In the Burn settings are you selecting one of the NTSC DVD formats after selecting Encoder settings (1) and then clicking the dropdown (2) as shown below
Here are the project settings and resultant VOB properties for a test disc I made using the above settings from a PAL 25fps project.
Did you perhaps have your project set to PAL? As I explained in an earlier thread (12th Dec), if so, and the Auto option was set as shown in my screenshots, then that would result in your DVD being PAL too, despite your NTSC setting in the DVD dialogs. A bug IMO.
The only difference between the settings you have posted and the ones I used were in the MPEG Intel encoder version yours is 1.1408.1408.7 mine was 1.1408.1408.1.
I have updated MEP 2015 to the same as yours, ie encoder version 1.1408.1408.7, and repeated the tests - the results are still the same as I previously posted.
I have also tried with a NTSC HDTV project and burned again - the results are still the same as I previously posted.
What does MediaInfo or GSpot say the format of the VOBs are?
@fradsham, Ref your screen shots. As Terry has pointed out, I suspect the solution to your problem is:
On your first screenshot "MPEG Encoder Settings", can you see, bottom left hand corner, the "Advanced" button? Click on it and it will open a screen like this:
Notice the menu highlighted in red. Make sure yours reads NTSC and not PAL.
I have the same issue. I have checked and I'm burning NTSC not PAL. I am creating a Blu-ray and it does play fine in computer after burning but not on any player I own. I haven't tried just a plain DVD yet. I am running MEP PLUS 2015. Thought I would give this program a try after using different software for years. I guess it's time to read the manual, maybe I can find something in there.
I got rid of the PAL by going into device manager and setting my DVD burner region code setting to 1 (NTSC). However, I still cannot get my DVDs (used both DVD-R and DVD+R) to play in any DVD player. The DVDs only play on PCs. Not even after performing the procedure located here: .
I also use Adobe CC and was having the same issue: Burned DVDs do not play in DVD players. After some tinkering I was able to play burned DVDs in all my DVD players. This is how I fixed the issue with Adobe products.
1) In Premiere Pro (PrPro) CC, selected timeline then File> Export > Media.
2) In Media Encoder, in Export Settings, Audio tab: Changed Dolby Digital to PCM. Must be a conflict with the export from PrPro CC that had the audio as PCM.
3) In Media Encoder, changed Source Range to Entire Sequence. This time I got three files output (WAV, MPEG, and XMP). Before changing the settings, I was only getting MPEG and XMP.
4) In Encore, Import As > Timeline both MPEG and WAV.
5) In Encore, Import As > Menu for my PSD file and set up all actions.
6) In Encore, in Build tab, in Region Codes > enabled Custom, then deselected all but Region 1.
7) In Encore, in Build tab, in Destination, enabled Test Before Writing. About every other DVD-R failed as "already been written" (or something like that).
8) In Encore, burned ISO then DVD, both from Current Project.
9) Slapped DVD into all my DVD players. SUCCESS!
Now if I can relate the Adobe fix to MEP15+, I will be in business.
I prefer MAGIX MEP15+ for simple projects because in Adobe I use four applications (Photoshop for menus), Premiere Pro for importing and editing, Media Encoder for transcoding, and Encore to import timeline (and set automatic chapter) and menu, then physically match menu and default actions to timeline, then burn image and DVD.
I am sure the answer is out there.
PS. An AUDIO_TS folder is not necessary. My DVDs play in DVD players without it. I think the AUDIO_TS is for soundtracks for playing on a DVD player when video is not played.