If you search for Copyright using search box on the right you would have found this question has been asked many times before.
. . . . and make a profit there? . . . .
No you cannot charge for something you do not own. Under the terms of the licensing - you do not own the copyright to the soundpools used in MMJ - this belongs to Magix, .nor are you authorised to charge for the music you have created using the soundpools unless you have purchased Pro licences for every soundpool used to create the music.
This is also covered in the terms and condition of the licencing of the software available on the Magix website.
Thanks johnbaker. You suggested buying the Pro licences to be able to hold copyrights of music created on MMJ. Even when not intending to sell, how can I still purchase Pro licences for music made eg on Dubster or Movie Score vol 6 after having created the music?