Importing 3D titles from Xara

gaunt wrote on 6/21/2012, 7:18 AM

Question from New user: have Magix Movie edit pro MX Premium, and the trial version of Xara 3d maker.

I made a 3D graphic and exported it into Magix as an .AVI. It worked fine and looked good in the movie. Then, for no appararent reason the animation ceased to function.
The manual is not clear which Xara 3D files have to be imported into the timeline.
I am mystified why the animation no longer works

Can anybody help|? Just explain the export process in detail.



emmrecs wrote on 6/22/2012, 2:14 PM


The problem of a Xara 3D animation "no longer working" in MEP MX Premium is not one I've seen, simply because when I tried to import such an .avi, admittedly to use with AVCHD footage, the animation would not work at all!  The only solution I could find which would "work" for me was to open the exported .avi (which, unless I'm mistaken is "uncompressed" by default) in MEP/VPX and then re-export it as .mp4.  Then the animation played without a hitch!

As to the question of which files you need to import to MEP/VPX, the Xara help files are NOT particularly useful on this, but I seem to remember one of the possible export formats is "recommended" for use with MEP and VPX.


Last changed by emmrecs on 6/22/2012, 2:14 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

Win 11 Pro 64 bit, Intel i7 14700, 32 GB RAM, NVidia RTX 4060 and Intel UHD770 Graphics, Audient EVO 16 audio interface, VPX, MEP, Music Maker, Vegas Pro, PhotoStory Deluxe, Photo Manager Deluxe, Xara 3D Maker 7, Samplitude Pro X7 Suite, Reaper, Adobe Audition 3, CS6 and CC, 2 x Canon HG10 cameras, 1 x Canon EOS 600D, Akaso EK7000 Pro Action Cam

Scenestealer wrote on 6/28/2012, 6:37 PM


As far as I know - if you have Xara 3D trial installed you should have access from the timeline direct to the program. If you place an MEP Xara default title on the timeline then double click it, it will open the main program where you modify it using all the options available in the main Xara program. To save changes back to the timeline just close Xara but make sure if there is animation that you close Xara whilst the animation is playing, not stopped. No need to export as AVI, etc.

This works permanently with the trial version of Xara once installed.

My only problem is that this works 80% of the time but now and again after reopening MEP the title reverts totally to a animated default that is not even the preset default you loaded from MEP's selection. Usually with any luck I can load one of the automatic project backup's and all is well. 

Last changed by Scenestealer on 6/28/2012, 6:37 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

System Specs: Intel 6th Gen i7 6700K 4Ghz O.C.4.6GHz, Asus Z170 Pro Gaming MoBo, 16GB DDR4 2133Mhz RAM, Samsung 850 EVO 512GB SSD system disc WD Black 4TB HDD Video Storage, Nvidia GTX1060 OC 6GB, Win10 Pro 2004, MEP2016, 2022 (V21.0.1.92) Premium and prior, VPX7, VPX12 (V18.0.1.85). Microsoft Surface Pro3 i5 4300U 1.9GHz Max 2.6Ghz, HDGraphics 4400, 4GB Ram 128GB SSD + 64GB Strontium Micro SD card, Win 10Pro 2004, MEP2015 Premium.

gaunt wrote on 7/3/2012, 5:30 AM

Thanks for your help everyone. I find the best solution is to re-import as MP4. Perhaps Magix/Zara would look at this and re-write the manual (or the software)

gaunt wrote on 7/3/2012, 12:55 PM

I am now answering my own question! In reality the MP4 imports look very jerky, so this perhaps not the best solution..
However, I have found that you can choose a Magix 3d title, and then edit this within the movie. Clicking on the title opens Xara 3d within the movie program.

Scenestealer wrote on 7/3/2012, 10:15 PM

Umm.....sorry.....that was what I was suggesting in my post...

It will be interesting to see if you have the same "resetting to default x3D" problem that I am having.


Last changed by Scenestealer on 7/3/2012, 10:15 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

System Specs: Intel 6th Gen i7 6700K 4Ghz O.C.4.6GHz, Asus Z170 Pro Gaming MoBo, 16GB DDR4 2133Mhz RAM, Samsung 850 EVO 512GB SSD system disc WD Black 4TB HDD Video Storage, Nvidia GTX1060 OC 6GB, Win10 Pro 2004, MEP2016, 2022 (V21.0.1.92) Premium and prior, VPX7, VPX12 (V18.0.1.85). Microsoft Surface Pro3 i5 4300U 1.9GHz Max 2.6Ghz, HDGraphics 4400, 4GB Ram 128GB SSD + 64GB Strontium Micro SD card, Win 10Pro 2004, MEP2015 Premium.

gaunt wrote on 7/4/2012, 6:51 AM

Sorry I musunderstood your earlier answer, which was most helpful

It all worked fine until I made some more edits.

Now my two beautifully performing 3D graphics are blacked out. The image remains on the timeline, but like you, there is an animated defaulut, and not the one I was using.

I had prepared them earlier in a trial movie which I added to the main project. Not visible in there either. Looks like they were obliterated during preview rendering.

So I will have to start again.
I hope someone from Magix is reading this and respond. It's not really good enough.

gaunt wrote on 7/4/2012, 9:31 AM

Using Chroma key may solve the problem. See

Very useful. Will Try it tonight.

Scenestealer wrote on 7/4/2012, 6:32 PM

Hi Gaunt

Good to see you see the same occurrence as me. I am not sure if this is something thats happening because we only have the trial version of Xara 3D maker installed and for that reason I do not feel justified in taking this up with Magix, but it would be interesting to hear if anyone with the full version has seen the same behaviour. Likewise has anybody just using the embedded Xara 3D that comes with MEP seen this reset to defaults when using the templates/samples in the title section of MEP.

Using the method in that tute is one way but you do not get to use all the cool animation, texture and lighting effects that are available in Xara.

Reading your initial post again I must say that I find it incredible that a title exported from Xara as an AVI can have animation one minute and not the next or did you mean the whole title became invisible?

Last changed by Scenestealer on 7/4/2012, 6:32 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

System Specs: Intel 6th Gen i7 6700K 4Ghz O.C.4.6GHz, Asus Z170 Pro Gaming MoBo, 16GB DDR4 2133Mhz RAM, Samsung 850 EVO 512GB SSD system disc WD Black 4TB HDD Video Storage, Nvidia GTX1060 OC 6GB, Win10 Pro 2004, MEP2016, 2022 (V21.0.1.92) Premium and prior, VPX7, VPX12 (V18.0.1.85). Microsoft Surface Pro3 i5 4300U 1.9GHz Max 2.6Ghz, HDGraphics 4400, 4GB Ram 128GB SSD + 64GB Strontium Micro SD card, Win 10Pro 2004, MEP2015 Premium.

gaunt wrote on 7/5/2012, 3:49 AM

Hi Scenestealer,

I think I may have been a little confused. I had very little experience and  was in a tearing hurry to finish a project, and I was shooting from the hip.

I tried importing various formats. I thought the AVI worked, but this is obviously not the case.

However, I have experienced your problem on several occasions now, as reported. Bizarrely, last night, the missing animated graphics (Edited MEP standard 3D titles) returned on re-loading the project, having disappeared earlier.

I also tried importing a Xara CFX file into the the timeline. This has a blue screen, which needs to be adjusted using the chroma key function. However,  letters in any shade of blue are out of bounds, as they disappear when the blue chroma key is used!

My computer seems to struggle with MEP and Xara running together, despite 8 Gb of RAM and a huge hard disk..

I don't feel I can justify the full version of Xara 3D maker until I am satisfied that it will work OK.

Scenestealer wrote on 7/6/2012, 2:54 AM

Hi gaunt

I have found exporting as a gif works well as it has a transparent background and the file size is small. Set the pixel dimensions the same as your project material say 1920x1080 and you get a pretty clean edge. AVI should work well also.

Exporting and then dragging into the timeline is more reliable - especially if you use a photo to create a texture on your title as this always used to crash Xara if you tried to save it to the timeline just by closing Xara.

When you say your computer struggles - do you mean the animated preview in Xara is not smooth while you are making the title? You can adjust preview quality in the Xara 3D maker by going to "Window > Settings" and changing the parameters.


Last changed by Scenestealer on 7/6/2012, 2:54 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

System Specs: Intel 6th Gen i7 6700K 4Ghz O.C.4.6GHz, Asus Z170 Pro Gaming MoBo, 16GB DDR4 2133Mhz RAM, Samsung 850 EVO 512GB SSD system disc WD Black 4TB HDD Video Storage, Nvidia GTX1060 OC 6GB, Win10 Pro 2004, MEP2016, 2022 (V21.0.1.92) Premium and prior, VPX7, VPX12 (V18.0.1.85). Microsoft Surface Pro3 i5 4300U 1.9GHz Max 2.6Ghz, HDGraphics 4400, 4GB Ram 128GB SSD + 64GB Strontium Micro SD card, Win 10Pro 2004, MEP2015 Premium.

gaunt wrote on 7/6/2012, 4:29 AM

HI scenestealer

There is often an (apparent) problem when saving or closing down, particularly when both MEP and Xara are running together. It can just hamg. Prior to my upgrade last week, I lost an entire project. Luckily I had saved it as a wmv, and could re-import it to finish the project. On the new computer, an order of magnitude more powerful, it has still hung a couple of times and had to be closed down manually. No files lost though.

A pity, because MEP is stunning, and Xara 3D builder has the potential to be stunning as well.

My previews are fine.

When I convert avi to MP4 and import that, the results are very jerky and unimpressive, in preview and finished movie.. May be something to do with settings, which I have not quite mastered.