DVD brennen

elkekarl schrieb am 14.11.2012 um 09:51 Uhr


es ist nicht die erste Fotoshow, die ich mit Magix Foto 10.0 brennen will.

Folgende Meldung erscheint:

Fehler im Modul mdabase.dll (Ladeadresse: 0x12f50000) an Adresse 0x12fcef Exception 0xc0000005



Danach kann man nur das programm schließen und wenn ich es erneut versuche kommt wieder der

selbe Fehler.


Mit Freundlichen Grüßen



marion51 schrieb am 14.11.2012 um 13:17 Uhr


stelle bitte das kpl.Fehlerprotokoll hier ein.


elkekarl schrieb am 14.11.2012 um 21:15 Uhr


anbei das Fehlerprotokoll, 


MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  09.10.2011  15:41
CrashDump 20111009_154101_v10.0.0.22.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "(null)" (Ladeadresse: 0xffffffff) an Adresse 0x01e292a0
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 000012b0)
  eax=00000000  ebx=010b3440  ecx=0924a260  edx=01e292a0
  esi=00a955a1  edi=01e292a0  ebp=0018fd1c  esp=0018fd18
  eip=01e292a0  Flags=00210246

  01e29298   ff 03 2e 00 fb 03 24 00
  01e292a0 > ca 04 01 00 13 01 00 00
  01e292a8   03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Fotos_dlx.exe 10.09.2010  09:32   5f1a82b3

Memory Allocation
Base:  992
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  484.872
PI_TEMP_DATA: 25.184
SI:  546.984
SI_TEMP_DATA: 48.384
FSI:  564

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 114
BE:  216.000
PLE:  1.496.000
BE Pool:  392
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 18.008.904(222)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  2.073.680(2.073.680/0)
Bitmap:  36.904

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 1.720.264
PLE Display Cache: 1.798.640

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  3.895.560

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  6.848
VSW:  0

Private Bytes: 216 MByte

TLS:  994
MXGUI:  26.341.758
Sum:  38.870.580

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
01E292A0  0018FD1C  0000:00000000
00A8FD58  0018FD34  0001:0068ED58 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FF39  0018FD40  0001:0068EF39 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
006C04E4  0018FE80  0001:002BF4E4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FF86  0018FEC4  0001:0068EF86 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FC11  0018FEE4  0001:0068EC11 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00CF6874  0018FEF8  0001:008F5874 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00ACCB2F  0018FF88  0001:006CBB2F C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
761B339A  0018FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
76F99ED2  0018FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
76F99EA5  0018FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  09.10.2011  16:14
CrashDump 20111009_161411_v10.0.0.22.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "(null)" (Ladeadresse: 0xffffffff) an Adresse 0x003292a0
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00000804)
  eax=00000000  ebx=010b3440  ecx=0918b778  edx=003292a0
  esi=00a955a1  edi=003292a0  ebp=0018fd1c  esp=0018fd18
  eip=003292a0  Flags=00210246

  00329298   39 04 03 00 cb 04 ee 00
  003292a0 > a2 06 02 00 13 01 00 00
  003292a8   03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Fotos_dlx.exe 10.09.2010  09:32   5f1a82b3

Memory Allocation
Base:  992
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  519.048
PI_TEMP_DATA: 29.296
SI:  804.288
SI_TEMP_DATA: 48.384
FSI:  564

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 114
BE:  216.000
PLE:  2.992.000
BE Pool:  532
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 87.892.056(153)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  2.073.680(2.073.680/0)
Bitmap:  36.904

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 1.720.264
PLE Display Cache: 12.050.888

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  3.898.504

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  8.096
VSW:  0

Private Bytes: 230 MByte

TLS:  992
MXGUI:  26.454.362
Sum:  51.067.356

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
003292A0  0018FD1C  0000:00000000
00A8FD58  0018FD34  0001:0068ED58 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FF39  0018FD40  0001:0068EF39 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
006C04E4  0018FE80  0001:002BF4E4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FF86  0018FEC4  0001:0068EF86 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FC11  0018FEE4  0001:0068EC11 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00CF6874  0018FEF8  0001:008F5874 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00ACCB2F  0018FF88  0001:006CBB2F C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
761B339A  0018FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
76F99ED2  0018FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
76F99EA5  0018FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  09.10.2011  16:27
CrashDump 20111009_162718_v10.0.0.22.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "(null)" (Ladeadresse: 0xffffffff) an Adresse 0x002e92a6
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00000678)
  eax=00dc8ad4  ebx=010b3440  ecx=0921a8c0  edx=002e92a0
  esi=00a955a1  edi=002e92a0  ebp=0018fd1c  esp=0018fd18
  eip=002e92a6  Flags=00210206

  002e929e   05 00 d2 07 04 00 13 01
  002e92a6 > 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00
  002e92ae   00 00 8f 6b 2e 00 41 05

Fotos_dlx.exe 10.09.2010  09:32   5f1a82b3

Memory Allocation
Base:  992
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  529.728
PI_TEMP_DATA: 29.296
SI:  812.808
SI_TEMP_DATA: 48.384
FSI:  564

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 114
BE:  216.000
PLE:  2.244.000
BE Pool:  504
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 66.681.268(94)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  2.073.680(2.073.680/0)
Bitmap:  36.904

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 1.720.264
PLE Display Cache: 5.216.056

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  3.898.504

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  7.904
VSW:  0

Private Bytes: 235 MByte

TLS:  977
MXGUI:  26.454.362
Sum:  43.503.504

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
002E92A6  0018FD1C  0000:00000000
00A8FD58  0018FD34  0001:0068ED58 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FF39  0018FD40  0001:0068EF39 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
006C04E4  0018FE80  0001:002BF4E4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FF86  0018FEC4  0001:0068EF86 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FC11  0018FEE4  0001:0068EC11 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00CF6874  0018FEF8  0001:008F5874 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00ACCB2F  0018FF88  0001:006CBB2F C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
761B339A  0018FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
76F99ED2  0018FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
76F99EA5  0018FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  09.10.2011  16:45
CrashDump 20111009_164558_v10.0.0.22.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "(null)" (Ladeadresse: 0xffffffff) an Adresse 0x002e92a6
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00000678)
  eax=00dc8ad4  ebx=010b3440  ecx=0921a8c0  edx=002e92a0
  esi=00a955a1  edi=002e92a0  ebp=0018fd1c  esp=0018fd18
  eip=002e92a6  Flags=00210206

  002e929e   05 00 d2 07 04 00 13 01
  002e92a6 > 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00
  002e92ae   00 00 43 83 3f 00 03 04

Fotos_dlx.exe 10.09.2010  09:32   5f1a82b3

Memory Allocation
Base:  992
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  566.040
PI_TEMP_DATA: 29.296
SI:  841.776
SI_TEMP_DATA: 48.384
FSI:  564

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 162
BE:  216.000
PLE:  3.740.000
BE Pool:  560
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 1.244.200
B.cache outproc: 94.221.316(226)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  2.073.680(3.317.880/1.244.200)
Bitmap:  36.904

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 1.720.264
PLE Display Cache: 21.583.680

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  3.901.448

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  9.184
VSW:  0

Private Bytes: 256 MByte

TLS:  975
MXGUI:  26.454.362
Sum:  62.680.936

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
002E92A6  0018FD1C  0000:00000000
00A8FD58  0018FD34  0001:0068ED58 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FF39  0018FD40  0001:0068EF39 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
006C04E4  0018FE80  0001:002BF4E4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FF86  0018FEC4  0001:0068EF86 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FC11  0018FEE4  0001:0068EC11 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00CF6874  0018FEF8  0001:008F5874 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00ACCB2F  0018FF88  0001:006CBB2F C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
761B339A  0018FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
76F99ED2  0018FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
76F99EA5  0018FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  09.10.2011  16:59
CrashDump 20111009_165931_v10.0.0.22.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "(null)" (Ladeadresse: 0xffffffff) an Adresse 0x01e792b1
Exception 0xc0000096  "PRIV_INSTRUCTION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00000950)
  eax=01130004  ebx=010b3441  ecx=093f0db0  edx=04b51ec8
  esi=00a955a1  edi=01e792a0  ebp=0018fd1c  esp=0018fd1c
  eip=01e792b1  Flags=00210206

  01e792a9   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 43
  01e792b1 > ec 4b 00 bd 03 00 00 d6
  01e792b9   01 00 00 bd 03 00 00 d6

Fotos_dlx.exe 10.09.2010  09:32   5f1a82b3

Memory Allocation
Base:  992
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  593.808
PI_TEMP_DATA: 29.296
SI:  863.928
SI_TEMP_DATA: 48.384
FSI:  564

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 114
BE:  216.000
PLE:  3.740.000
BE Pool:  504
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 22.077.172(67)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  2.073.680(2.073.680/0)
Bitmap:  36.904

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 1.720.264
PLE Display Cache: 4.586.532

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  3.895.560

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  8.640
VSW:  0

Private Bytes: 226 MByte

TLS:  991
MXGUI:  26.341.758
Sum:  44.346.368

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
01E792B1  0018FD1C  0000:00000000
00A8FD58  0018FD34  0001:0068ED58 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FF39  0018FD40  0001:0068EF39 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
006C04E4  0018FE80  0001:002BF4E4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FF86  0018FEC4  0001:0068EF86 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FC11  0018FEE4  0001:0068EC11 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00CF6874  0018FEF8  0001:008F5874 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00ACCB2F  0018FF88  0001:006CBB2F C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
761B339A  0018FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
76F99ED2  0018FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
76F99EA5  0018FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  09.10.2011  17:51
CrashDump 20111009_175154_v10.0.0.22.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "(null)" (Ladeadresse: 0xffffffff) an Adresse 0x01e792aa
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00000950)
  eax=0226001c  ebx=010b3440  ecx=093f0db0  edx=04b51ec8
  esi=00a955a1  edi=01e792a0  ebp=0018fd1c  esp=0018fd1c
  eip=01e792aa  Flags=00210202

  01e792a2   04 00 13 01 00 00 03 00
  01e792aa > 00 00 00 00 00 00 a9 e1
  01e792b2   7b 00 47 04 00 00 bc 02

Fotos_dlx.exe 10.09.2010  09:32   5f1a82b3

Memory Allocation
Base:  992
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  636.528
PI_TEMP_DATA: 29.296
SI:  898.008
SI_TEMP_DATA: 48.384
FSI:  564

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 114
BE:  216.000
PLE:  3.740.000
BE Pool:  560
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 84.328.820(182)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  2.073.680(2.073.680/0)
Bitmap:  36.904

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 1.720.264
PLE Display Cache: 12.770.344

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  0
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  0
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  3.895.560

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  0
Transitions::  0

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  10.368
VSW:  0

Private Bytes: 246 MByte

TLS:  975
MXGUI:  26.454.362
Sum:  52.745.368

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
01E792AA  0018FD1C  0000:00000000
00A8FD58  0018FD34  0001:0068ED58 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FF39  0018FD40  0001:0068EF39 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
006C04E4  0018FE80  0001:002BF4E4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FF86  0018FEC4  0001:0068EF86 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A8FC11  0018FEE4  0001:0068EC11 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00CF6874  0018FEF8  0001:008F5874 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00ACCB2F  0018FF88  0001:006CBB2F C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
761B339A  0018FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
76F99ED2  0018FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
76F99EA5  0018FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  09.10.2011  18:22
CrashDump 20111009_182218_v10.0.0.22.dmp successfully written

CrashDump 20111009_182218_v10.0.0.22.dmp successfully written


Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00000950)
  eax=1773f194  ebx=74b86d73  ecx=0018fc34  edx=155f074c
  esi=0f070a2b  edi=0018fc8c  ebp=74b8563b  esp=0018fbec
  eip=004753fa  Flags=00200282

  004753f2   e8 e9 14 02 00 c2 04 00
  004753fa > cc cc cc cc cc cc 81 ec
  00475402   34 01 00 00 a1 14 8e 02

Fotos_dlx.exe 10.09.2010  09:32   5f1a82b3

Memory Allocation
Base:  992
PE:  512
Pages:  262.144

PI:  687.792
PI_TEMP_DATA: 29.296
SI:  938.904
SI_TEMP_DATA: 187.264
FSI:  940

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 171.824
BE:  288.000
PLE:  6.732.000
BE Pool:  952
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 127.521.028(378)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  3.317.880(3.317.880/0)
Bitmap:  36.904

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 2.763.364
PLE Display Cache: 1.343.420

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  3.066
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  28.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  3.919.592

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  500.832
Transitions::  130.338

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  12.704
VSW:  947.640

Private Bytes: 301 MByte

TLS:  974
MXGUI:  45.321.426
Sum:  67.862.642

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  30.09.2012  19:59
CrashDump 20120930_195931_v10.0.5.3.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "(null)" (Ladeadresse: 0xffffffff) an Adresse 0x807c9bd0
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00000f04)
  eax=0008708d  ebx=005f3c60  ecx=04d47370  edx=00000000
  esi=04d42780  edi=04d42780  ebp=0018d598  esp=0018d4fc
  eip=807c9bd0  Flags=00210202

  807c9bc8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  807c9bd0 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  807c9bd8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Fotos_dlx.exe 01.07.2011  14:49   7e66dd20

Memory Allocation
Base:  992
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  126.024
SI:  408.960
SI_TEMP_DATA: 150.976
FSI:  0

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 85.844
BE:  0
PLE:  748.000
BE Pool:  168
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 42.367.720(70)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  1.244.280(1.036.880/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 2.763.364
PLE Display Cache: 1.379.208

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  12.516
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  3.904.872

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  9.472
Transitions::  4.566

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  1.632
VSW:  0

Private Bytes: 251 MByte

TLS:  963
MXGUI:  49.225.830
Sum:  60.272.616

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
807C9BD0  0018D4F8  0000:00000000 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
005F3D71  0018D598  0001:001F2D71 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A95387  0018D5B8  0001:00694387 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00600D26  0018D5EC  0001:001FFD26 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
006019AC  0018D60C  0001:002009AC C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A98349  0018D648  0001:00697349 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe

MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  30.09.2012  19:59
CrashDump 20120930_195955_v10.0.5.3.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "ntdll.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x773f0000) an Adresse 0x774747db
Exception 0xc0150010  "Der zu deaktivierende Aktivierungskontext ist für den aktuellen Ausführungsthread nicht aktiv.

Main Thread   (ThreadID: 00000f04)
  eax=0018cbc8  ebx=0018fdcc  ecx=00000000  edx=01e45310
  esi=00000000  edi=01d907d0  ebp=0018cc24  esp=0018cbbc
  eip=774747db  Flags=00200246

  774747d3   45 a4 50 e8 2d 70 fd ff
  774747db > 8b 4d f4 e9 c5 e1 fa ff
  774747e3   f6 46 08 01 8b 1e 74 08

Fotos_dlx.exe 01.07.2011  14:49   7e66dd20

Memory Allocation
Base:  992
PE:  128
Pages:  65.536

PI:  138.840
PI_TEMP_DATA: 25.184
SI:  500.976
SI_TEMP_DATA: 187.264
FSI:  0

Blocks:  0
Temporary: 85.844
BE:  0
PLE:  748.000
BE Pool:  168
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 43.702.868(74)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  2.488.480(2.281.080/0)
Bitmap:  36.904

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 2.763.364
PLE Display Cache: 1.379.208

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  0

Title:  12.516
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  3.904.872

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  9.472
Transitions::  4.566

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  1.632
VSW:  0

Private Bytes: 250 MByte

TLS:  962
MXGUI:  49.225.830
Sum:  61.725.560

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
774747DB  0018CC24  RtlUlonglongByteSwap+738B
75346D91  0018FE10  GetThreadDesktop+12E
753477C4  0018FE70  CharPrevW+138
7534788A  0018FE80  DispatchMessageW+F
00A92388  0018FEC4  0001:00691388 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00A92000  0018FEE4  0001:00691000 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00CF9CE4  0018FEF8  0001:008F8CE4 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
00ACEF42  0018FF88  0001:006CDF42 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\Fotos_dlx.exe
74CD339A  0018FF94  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77429EF2  0018FFD4  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77429EC5  0018FFEC  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  03.11.2012  18:47

MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  13.11.2012  21:00
CrashDump 20121113_210001_v10.0.5.3.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mdabase.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x17b80000) an Adresse 0x17bafcef
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 0000197c)
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=3ad80000  edx=235f7000
  esi=13f30ab8  edi=13f31118  ebp=21a311d0  esp=21a3116c
  eip=17bafcef  Flags=00210246

  17bafce7   00 00 00 31 c0 8b 55 fc
  17bafcef > 8a 42 03 89 45 e8 8b 45
  17bafcf7   fc 8a 40 02 25 ff 00 00

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Fotos_dlx.exe 01.07.2011  13:49   7e66dd20

Memory Allocation
Base:  992
PE:  512
Pages:  262.144

PI:  860.808
PI_TEMP_DATA: 35.592
SI:  1.121.232
SI_TEMP_DATA: 193.312
FSI:  5.076

Blocks:  8.218
Temporary: 172.012
BE:  720.000
PLE:  4.488.000
BE Pool:  1.596
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 597.941.924(754)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  10.450.616(1.843.288/0)
Bitmap:  36.904

Video thumbs: 455.700(15)
SI Display Cache: 2.783.648
PLE Display Cache: 26.466.300

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  5.502.352

Title:  44.833
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  42.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  3.953.208

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  253.968
Transitions::  37.554

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  9.056
VSW:  0
DVDMAKER: 18.414.756

Private Bytes: 810 MByte

TLS:  921
MXGUI:  46.838.118
Sum:  123.680.195

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 3979 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
17BAFCEF  21A311D0  nppEndStreamScan+1183
13F31118  21A31240  0000:00000000
17B8F4B5  21A31344  GetServiceInfo+202F
17BA7CBA  21A31378  ParseDVDDescW+136
132F5E78  21A3F64C  0001:00034E78 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\DVDMaker_de.dll

MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  13.11.2012  22:31
CrashDump 20121113_223112_v10.0.5.3.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mdabase.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x07b60000) an Adresse 0x07b8fcef
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 000015a8)
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=14360000  edx=1d787000
  esi=13ad0c30  edi=06699b50  ebp=1e1311d0  esp=1e13116c
  eip=07b8fcef  Flags=00210246

  07b8fce7   00 00 00 31 c0 8b 55 fc
  07b8fcef > 8a 42 03 89 45 e8 8b 45
  07b8fcf7   fc 8a 40 02 25 ff 00 00

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Fotos_dlx.exe 01.07.2011  13:49   7e66dd20

Memory Allocation
Base:  992
PE:  512
Pages:  262.144

PI:  798.864
PI_TEMP_DATA: 25.184
SI:  802.584
SI_TEMP_DATA: 125.824
FSI:  5.076

Blocks:  8.218
Temporary: 86.168
BE:  720.000
PLE:  2.244.000
BE Pool:  1.092
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 602.702.824(740)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  10.450.616(1.843.288/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 1.733.760
PLE Display Cache: 1.169.116

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  5.502.352

Title:  24.918
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  3.898.504

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  67.488
Transitions::  23.358

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  9.024
VSW:  0
DVDMAKER: 17.179.184

Private Bytes: 1214 MByte

TLS:  926
MXGUI:  26.358.098
Sum:  71.837.132

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4055 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
07B8FCEF  1E1311D0  nppEndStreamScan+1183
06699B50  1E131240  0000:00000000
07B6F4B5  1E131344  GetServiceInfo+202F
07B87CBA  1E131378  ParseDVDDescW+136
13615E78  1E13F64C  0001:00034E78 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\DVDMaker_de.dll

MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  14.11.2012  07:34
CrashDump 20121114_073406_v10.0.5.3.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "wmvdecod.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x5c680000) an Adresse 0x5c6e1971
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00001930)
  eax=00000000  ebx=17d82c58  ecx=22fdee4c  edx=5c6e9fc8
  esi=00000000  edi=00000002  ebp=22fdee4c  esp=22fdedb8
  eip=5c6e1971  Flags=00210246

  5c6e1969   bb 24 27 00 00 00 8b 4d
  5c6e1971 > c4 0f 85 e3 00 00 00 81
  5c6e1979   bb cc 26 00 00 df 5e 6e

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Fotos_dlx.exe 01.07.2011  13:49   7e66dd20

Memory Allocation
Base:  992
PE:  512
Pages:  262.144

PI:  798.864
PI_TEMP_DATA: 25.184
SI:  802.584
SI_TEMP_DATA: 125.824
FSI:  5.076

Blocks:  8.218
Temporary: 86.168
BE:  720.000
PLE:  2.244.000
BE Pool:  1.148
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 458.181.776(568)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  31.663.200(20.664.320/408.352)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 1.426.480(6)
SI Display Cache: 1.733.760
PLE Display Cache: 20.144.768

Buffer:  384.704
Pointer:  4.880.192

Title:  24.918
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  28.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  3.945.608

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  67.488
Transitions::  23.358

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  9.056
VSW:  0
DVDMAKER: 12.162.260

Private Bytes: 457 MByte

TLS:  928
MXGUI:  44.680.000
Sum:  126.594.562

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
5C6E1971  22FDEE4C  0001:00060971 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wmvdecod.dll
5C6DC706  22FDEED0  0001:0005B706 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wmvdecod.dll
5C6A8DA5  22FDEEF8  0001:00027DA5 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wmvdecod.dll
5C7D0783  22FDEF44  DllGetClassObject+4CAD6
5C77912D  22FDEF74  DllUnregisterServer+12B1
734AA93B  22FDEFE4  WMCreateWriterPushSink+7ED8
5C7739AD  22FDEFEC  0001:000F29AD C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wmvdecod.dll
734AABAF  22FDF000  WMCreateWriterPushSink+814C
5C782D15  22FDF03C  DllUnregisterServer+AE99
5C77DD20  22FDF078  DllUnregisterServer+5EA4
5C7808C7  22FDF0B8  DllUnregisterServer+8A4B
5C78286A  22FDF0E4  DllUnregisterServer+A9EE
734B58C8  22FDF12C  WMCreateWriterPushSink+12E65
734BC56A  22FDF184  WMCreateWriterPushSink+19B07
734BCDE5  22FDF1D4  WMCreateWriterPushSink+1A382
734699FC  22FDF21C  WMIsAvailableOffline+3E06D
7346F803  22FDF258  WMIsAvailableOffline+43E74
73469147  22FDF294  WMIsAvailableOffline+3D7B8
7346A511  22FDF2B0  WMIsAvailableOffline+3EB82
7346A43E  22FDF2D8  WMIsAvailableOffline+3EAAF
73422236  22FDF300  WMCreateSyncReader+360B
73421D58  22FDF324  WMCreateSyncReader+312D
73423416  22FDF364  WMCreateSyncReader+47EB
7341F412  22FDF3AC  WMCreateSyncReader+7E7

MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  14.11.2012  08:22
CrashDump 20121114_082201_v10.0.5.3.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mdabase.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x12f50000) an Adresse 0x12f7fcef
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00001760)
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=e3520000  edx=1b4a7000
  esi=13de0b20  edi=13969b50  ebp=24ad11d0  esp=24ad116c
  eip=12f7fcef  Flags=00210246

  12f7fce7   00 00 00 31 c0 8b 55 fc
  12f7fcef > 8a 42 03 89 45 e8 8b 45
  12f7fcf7   fc 8a 40 02 25 ff 00 00

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Fotos_dlx.exe 01.07.2011  13:49   7e66dd20

Memory Allocation
Base:  992
PE:  512
Pages:  262.144

PI:  798.864
PI_TEMP_DATA: 25.184
SI:  802.584
SI_TEMP_DATA: 125.824
FSI:  5.076

Blocks:  8.218
Temporary: 86.168
BE:  720.000
PLE:  2.244.000
BE Pool:  1.092
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 602.702.824(740)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  10.450.616(1.843.288/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 1.733.760
PLE Display Cache: 1.169.116

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  5.502.352

Title:  24.918
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  0

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  3.898.504

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  67.488
Transitions::  23.358

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  9.024
VSW:  0
DVDMAKER: 17.179.184

Private Bytes: 626 MByte

TLS:  926
MXGUI:  26.470.702
Sum:  71.949.736

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 4095 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
12F7FCEF  24AD11D0  nppEndStreamScan+1183
13969B50  24AD1240  0000:00000000
12F5F4B5  24AD1344  GetServiceInfo+202F
12F77CBA  24AD1378  ParseDVDDescW+136
13395E78  24ADF64C  0001:00034E78 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\DVDMaker_de.dll

MAGIX Fotos auf CD & DVD 10 Deluxe  14.11.2012  20:52
CrashDump 20121114_205254_v10.0.5.3.dmp successfully written

Fehler im Modul "mdabase.dll" (Ladeadresse: 0x168c0000) an Adresse 0x168efcef
Exception 0xc0000005  "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Unknown Thread   (ThreadID: 00001948)
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=84730000  edx=1de87000
  esi=134fc470  edi=0ab59b50  ebp=0aa911d0  esp=0aa9116c
  eip=168efcef  Flags=00210246

  168efce7   00 00 00 31 c0 8b 55 fc
  168efcef > 8a 42 03 89 45 e8 8b 45
  168efcf7   fc 8a 40 02 25 ff 00 00

Main Thread
  eax=00000000  ebx=00000000  ecx=00000000  edx=00000000
  esi=00000000  edi=00000000  ebp=00000000  esp=00000000
  eip=00000000  Flags=00000000

  fffffff8   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000000 > ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
  00000008   ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Fotos_dlx.exe 01.07.2011  13:49   7e66dd20

Memory Allocation
Base:  992
PE:  512
Pages:  262.144

PI:  801.000
PI_TEMP_DATA: 25.184
SI:  829.848
SI_TEMP_DATA: 125.824
FSI:  5.076

Blocks:  8.218
Temporary: 86.168
BE:  720.000
PLE:  2.244.000
BE Pool:  1.232
PLE Pool:  0
wHdr/inst: 0
B.cache inproc: 0
B.cache outproc: 602.376.664(740)
B.cache mapped: 0(0)
Video:  10.450.616(1.843.288/0)
Bitmap:  0

Video thumbs: 0(0)
SI Display Cache: 2.783.648
PLE Display Cache: 3.231.168

Buffer:  0
Pointer:  5.502.352

Title:  26.459
Memory GF:  0
Memory GF Zero:  0
Memory GF Zero_Dyn:  0
Memory GF Dyn:  0
Memory TT:  0
Audio Effect:  8
PPE:  28.000

Video Monitor: 0
malloc/free: 0
DIB:  3.910.280

VP: admin:  0
VP+Trans: privateData:  81.992
Transitions::  23.358

Frame Cache: 0
EXIF:  9.024
VSW:  0
DVDMAKER: 17.257.792

Private Bytes: 1265 MByte

TLS:  920
MXGUI:  33.151.694
Sum:  81.971.197

Pentium III (GenuineIntel)  MMX SIMD
Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601)
Free Virtual Memory: 3912 MB

Call stack:
Address   Frame
168EFCEF  0AA911D0  nppEndStreamScan+1183
0AB59B50  0AA91240  0000:00000000
168CF4B5  0AA91344  GetServiceInfo+202F
168E7CBA  0AA91378  ParseDVDDescW+136
12EC5E78  0AA9F64C  0001:00034E78 C:\Program Files (x86)\MAGIX\Fotos_auf_CD_DVD_10_Deluxe\DVDMaker_de.dll