0)
Bitmap:  27.688

Video thumbs: 16.294.560(454)
SI Display Cache: 2.461.056
PLE Display Cache: 1.782.536

Buffer:  1.592.848
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  56.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.874.256

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  23.944
Transitions::  18.566

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  352
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 58.720.256

Private Bytes: 1127 MByte

TLS:  932
MXGUI:  36.815.286
Sum:  171.211.276

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
0BA2DE95  0018EC1C  0001:0000CE95 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0BA2CFA4  0018EC84  0001:0000BFA4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0BA2C39C  0018ECC4  0001:0000B39C C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0BA2B8CA  0018ED24  0001:0000A8CA C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0BA30C6B  0018EE1C  DllUnregisterServer+2A1B
00C4C4C5  0018EE20  0001:0084B4C5 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
1F180A80  0018EE24  0000:00000000

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  19.11.2011  12:08
CrashDump 20111119_120826_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "Videodeluxe.exe" (Ladeadresse: 0x00400000) an Adresse 0x00c4c4e8
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 000012f4)
  eax=3a580018  ebx=204dbe64  ecx=00000040  edx=1b0feef8
  esi=204dbe08  edi=00000040  ebp=000003c0  esp=0018ee40
  eip=00c4c4e8  Flags=00210206

  00c4c4e0   85 ed 0f 8e 90 00 00 00
  00c4c4e8 > 8b 40 04 3b c5 0f 84 85
  00c4c4f0   00 00 00 50 55 68 5e 12

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  512
Pages:  262.144

PI:  1.572.160
PI_TEMP_DATA: 85.680
SI:  3.386.880
SI_TEMP_DATA: 593.828
FSI:  60.348

Blocks:  8
Temporary: 5.778
BE:  4.632.000
PLE:  10.166.000
BE Pool:  6.076
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 352
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 439.108(7)
B.cache mapped: 2.592.128(2)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  5.645.000(5.184.160/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 2.256.768(79)
SI Display Cache: 5.134.272
PLE Display Cache: 1.298.016

Buffer:  1.592.848
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  56.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.858.800

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  40.796
Transitions::  2.574

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 41.943.040

Private Bytes: 780 MByte

TLS:  945
MXGUI:  36.032.680
Sum:  125.405.448

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
00C4C4E8  0018EE3C  0001:0084B4E8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
C8924025  0018EE40  0000:00000000 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
0018F378  0018EE44  0000:00000000
204DBDD0  0018F378  0000:00000000

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  22.11.2011  01:12
CrashDump 20111122_011214_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mxmpeg2.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x0b490000) an Adresse 0x0b49de95
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00000718)
  eax=2f140060  ebx=0000010d  ecx=00000000  edx=00001e00
  esi=2f538460  edi=3b1ae140  ebp=0018ec1c  esp=0018ec00
  eip=0b49de95  Flags=00210202

  0b49de8d   cb 0f eb c1 0f 73 d0 20
  0b49de95 > 0f 7e 04 0f 83 c1 04 3b
  0b49de9d   4d 14 7c dc 03 75 10 03

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.604.528
PI_TEMP_DATA: 85.680
SI:  3.622.752
SI_TEMP_DATA: 595.040
FSI:  60.724

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 5.814
BE:  4.632.000
PLE:  9.384.000
BE Pool:  7.364
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 352
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 463.924(8)
B.cache mapped: 2.073.728(2)
V.cache outproc: 524.132.672(473)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  18.916.184(11.405.000/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 7.103.296(177)
SI Display Cache: 5.134.272
PLE Display Cache: 887.320

Buffer:  1.592.848
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  56.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.869.840

VP: admin:  -23.-80
VP+Trans: privateData:  174.600
Transitions::  10.510

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  32
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 41.943.040

Private Bytes: 740 MByte

TLS:  963
MXGUI:  37.558.620
Sum:  144.986.940

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
0B49DE95  0018EC1C  0001:0000CE95 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0B49CFA4  0018EC84  0001:0000BFA4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0B49C39C  0018ECC4  0001:0000B39C C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0B49B34E  0018ED24  0001:0000A34E C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0B4A0C6B  0018EE1C  DllUnregisterServer+2A1B
00C4C4C5  0018EE20  0001:0084B4C5 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
17BA7B58  0018EE24  0000:00000000

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  22.11.2011  01:20
CrashDump 20111122_012028_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mxmpeg2.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x06fb0000) an Adresse 0x06fbde95
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 000015e8)
  eax=26400060  ebx=0000010d  ecx=00000000  edx=00001e00
  esi=267f8460  edi=36a7e140  ebp=0018ec1c  esp=0018ec00
  eip=06fbde95  Flags=00010202

  06fbde8d   cb 0f eb c1 0f 73 d0 20
  06fbde95 > 0f 7e 04 0f 83 c1 04 3b
  06fbde9d   4d 14 7c dc 03 75 10 03

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.599.904
PI_TEMP_DATA: 85.680
SI:  3.429.216
SI_TEMP_DATA: 472.160
FSI:  60.724

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 5.796
BE:  4.632.000
PLE:  6.256.000
BE Pool:  6.664
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 352
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 439.108(7)
B.cache mapped: 2.073.728(2)
V.cache outproc: 523.611.072(423)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  6.474.480(5.184.160/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 1.404.912(54)
SI Display Cache: 5.134.272
PLE Display Cache: 1.310.944

Buffer:  1.592.848
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.858.800

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  150.064
Transitions::  4.070

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 41.943.040

Private Bytes: 674 MByte

TLS:  940
MXGUI:  32.770.000
Sum:  118.419.770

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
06FBDE95  0018EC1C  0001:0000CE95 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
06FBCFA4  0018EC84  0001:0000BFA4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
06FBC39C  0018ECC4  0001:0000B39C C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
06FBB34E  0018ED24  0001:0000A34E C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
06FC0C6B  0018EE1C  DllUnregisterServer+2A1B
00C4C4C5  0018EE20  0001:0084B4C5 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
09843868  0018EE24  0000:00000000

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  22.11.2011  01:22
CrashDump 20111122_012245_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mxmpeg2.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x08030000) an Adresse 0x0803de95
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00001aac)
  eax=24920060  ebx=0000010d  ecx=00000000  edx=00001e00
  esi=24d18460  edi=2cd9e140  ebp=0018ec1c  esp=0018ec00
  eip=0803de95  Flags=00210202

  0803de8d   cb 0f eb c1 0f 73 d0 20
  0803de95 > 0f 7e 04 0f 83 c1 04 3b
  0803de9d   4d 14 7c dc 03 75 10 03

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.581.408
PI_TEMP_DATA: 75.312
SI:  2.655.072
SI_TEMP_DATA: 467.320
FSI:  60.724

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 17.388
BE:  4.632.000
PLE:  3.910.000
BE Pool:  6.328
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 352
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 439.108(7)
B.cache mapped: 1.036.864(1)
V.cache outproc: 341.124.544(271)
V.cache mapped: 0(1)
Video:  3.882.400(2.592.080/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 447.408(18)
SI Display Cache: 5.134.272
PLE Display Cache: 887.320

Buffer:  1.592.848
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.855.488

VP: admin:  -1.-440
VP+Trans: privateData:  60.864
Transitions::  1.702

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216

Private Bytes: 445 MByte

TLS:  964
MXGUI:  27.212.098
Sum:  79.411.700

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
0803DE95  0018EC1C  0001:0000CE95 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0803CFA4  0018EC84  0001:0000BFA4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0803C39C  0018ECC4  0001:0000B39C C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0803B34E  0018ED24  0001:0000A34E C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
08040C6B  0018EE1C  DllUnregisterServer+2A1B
00C4C4C5  0018EEA4  0001:0084B4C5 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
759A74BB  0018EF30  ReleaseDC+75
759A6A8C  0018EF5C  gapfnScSendMessage+AC4
759A6B34  0018EF60  gapfnScSendMessage+B6C
759A6B00  0018EF94  gapfnScSendMessage+B38
759A6B00  0018EF98  gapfnScSendMessage+B38
759A6BC4  0018EFB0  gapfnScSendMessage+BFC
759B7FAF  0018F028  LoadBitmapA+2ED
759B85DC  0018F048  DefFrameProcW+1B
00CC8EFC  0018F064  0001:008C7EFC C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
00CB69E0  0018F080  0001:008B59E0 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
00698EF6  0018F0B4  0001:00297EF6 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
759B62D5  0018F0D4  CallNextHookEx+50
007B1BA1  0018F150  0001:003B0BA1 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
7775E36C  0018F708  RtlInitUnicodeString+164

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  22.11.2011  01:24
CrashDump 20111122_012423_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mxmpeg2.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x09140000) an Adresse 0x0914de95
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00000fe8)
  eax=20e60060  ebx=0000010d  ecx=00000000  edx=00001e00
  esi=21258460  edi=2bb2e140  ebp=0018ec1c  esp=0018ec00
  eip=0914de95  Flags=00210202

  0914de8d   cb 0f eb c1 0f 73 d0 20
  0914de95 > 0f 7e 04 0f 83 c1 04 3b
  0914de9d   4d 14 7c dc 03 75 10 03

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.581.408
PI_TEMP_DATA: 75.312
SI:  2.655.072
SI_TEMP_DATA: 467.320
FSI:  60.724

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 5.796
BE:  4.632.000
PLE:  3.910.000
BE Pool:  6.328
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 352
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 439.108(7)
B.cache mapped: 1.036.864(1)
V.cache outproc: 303.279.040(235)
V.cache mapped: 0(1)
Video:  3.882.400(2.592.080/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 447.408(18)
SI Display Cache: 5.134.272
PLE Display Cache: 887.320

Buffer:  1.592.848
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.857.696

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  60.864
Transitions::  1.702

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216

Private Bytes: 456 MByte

TLS:  964
MXGUI:  27.212.098
Sum:  79.403.756

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
0914DE95  0018EC1C  0001:0000CE95 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0914CFA4  0018EC84  0001:0000BFA4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0914C39C  0018ECC4  0001:0000B39C C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0914B34E  0018ED24  0001:0000A34E C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
09150C6B  0018EE1C  DllUnregisterServer+2A1B
00C4C4C5  0018EE20  0001:0084B4C5 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
0CA73868  0018EE24  0000:00000000

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  22.11.2011  01:25
CrashDump 20111122_012511_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mxmpeg2.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x087a0000) an Adresse 0x087ade95
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 000018d0)
  eax=20070060  ebx=0000010d  ecx=00000000  edx=00001e00
  esi=20468460  edi=2869e140  ebp=0018ec1c  esp=0018ec00
  eip=087ade95  Flags=00210202

  087ade8d   cb 0f eb c1 0f 73 d0 20
  087ade95 > 0f 7e 04 0f 83 c1 04 3b
  087ade9d   4d 14 7c dc 03 75 10 03

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.586.032
PI_TEMP_DATA: 75.312
SI:  2.848.608
SI_TEMP_DATA: 467.320
FSI:  60.724

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 5.796
BE:  4.632.000
PLE:  3.910.000
BE Pool:  6.440
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 352
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 439.108(7)
B.cache mapped: 1.036.864(1)
V.cache outproc: 273.209.600(200)
V.cache mapped: 0(1)
Video:  3.882.400(2.592.080/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 472.264(19)
SI Display Cache: 5.134.272
PLE Display Cache: 887.272

Buffer:  1.592.848
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.857.696

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  79.152
Transitions::  1.702

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216

Private Bytes: 446 MByte

TLS:  964
MXGUI:  27.102.146
Sum:  79.583.172

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
087ADE95  0018EC1C  0001:0000CE95 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
087ACFA4  0018EC84  0001:0000BFA4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
087AC39C  0018ECC4  0001:0000B39C C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
087AB34E  0018ED24  0001:0000A34E C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
087B0C6B  0018EE1C  DllUnregisterServer+2A1B
00C4C4C5  0018EEA4  0001:0084B4C5 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
759A74BB  0018EF30  ReleaseDC+75
759A6A8C  0018EF5C  gapfnScSendMessage+AC4
759A6B34  0018EF60  gapfnScSendMessage+B6C
759A6B00  0018EF94  gapfnScSendMessage+B38
759A6B00  0018EF98  gapfnScSendMessage+B38
759A6BC4  0018EFB0  gapfnScSendMessage+BFC
759B7FAF  0018F028  LoadBitmapA+2ED
759B85DC  0018F048  DefFrameProcW+1B
00CC8EFC  0018F064  0001:008C7EFC C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
00CB69E0  0018F080  0001:008B59E0 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
00698EF6  0018F0B4  0001:00297EF6 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
759B62D5  0018F0D4  CallNextHookEx+50
007B1BA1  0018F150  0001:003B0BA1 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
7775E36C  0018F708  RtlInitUnicodeString+164

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  22.11.2011  01:28
CrashDump 20111122_012841_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mxmpeg2.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x07010000) an Adresse 0x0701de95
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00001bf4)
  eax=22440060  ebx=0000010d  ecx=00000000  edx=00001e00
  esi=22838460  edi=2cb5e140  ebp=0018ec1c  esp=0018ec00
  eip=0701de95  Flags=00010202

  0701de8d   cb 0f eb c1 0f 73 d0 20
  0701de95 > 0f 7e 04 0f 83 c1 04 3b
  0701de9d   4d 14 7c dc 03 75 10 03

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.581.408
PI_TEMP_DATA: 75.312
SI:  2.655.072
SI_TEMP_DATA: 467.320
FSI:  60.724

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 5.796
BE:  4.632.000
PLE:  3.910.000
BE Pool:  6.244
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 352
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 439.108(7)
B.cache mapped: 1.036.864(1)
V.cache outproc: 523.616.320(505)
V.cache mapped: 0(1)
Video:  3.882.400(2.592.080/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 795.392(32)
SI Display Cache: 5.134.272
PLE Display Cache: 1.585.360

Buffer:  1.592.848
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.854.384

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  58.496
Transitions::  1.702

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216

Private Bytes: 449 MByte

TLS:  941
MXGUI:  27.212.098
Sum:  80.335.376

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
0701DE95  0018EC1C  0001:0000CE95 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0701CFA4  0018EC84  0001:0000BFA4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0701C39C  0018ECC4  0001:0000B39C C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0701B34E  0018ED24  0001:0000A34E C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
07020C6B  0018EE1C  DllUnregisterServer+2A1B
00C4C4C5  0018EE20  0001:0084B4C5 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
06EDCF98  0018EE24  0000:00000000

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  22.11.2011  01:34
CrashDump 20111122_013414_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mxmpeg2.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x0b400000) an Adresse 0x0b40de95
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 000016bc)
  eax=21550060  ebx=0000010d  ecx=00000000  edx=00001e00
  esi=21948460  edi=2974e140  ebp=29b8f0c4  esp=29b8f0a8
  eip=0b40de95  Flags=00010202

  0b40de8d   cb 0f eb c1 0f 73 d0 20
  0b40de95 > 0f 7e 04 0f 83 c1 04 3b
  0b40de9d   4d 14 7c dc 03 75 10 03

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.562.912
PI_TEMP_DATA: 25.104
SI:  2.437.344
SI_TEMP_DATA: 388.540
FSI:  60.724

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 5.796
BE:  4.632.000
PLE:  3.910.000
BE Pool:  6.244
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 345.828(3)
B.cache mapped: 2.073.728(2)
V.cache outproc: 441.699.904(361)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  5.437.640(4.147.320/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 447.408(18)
SI Display Cache: 5.134.272
PLE Display Cache: 887.320

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.859.904

VP: admin:  -360
VP+Trans: privateData:  60.864
Transitions::  1.702

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216

Private Bytes: 545 MByte

TLS:  938
MXGUI:  27.212.098
Sum:  79.981.428

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
0B40DE95  29B8F0C4  0001:0000CE95 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0B40CFA4  29B8F12C  0001:0000BFA4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0B40C39C  29B8F16C  0001:0000B39C C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0B40B34E  29B8F1CC  0001:0000A34E C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0B410C6B  29B8F2C4  DllUnregisterServer+2A1B
00C4C4C5  29B8F2C8  0001:0084B4C5 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
093DCFD8  29B8F2CC  0000:00000000

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  22.11.2011  01:39
CrashDump 20111122_013923_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mxmpeg2.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x0b2b0000) an Adresse 0x0b2bde95
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 000014c0)
  eax=20070060  ebx=0000010d  ecx=00000000  edx=00001e00
  esi=20468460  edi=310ce140  ebp=0810f0c4  esp=0810f0a8
  eip=0b2bde95  Flags=00010202

  0b2bde8d   cb 0f eb c1 0f 73 d0 20
  0b2bde95 > 0f 7e 04 0f 83 c1 04 3b
  0b2bde9d   4d 14 7c dc 03 75 10 03

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.581.408
PI_TEMP_DATA: 75.312
SI:  2.655.072
SI_TEMP_DATA: 467.320
FSI:  60.724

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 5.796
BE:  4.632.000
PLE:  3.910.000
BE Pool:  6.244
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 439.108(7)
B.cache mapped: 2.073.728(2)
V.cache outproc: 414.222.464(326)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  5.437.640(4.147.320/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 447.408(18)
SI Display Cache: 5.134.272
PLE Display Cache: 887.320

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.854.384

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  60.864
Transitions::  1.702

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216

Private Bytes: 540 MByte

TLS:  964
MXGUI:  27.102.146
Sum:  80.247.304

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
0B2BDE95  0810F0C4  0001:0000CE95 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0B2BCFA4  0810F12C  0001:0000BFA4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0B2BC39C  0810F16C  0001:0000B39C C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0B2BB34E  0810F1CC  0001:0000A34E C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
0B2C0C6B  0810F2C4  DllUnregisterServer+2A1B
00C4C4C5  0810F2C8  0001:0084B4C5 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
0C823868  0810F2CC  0000:00000000

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  22.11.2011  01:42
CrashDump 20111122_014228_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mxmpeg2.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x084b0000) an Adresse 0x084bde95
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 000013e8)
  eax=22100060  ebx=0000010d  ecx=00000000  edx=00001e00
  esi=224f8460  edi=2985e140  ebp=0018ec1c  esp=0018ec00
  eip=084bde95  Flags=00210202

  084bde8d   cb 0f eb c1 0f 73 d0 20
  084bde95 > 0f 7e 04 0f 83 c1 04 3b
  084bde9d   4d 14 7c dc 03 75 10 03

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.586.032
PI_TEMP_DATA: 75.312
SI:  2.848.608
SI_TEMP_DATA: 467.320
FSI:  60.724

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 5.796
BE:  4.632.000
PLE:  3.910.000
BE Pool:  6.412
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 352
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 439.108(7)
B.cache mapped: 2.073.728(2)
V.cache outproc: 443.772.544(346)
V.cache mapped: 0(2)
Video:  5.437.640(4.147.320/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 447.408(18)
SI Display Cache: 5.134.272
PLE Display Cache: 707.864

Buffer:  1.592.848
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  28.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.857.696

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  78.580
Transitions::  1.702

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 33.554.432

Private Bytes: 606 MByte

TLS:  964
MXGUI:  27.102.146
Sum:  98.733.628

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
084BDE95  0018EC1C  0001:0000CE95 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
084BCFA4  0018EC84  0001:0000BFA4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
084BC39C  0018ECC4  0001:0000B39C C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
084BB783  0018ED24  0001:0000A783 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
084C0C6B  0018EE1C  DllUnregisterServer+2A1B
00C4C4C5  0018EE20  0001:0084B4C5 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
0BBC3868  0018EE24  0000:00000000

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  22.11.2011  01:45
CrashDump 20111122_014528_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mxmpeg2.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x08c00000) an Adresse 0x08c0de95
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00001464)
  eax=20070060  ebx=0000010d  ecx=00000000  edx=00001e00
  esi=20468460  edi=2b1ee140  ebp=0018ec1c  esp=0018ec00
  eip=08c0de95  Flags=00210202

  08c0de8d   cb 0f eb c1 0f 73 d0 20
  08c0de95 > 0f 7e 04 0f 83 c1 04 3b
  08c0de9d   4d 14 7c dc 03 75 10 03

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.579.096
PI_TEMP_DATA: 75.312
SI:  2.652.048
SI_TEMP_DATA: 467.320
FSI:  60.724

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 5.796
BE:  4.632.000
PLE:  3.910.000
BE Pool:  5.936
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 352
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 439.108(7)
B.cache mapped: 1.036.864(1)
V.cache outproc: 522.572.096(389)
V.cache mapped: 0(1)
Video:  3.882.400(2.592.080/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 1.715.064(69)
SI Display Cache: 7.956.000
PLE Display Cache: 2.619.064

Buffer:  1.592.848
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.854.384

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  58.464
Transitions::  1.310

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216

Private Bytes: 464 MByte

TLS:  964
MXGUI:  27.102.146
Sum:  84.596.540

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
08C0DE95  0018EC1C  0001:0000CE95 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
08C0CFA4  0018EC84  0001:0000BFA4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
08C0C39C  0018ECC4  0001:0000B39C C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
08C0B34E  0018ED24  0001:0000A34E C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
08C10C6B  0018EE1C  DllUnregisterServer+2A1B
00C4C4C5  0018EE20  0001:0084B4C5 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
0CA13868  0018EE24  0000:00000000

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  22.11.2011  01:48
CrashDump 20111122_014808_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mxmpeg2.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x08c00000) an Adresse 0x08c0de95
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00001a2c)
  eax=22000060  ebx=0000010d  ecx=00000000  edx=00001e00
  esi=223f8460  edi=2944e140  ebp=0018ec1c  esp=0018ec00
  eip=08c0de95  Flags=00010202

  08c0de8d   cb 0f eb c1 0f 73 d0 20
  08c0de95 > 0f 7e 04 0f 83 c1 04 3b
  08c0de9d   4d 14 7c dc 03 75 10 03

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.588.344
PI_TEMP_DATA: 75.312
SI:  3.039.120
SI_TEMP_DATA: 467.320
FSI:  60.724

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 5.796
BE:  4.632.000
PLE:  4.692.000
BE Pool:  6.160
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 352
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 439.108(7)
B.cache mapped: 1.036.864(1)
V.cache outproc: 523.616.320(505)
V.cache mapped: 0(1)
Video:  3.882.400(2.592.080/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 1.391.936(56)
SI Display Cache: 5.134.272
PLE Display Cache: 1.672.600

Buffer:  1.592.848
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.856.592

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  100.360
Transitions::  1.310

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  0
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216

Private Bytes: 455 MByte

TLS:  964
MXGUI:  27.102.146
Sum:  81.811.868

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
08C0DE95  0018EC1C  0001:0000CE95 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
08C0CFA4  0018EC84  0001:0000BFA4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
08C0C39C  0018ECC4  0001:0000B39C C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
08C0B34E  0018ED24  0001:0000A34E C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\mxmpeg2.dll
08C10C6B  0018EE1C  DllUnregisterServer+2A1B
00C4C4C5  0018EEA4  0001:0084B4C5 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
763274BB  0018EF30  ReleaseDC+75
76326A8C  0018EF5C  gapfnScSendMessage+AC4
76326B34  0018EF60  gapfnScSendMessage+B6C
76326B00  0018EF94  gapfnScSendMessage+B38
76326B00  0018EF98  gapfnScSendMessage+B38
76326BC4  0018EFB0  gapfnScSendMessage+BFC
76337FAF  0018F028  LoadBitmapA+2ED
763385DC  0018F048  DefFrameProcW+1B
00CC8EFC  0018F064  0001:008C7EFC C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
00CB69E0  0018F080  0001:008B59E0 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
00698EF6  0018F0B4  0001:00297EF6 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
763362D5  0018F0D4  CallNextHookEx+50
007B1BA1  0018F150  0001:003B0BA1 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
77EAE36C  0018F708  RtlInitUnicodeString+164

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  24.11.2011  17:26
CrashDump 20111124_172628_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "Videodeluxe.exe" (Ladeadresse: 0x00400000) an Adresse 0x00c4c4e8
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 0000126c)
  eax=29ad0018  ebx=0f260de4  ecx=00000040  edx=0c61fab0
  esi=0f260d88  edi=00000040  ebp=000003c0  esp=0018ee40
  eip=00c4c4e8  Flags=00010206

  00c4c4e0   85 ed 0f 8e 90 00 00 00
  00c4c4e8 > 8b 40 04 3b c5 0f 84 85
  00c4c4f0   00 00 00 50 55 68 5e 12

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  512
Pages:  262.144

PI:  1.636.896
PI_TEMP_DATA: 110.784
SI:  3.858.624
SI_TEMP_DATA: 707.636
FSI:  60.724

Blocks:  1.120
Temporary: 5.796
BE:  4.656.000
PLE:  9.384.000
BE Pool:  21.280
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 352
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 16.812.972(29)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  5.067.528(3.777.208/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 13.240.888(471)
SI Display Cache: 8.019.648
PLE Display Cache: 841.928

Buffer:  1.592.848
Pointer:  0

Title:  6.252
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  56.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.858.800

VP: admin:  -7.-800
VP+Trans: privateData:  224.721
Transitions::  2.822

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  96
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 16.777.216

Private Bytes: 641 MByte

TLS:  940
MXGUI:  27.212.098
Sum:  121.073.001

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
00C4C4E8  0018EE3C  0001:0084B4E8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
CA7AC80A  0018EE40  0000:00000000 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
0018F378  0018EE44  0000:00000000
0F260D50  0018F378  0000:00000000

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  30.12.2011  13:53
CrashDump 20111230_135322_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "MSVCR90.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x72f60000) an Adresse 0x72f9ae7a
Exception 0xc0000006  "IN_PAGE_ERROR"

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 000025ec)
  eax=115072ae  ebx=144c0000  ecx=0000c2f4  edx=00000002
  esi=114d66dc  edi=144c0000  ebp=120cefbc  esp=120cefb4
  eip=72f9ae7a  Flags=00010212

  72f9ae72   83 e2 03 83 f9 08 72 2a
  72f9ae7a > f3 a5 ff 24 95 94 af f9
  72f9ae82   72 90 8b c7 ba 03 00 00

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.313.216
PI_TEMP_DATA: 73.128
SI:  2.349.648
SI_TEMP_DATA: 424.396
FSI:  36.848

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 3.510
BE:  3.864.000
PLE:  3.128.000
BE Pool:  14.280
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 5.302.968
B.cache outproc: 25.869.520(24)
B.cache mapped: 1.555.264(1)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(1)
Video:  6.264.928(3.318.944/0)
Bitmap:  27.688

Video thumbs: 1.096.192(7)
SI Display Cache: 2.673.216
PLE Display Cache: 805.256

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  4.530
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  28.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.855.488

VP: admin:  -520
VP+Trans: privateData:  100.690
Transitions::  1.742

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  32
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 8.388.608

Private Bytes: 553 MByte

TLS:  960
MXGUI:  35.742.936
Sum:  93.557.248

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
72F9AE7A  120CEFBC  memcpy+5A

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  30.12.2011  18:21
Fehler im Modul "(null)" (Ladeadresse: 0xffffffff) an Adresse 0x768ab9bc
Exception 0xe06d7363  ""

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 000024f8)
  eax=0018d388  ebx=824d0048  ecx=00000003  edx=00000000
  esi=1be5f948  edi=27a0f700  ebp=0018d3d8  esp=0018d388
  eip=768ab9bc  Flags=00200216

  768ab9b4   b0 50 ff 15 5c 11 8a 76
  768ab9bc > c9 c2 10 00 cc cc cc cc
  768ab9c4   cc 8b ff 55 8b ec 56 8b

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.329.400
PI_TEMP_DATA: 73.128
SI:  3.030.048
SI_TEMP_DATA: 392.876
FSI:  36.848

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 3.510
BE:  3.864.000
PLE:  7.038.000
BE Pool:  25.928
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 27.688
B.cache outproc: 65.755.472(31)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  57.109.012(45.555.564/18.144.200)
Bitmap:  27.688

Video thumbs: 31.769.664(1001)
SI Display Cache: 2.673.216
PLE Display Cache: 48.983.140

Buffer:  384.704
Pointer:  1.935.440

Title:  10.146
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  56.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.858.800

VP: admin:  -29.-40
VP+Trans: privateData:  168.542
Transitions::  2.282

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  96
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 167.772.160

Private Bytes: 3431 MByte

TLS:  959
MXGUI:  36.499.230
Sum:  397.965.078

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Logical addr  Module
768AB9BC  0018D3D8  0001:0000A9BC C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll
1BDF8551  0018D410  0001:00027551 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\tiles.dll
1BDF8508  0018D42C  0001:00027508 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\tiles.dll

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  31.12.2011  03:48
Fehler im Modul "(null)" (Ladeadresse: 0xffffffff) an Adresse 0x768ab9bc
Exception 0xe06d7363  ""

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00001a8c)
  eax=0018d388  ebx=e9300048  ecx=00000003  edx=00000000
  esi=1ae829f0  edi=19aa7cc0  ebp=0018d3d8  esp=0018d388
  eip=768ab9bc  Flags=00200216

  768ab9b4   b0 50 ff 15 5c 11 8a 76
  768ab9bc > c9 c2 10 00 cc cc cc cc
  768ab9c4   cc 8b ff 55 8b ec 56 8b

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.301.656
PI_TEMP_DATA: 50.208
SI:  2.050.272
SI_TEMP_DATA: 253.052
FSI:  36.848

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 3.510
BE:  3.864.000
PLE:  3.128.000
BE Pool:  14.224
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 27.688
B.cache outproc: 57.845.668(14)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  55.002.188(45.555.564/18.144.200)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 15.438.064(371)
SI Display Cache: 2.673.216
PLE Display Cache: 25.710.228

Buffer:  384.704
Pointer:  1.935.440

Title:  6.096
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.861.008

VP: admin:  -1.-200
VP+Trans: privateData:  83.338
Transitions::  1.742

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  96
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 201.326.592

Private Bytes: 3513 MByte

TLS:  959
MXGUI:  27.212.098
Sum:  360.862.976

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Logical addr  Module
768AB9BC  0018D3D8  0001:0000A9BC C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll
1AE1AF71  0018D410  0001:00029F71 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\morph.dll
1AE1AF28  0018D42C  0001:00029F28 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\RegModule\morph.dll

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  01.01.2012  17:07
Fehler im Modul "(null)" (Ladeadresse: 0xffffffff) an Adresse 0x00cc0ffe
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 000026ac)
  eax=ccccccc3  ebx=00000001  ecx=62287608  edx=021bf3a0
  esi=0000f109  edi=624dafa0  ebp=0018c29c  esp=0018c29c
  eip=00cc0ffe  Flags=00210296

  00cc0ff6   00 74 f5 3b 45 08 74 0b
  00cc0ffe > 8b 40 10 85 c0 75 f4 5d
  00cc1006   c2 04 00 33 c0 40 eb f7

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.317.840
PI_TEMP_DATA: 50.208
SI:  2.727.648
SI_TEMP_DATA: 375.932
FSI:  36.848

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 252
BE:  3.864.000
PLE:  5.474.000
BE Pool:  20.412
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 27.688
B.cache outproc: 54.509.616(28)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  35.350.648(24.192.200/0)
Bitmap:  27.688

Video thumbs: 17.046.864(686)
SI Display Cache: 6.046.560
PLE Display Cache: 5.449.936

Buffer:  384.704
Pointer:  1.935.440

Title:  12.640
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  7.864.320

VP: admin:  -3.-960
VP+Trans: privateData:  161.578
Transitions::  1.742

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  96
VSW:  0
global UI (malloc): 0
global UI (valloc): 192.937.984

Private Bytes: 3353 MByte

TLS:  919
MXGUI:  27.212.098
Sum:  328.456.834

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Logical addr  Module
00CC0FFE  0018C29C  0001:008BFFFE C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
00CD2D50  0018C2B4  0001:008D1D50 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
00CB9AB8  0018FB88  0001:008B8AB8 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe
00CC93C7  0018FBB0  0001:008C83C7 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Video_deluxe_MX_Premium_Download-Version\Videodeluxe.exe

MAGIX Video deluxe MX Premium Download-Version  02.01.2012  02:31
CrashDump 20120102_023110_v11.0.3.0.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mxexp_de.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x72dc0000) an Adresse 0x72e35c80
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 000018b4)
  eax=72e330c0  ebx=00000001  ecx=72e5ba08  edx=021bf3a0
  esi=0000f109  edi=72e5ba08  ebp=0018bb54  esp=0018bb3c
  eip=72e35c80  Flags=00010246

  72e35c78   04 00 00 00 58 5c e3 72
  72e35c80 > 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  72e35c88   00 00 00 00 10 4d e5 72

videodeluxe.exe 28.09.2011  10:37   1de7fea5

Memory Allocation
Base:  1.088
PE:  192
Pages:  98.304

PI:  1.308.592
PI_TEMP_DATA: 50.208
SI:  2.340.576
SI_TEMP_DATA: 253.052
FSI:  36.848

Blocks:  60
Temporary: 252
BE:  3.864.000
PLE:  4.692.000
BE Pool:  19.320
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 27.688
B.cache outproc: 75.253.156(28)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
V.cache outproc: 0(0)
V.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  31.756.408(20.597.960/0)
Bitmap:  27.688

Video thumbs: 14.287.848(575)
SI Display Cache: 2.673.216
PLE Display Cache: 24.686.552

Buffer:  384.704
Pointer:  1.935.440

Title:  11.464
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

salvit schrieb am 04.01.2012 um 16:14 Uhr

Hi BilderMacher

Hast Du was damit anfangen können, was ich gepostet habe?

Hilf mir bitte wenn Du kannst.



salvit schrieb am 04.01.2012 um 16:48 Uhr

Ich würde der bitte ja gerne nachgehen, aber die einzige Datei die so heisst, ist von einem Projekt, dass ich im September gemacht habe. Für das Aktuelle Projekt liegt keine solche Datei auf dem PC. Habe alle Laufwerke durchsucht. Habe auch alles so eingestellt, dass ich sie finden würde, wenn sie vorhanden wäre. Zum Beispiel: Versteckte Dateien und Ordner anzeigen und bekannte endungen nicht verbergen.

Sie ist nirgends. Kann ich die neu generieren? Die alte vielleicht löschen?

Ich habe keine Ahnung, aber eine neuere dbk.log hab ich 100% nicht.