Yes, but what I really want to do is the color is not in the background. On the subtitle. As the song goes, the color highlights the words. Thanks for answering me. Hope you could help me..
I am still having a little trouble understanding exactly what you would like to do. Could you go to youtube search on karaoke and find a clip that is close to what you want, and post the link here.
What you are trying to do is not too difficult if you can get your head round Keyframe animation - Alwyn has a good tutorial here you need Size and Position parts 1 and 2 (MEP15/16 techniques work in MX) - which may help.
Here is a short example (you want the second movie) of what I did for my wifes German class at Christmas - it is easier to do then a moving spot however if you substitute a png image with a transparent background and a colour circle on it it is possible - just more complicated getting the timing and movement right.
Here is an image of a section of the timeline to show you its structure.
This is actually easier than using keyframes. The procedure below is for doing what you want word by word, however you could do it letter by letter but there is a huge amount of work involved.
1. Add a title to the timeline on a totally free track so that it starts at the point you require
2. Type in the text of the song line and click the tick in the preview monitor to OK it
3. Stretch the title for the duration of that line in the video.
4. Position the timeline cursor at the point where you want the a word to change then press T on the keyboard - this will cut the title.
5. Double click on the title on the timeline to be changed
6. Highlight the word to be changed and select the colour you want from the title editor window and click the tick again.
7. Repeat steps 4 -6 highlighting each subsequent word in turn.
Repeat steps 1 - 7 for each line(s) of the song.
You should end up with a number of seperate title objects each with a different word changing colour in sequence as shown in this image.
An example of the above with short crossfades added is here.
Finally you may need to tweak the lengths of each title section to get a better timing.