ACID Pro 8/9/Next/MusicStudio - updated public beta Nov 12, 2019

Frank_Fader schrieb am 12.11.2019 um 15:20 Uhr

NOTE: Dec 10, 2019: there are newer official patch releases out now for ACID Pro 8, ACID Pro 9, ACID Pro Next. This post stays here just for reference.

NOTE: Dec 12, 2019: the official patch for ACID Music Studio is out now, too.


Dear ACID users,

We are happy to provide you with a new ACID public beta version, which should fix the VST scan and MP3 compatibility issues.

Furthermore, we have fixed some audio issues when using VST plugins which have more than two inputs.

Please test extensively with your plug-in collection!


We are looking forward to your feedback.


Important: Please always make backups of your projects - this is a beta version


64 Bit Installers:


Music Studio 11


64 Bit:


ACID Pro 8


64 Bit:


ACID Pro 8 Suite


64 Bit:


ACID Pro 9 (official patch released Nov 21, 2019)


64 Bit:


ACID Pro Next (official patch released Nov 21, 2019)


64 Bit:


ACID Pro Next Suite (official patch released Nov 21, 2019)


64 Bit:



Please reply to this thread with all relevant info regarding issues and bugs which have occured in the BETA-Version. 

Please check that you have installed the latest version of your VST plug-ins.


Thanks for testing!!!

Your ACID Team


Ehemaliger User schrieb am 13.11.2019 um 03:41 Uhr

iZotope Nectar 3 Elements fails and won't load even with a ReScan. Unusable in this Beta of ACID Pro 8. Worked in the last Beta.

EDIT: Melodyne no longer shows up at all in ACID Pro 8.0 with this Beta. I just checked for updates, so it's the latest version. Neither the VST2 nor VST3 shows up. It's as if it hasn't even been installed.

I finally got Nectar 3 Elements to load, by forcing a rebuild a couple/few times, but it's still listed as Failed in the Instruments section, for some reason.

Got more VST Scanner crash dumps (multiples per "rebuild," more than the previous Beta).

Frank_Fader schrieb am 13.11.2019 um 11:49 Uhr

Here Melodyne works fine in AP8.0.10.16 (of course in VST3 mode, since there is no ARA in AP8). Other VST3 plugins do show up in your ACID?

CidBil schrieb am 13.11.2019 um 12:44 Uhr

So, as someone who has had very few issues with AP9 since it's initial release, I'm not sure how my input might help, but I will say, the latest Beta has worked flawlessly for me so far. The only issues I've had re: VST's and VSTI's has been erratic loading upon opening AP9. Sometimes the plugins would all load, sometimes just 32 bit, and other times just the 64 bit. Since installing the latest Beta, none of these problems have occurred. None!! I've opened, closed and reopened the program numerous times (actually lost count), with no issues. I've opened via the taskbar icon, desktop icon, saved projects (both ACD and BAK files), opened a project from the open dialogues, and everything loads everytime. I'll continue to test this way, but I have to say that for me the program is working great. Good job!!

Zephyr-lyh schrieb am 13.11.2019 um 16:33 Uhr

I try the rewire slave again in pro tools. Things load, I got sound from rewire host now.

But I cant get any midi track in acid from protools, otherwise it is fully working.

I am using acid pro 9.

Frank_Fader schrieb am 13.11.2019 um 18:00 Uhr

But I cant get any midi track from protools into acid rewire slave

Did this work in any previous ACID versions? Which one? I only checked the ReWire audio connection up to now..

roland14 schrieb am 13.11.2019 um 19:25 Uhr

In "" all vsts load but still when I open project they are set to defolts, well back to "8.0.7" when everything is working most of the time.

Ehemaliger User schrieb am 13.11.2019 um 22:04 Uhr

Here Melodyne works fine in AP8.0.10.16 (of course in VST3 mode, since there is no ARA in AP8). Other VST3 plugins do show up in your ACID?

EDIT: Reinstalling got Melodyne (VST2/VST3) to show up. Nectar 3 Elements is still failing.

jocker-boy schrieb am 13.11.2019 um 22:54 Uhr

One problem with loop edits in audio project. Audio file is are fully mp3 and beatmapped too. Acid Pro 9 12 November beta

Ehemaliger User schrieb am 13.11.2019 um 23:54 Uhr

I try the rewire slave again in pro tools. Things load, I got sound from rewire host now.

But I cant get any midi track in acid from protools, otherwise it is fully working.

I am using acid pro 9.

Has it ever been possible to ReWire MIDI like this?

Are you using a virtual MIDI Cable?

Frank_Fader schrieb am 14.11.2019 um 14:32 Uhr

One problem with loop edits in audio project. Audio file is are fully mp3 and beatmapped too. Acid Pro 9 12 November beta

The last published official AP supports MP3 in 64 Bit again, but its MP3 decoding is not 100% compatible to current official AP 8. We tried to fix this issue (together with VST fixes) in the October public beta, but the fix finally came with the November public beta.

Now the current beta AP should be 100% compatible to AP 8 MP3 again (and to MP3 beatmapping of the first AP 9 release version).

That means that mp3 files which have been used/beatmapped with the previous AP9 might cause problems, which you show in the video.

A solution could be the invoke the Beatmapper again on the mp3 file (the button in the clip properties Stretch tab) in order to fix the incosistent length/offset info, maybe also to reload/replace the mp3 in the clip properties.

Can you try to repair the damaged event/clip this way?


Zephyr-lyh schrieb am 14.11.2019 um 14:39 Uhr

But I cant get any midi track from protools into acid rewire slave

Did this work in any previous ACID versions? Which one? I only checked the ReWire audio connection up to now..

Oh this is my miss, because I cross check with reason and ableton only. I havent check this is not supported by acid.

And yes all audio connection is working now.

Zephyr-lyh schrieb am 14.11.2019 um 14:55 Uhr

I try the rewire slave again in pro tools. Things load, I got sound from rewire host now.

But I cant get any midi track in acid from protools, otherwise it is fully working.

I am using acid pro 9.

Has it ever been possible to ReWire MIDI like this?

Are you using a virtual MIDI Cable?

No. But loopmidi will do the trick.

I attach a screenshot to explain what I mean cannot can get midi track from acid. I miss understood track "Acid midi" will show in the menu. It is not supported then that is fine, just a clarify it is the right behavior.

Frank_Fader schrieb am 14.11.2019 um 16:01 Uhr

In "" all vsts load but still when I open project they are set to defolts, well back to "8.0.7" when everything is working most of the time.

Thanks for your feedback! We can reproduce this issue. VST-fx load correctly, but VST-instruments loose custom parameter settings when loading older projects (though at least the program number is loaded correctly). Same behavior with 8.0.7. and 8.0.8 saved projects, the VSTis don't load correctly in (and also not in

Greg-Elkins schrieb am 15.11.2019 um 03:37 Uhr

Finally got around to playing with this version a little. Actually the first time I've tried to do anything musical since I got the license. Everything up to this point has been troubleshooting. Sadly, it did not go well. In Rewire mode in Pro Tools the audio glitched badly and it crashed almost immediately. When I re-opened, it functioned but there is a persistent audio glitch every time the transport is activated and when it is idle there is a strange "hum" that actually sounds like a sample's attack being very quickly re-triggered to the point that it has pitch. That pitch, as well as the amplitude, changes every time the transport is stopped. No meters in Acid show level but the meters in Pro Tools show it. Some times this pitched phenomenon is nearly as loud as the program material making it annoying to try to do anything.

At this point I've had the license for about a week or so and I've wasted quite a bit of time communicating with support (who have been great) and trying to get it to work properly. It's too bad because I have fond memories of the program but what's happening now isn't much fun at all.

jocker-boy schrieb am 15.11.2019 um 11:20 Uhr

Jeden problem z edycjami pętli w projekcie audio. Plik audio jest w pełni mp3 i jest również mapowany. Acid Pro 9 12 listopada beta

Ostatnio opublikowany oficjalny AP ponownie uruchom MP3 w wersji 64-bitowej, ale jego dekodowanie MP3 nie jest w 100% zgodne z obecnym oficjalnym AP 8. Próbowaliśmy rozwiązać ten problem (wraz z poprawkami VST) w publicznej wersji beta wersji beta w programie, ale fix w końcu przyszedł z listopadową publiczną wersją beta.

Teraz bieżąca wersja beta AP Powinna być w 100% kompatybilna z AP 8 MP3 ponownie (oraz z mapowaniem beat MP3 w pierwszej wersji AP 9).

Opcje, które pliki mp3, które zostały użyte / zmapowane w poprzednich AP9, mogą powodować problemy, które pokazujesz na filmie.

Rozwiązania mogą być ponownie uruchomione Beatmappera w pliku mp3 (przycisk w zakładce Stretch właściwości klipu), aby umożliwić niespójne informacje o długości / przesunięciu, może również mieć cel w celu załadowania / wymiany plików mp3, które są dostępne klipu.

Czy możesz spróbować naprawić uszkodzone zdarzenie / klip w ten sposób?


Ok, I'll check it out. Perhaps the mp3 file was previously processed in one of the AP 8 or AP9 trial versions.Thank you for your support.

Ehemaliger User schrieb am 16.11.2019 um 04:47 Uhr

I try the rewire slave again in pro tools. Things load, I got sound from rewire host now.

But I cant get any midi track in acid from protools, otherwise it is fully working.

I am using acid pro 9.

Has it ever been possible to ReWire MIDI like this?

Are you using a virtual MIDI Cable?

No. But loopmidi will do the trick.

I attach a screenshot to explain what I mean cannot can get midi track from acid. I miss understood track "Acid midi" will show in the menu. It is not supported then that is fine, just a clarify it is the right behavior.

Ableton supports ReWire MIDI natively, as does Reason (kind of a duh), IIRC. ACID Pro only supports ReWire for Audio.

*Most* DAWs do not natively support ReWire MIDI. You have to use virtual MIDI Cables with them (software that masquerades as hardware MIDI I/O to pass things between the applications).

With ACID Pro you do not ReWire in that manner. What you do, is add a ReWire device to that track, and then the Audio Output from ACID Pro's Mixer can be routed to the Host DAW's track - the same way the Audio Outputs of a Sampler or Synth can be routed to an Audio Track in a DAW.

You cannot route MIDI Data between ACID Pro and other DAWs without using workarounds, like a software MIDI Device that masquerades as hardware MIDI I/O.

Ehemaliger User schrieb am 17.11.2019 um 12:23 Uhr


This Beta for ACID Pro 8 doesn't have context-sensitive Help.

Pressing F1 does nothing. Selecting it from the Menu does nothing. Using the '?' to see what things do does nothing.

Is this looking for ACID Pro 9 help files, or something?

EDIT: Seems like it doesn't even bother installing the main Help file.

Pepe_Mixsucking schrieb am 18.11.2019 um 01:33 Uhr

Still no "alternative light interface" for ACID STUDIO? WHY?

Frank_Fader schrieb am 18.11.2019 um 11:19 Uhr

Still no "alternative light interface" for ACID STUDIO? WHY?

It is already available in the public beta of ACID Music Studio.

MarcoStorm schrieb am 19.11.2019 um 13:22 Uhr

Dear @Ehemaliger User,

thanks for your feedback. We have that on our todo list.

Greg-Elkins schrieb am 20.11.2019 um 00:14 Uhr

Is there any way to run Acid with the Avid ASIO driver without problems? Current behavior is that audio plays back but the GUI is essentially frozen in that the transport does not move and the meters don't function. It seems to function as normal using the generic driver.

At this point I can't use it as a Rewire slave because of the constant digital garbage, audio glitches and crashes and can't run it standalone because of the above. Very frustrating. Any help would be appreciated.

sheppo schrieb am 21.11.2019 um 19:27 Uhr

hi @frank_Fader

I have tested APN, and AP8 I have been able to load an existing project that I had previously used as a test for earlier betas. On earlier betas I saw the following behaviour

  1. re-calculated all peak files associated with each audio track - latest betas no longer reproduce this! ✔️
  2. had corrupted down beats, and beatmap markers - latest betas no longer reproduce this! ✔️
  3. MP3 file drift issues - latest betas no longer reproduce this! ✔️

Do you want feedback on other bugs from earlier versions, or was this the specific focus testing you needed at this time?

Frank_Fader schrieb am 22.11.2019 um 10:42 Uhr

Thanks sheppo,

VST scan and compatibility together with MP3 are the focus topics for this update - please create a new thread in the forum for any other issues if they haven't been acknowledged yet by Magix in the forum or by the support. Of course, if anyone encounters any regressions compared to the previous ACID version, you can post them in this thread.

BTW the AP9 and ACID Next updates have been released officially now, and we plan to deliver the update patch for AP8 soon, too. The remaining show stoppers in the public beta of AP8 (missing help files, VSTi project incompatibility) should be fixed on our side already, so we are optimistic that we can release the AP8 patch soon.

Frank_Fader schrieb am 22.11.2019 um 11:06 Uhr

Note: there will be another patch for AP9/Next soon, too, since there is still an issue with VSTi-2 backwards compatibility to older AP8 projects. (In fact this was the regression showstopper for the AP8 patch release, but it is no regression for AP9 - nevertheless, it will be fixed soon with the next patch round).