Probleme de gravure

acrudo Posté à 01/04/2010 04:23

Après avoir réalisé le montage de mon film et que je veux le graver, j'ai une fenêtre qui m'indique ce message : Interruption de la gravure en raison de l'erreur suivante: Erreur interne au cours de l'édition. Le disque peut seulement être lu, mais il est impossible de le graver. que dois-je faire pourr régler ce problème de gravure.
Si dessous  voici le rapport du fichier LOG
Merci d'avance pour votre précieuse aide

André Crudo

-------------------------- 22/10/2009 11:33:45 --------------------------

22/10/2009 11:33:45.203:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
22/10/2009 11:33:45.203:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
22/10/2009 11:33:45.203:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
22/10/2009 11:33:45.296:   AVSDK Version 8.1.185
22/10/2009 11:33:45.296:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
22/10/2009 11:33:45.296:   AVSDK: 2 device(s) found
22/10/2009 11:33:45.296:   Adapter=5  ID=0  LUN=0   D:PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-108 Revision:1.19
22/10/2009 11:33:45.296:   Adapter=5  ID=1  LUN=0   E:PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-760A Revision:1.00
22/10/2009 11:33:45.296:   AVSDK: 2 record device(s) available
22/10/2009 11:33:45.296:   ------------ done ----------------

-------------------------- 07/11/2009 17:09:39 --------------------------

07/11/2009 17:09:39.812:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
07/11/2009 17:09:39.812:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
07/11/2009 17:09:39.812:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
07/11/2009 17:09:49.687:   AVSDK Version 8.1.185
07/11/2009 17:09:49.687:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
07/11/2009 17:09:49.687:   AVSDK: 2 device(s) found
07/11/2009 17:09:49.687:   Adapter=5  ID=0  LUN=0   D:PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-108 Revision:1.19
07/11/2009 17:09:49.687:   Adapter=5  ID=1  LUN=0   E:PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-760A Revision:1.00
07/11/2009 17:09:49.687:   AVSDK: 2 record device(s) available
07/11/2009 17:09:49.687:   ------------ done ----------------
07/11/2009 17:09:49.906:   setting no speed limit
07/11/2009 17:09:49.906:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 202 - burn support - invalid device !!!
07/11/2009 17:09:53.265:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 209 - illegal type of disc !!!
07/11/2009 17:10:03.125:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 209 - illegal type of disc !!!
07/11/2009 17:10:45.625:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
07/11/2009 17:10:45.625:    DEVICE ARRIVED
07/11/2009 17:10:45.984:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 209 - illegal type of disc !!!
07/11/2009 17:11:30.875:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvVolMountDev(): 209 - illegal type of disc !!!
07/11/2009 17:12:14.625:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive e:
07/11/2009 17:12:14.625:    DEVICE REMOVAL
07/11/2009 17:12:56.625:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive e:
07/11/2009 17:12:56.625:    DEVICE ARRIVED
07/11/2009 17:13:56.500:   Open Project: CONFESSIONS_INTIMES -- dvd project 2009-11-07
07/11/2009 17:13:56.500:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\
07/11/2009 17:13:56.500:   dll version
07/11/2009 17:13:56.500:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
07/11/2009 17:13:56.500:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
07/11/2009 17:13:56.500:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 875823104
07/11/2009 17:13:56.500:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 131072, Typ 0
07/11/2009 17:13:56.500:   Title an Stelle 131072, Länge 131072, Typ 0
07/11/2009 17:13:56.500:   Title an Stelle 262144, Länge 875560960, Typ 1
07/11/2009 17:13:56.500:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
07/11/2009 17:13:56.515:   Step 1 of 6, Encodage du film 1...
07/11/2009 17:36:08.265:   Step 1 done
07/11/2009 17:36:08.281:   Step 2 of 6, Encodage du menu du film...
07/11/2009 17:36:08.859:   Step 2 done
07/11/2009 17:36:08.859:   Step 3 of 6, Encodage du menu de chapitrage 1...
07/11/2009 17:36:09.453:   Step 3 done
07/11/2009 17:36:09.453:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_1.VOB
07/11/2009 17:36:09.453:   Step 4 of 6, Création d'une image disque...
07/11/2009 17:36:21.000:   Step 4 done
07/11/2009 17:36:26.093:   Step 5 of 6
07/11/2009 17:36:26.093:   Step 5 done
07/11/2009 17:36:26.093:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
07/11/2009 17:36:26.156:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
07/11/2009 17:36:26.156:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: on
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
07/11/2009 17:36:26.156:    Booktype: don't care
07/11/2009 17:36:26.156:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
07/11/2009 17:36:26.156:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
07/11/2009 17:36:26.156:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
07/11/2009 17:36:26.171:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
07/11/2009 17:36:26.171:   Step 6 of 6
07/11/2009 17:36:26.171:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
07/11/2009 17:36:26.187:   create volume... OK
07/11/2009 17:36:26.187:   verify option OFF
07/11/2009 17:36:26.187:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
07/11/2009 17:36:26.187:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
07/11/2009 17:36:26.187:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_1.VOB"
07/11/2009 17:36:26.187:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_0.IFO"
07/11/2009 17:36:26.187:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_0.VOB"
07/11/2009 17:36:26.187:   Step 6 done
07/11/2009 17:36:26.187:   ------------ done ----------------
07/11/2009 17:36:26.187:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
07/11/2009 17:36:26.187:   time:
07/11/2009 17:36:26.203:   Step 6 of 6
07/11/2009 17:36:26.203:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: on
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
07/11/2009 17:36:26.203:    Booktype: don't care
07/11/2009 17:36:26.203:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
07/11/2009 17:36:26.203:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
07/11/2009 17:36:26.203:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
07/11/2009 17:36:26.203:   -- Volume mounted --
07/11/2009 17:36:26.203:   -- Recording on "E: PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-760A" --
07/11/2009 17:36:26.203:   -- Medium is "DVD-RW" --
07/11/2009 17:36:26.203:   -- Manufacturer "MCC 01RW4X" --
07/11/2009 17:36:31.671:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot re-open drive -> drive is in use by another application
07/11/2009 17:36:31.750:   !!! AVSDK error: BurnToDisc() calling AvVolWriteToDisc(): 106 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 17:36:31.843:   Step 6 done
07/11/2009 17:36:31.875:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 17:36:31.875:   ------------ done ----------------
07/11/2009 17:36:31.875:   time:
07/11/2009 17:36:31.875:   project burning failed
07/11/2009 17:36:31.890:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 17:36:32.375:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 17:40:05.625:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive e:
07/11/2009 17:40:08.875:    DEVICE REMOVAL
07/11/2009 17:40:53.687:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive e:
07/11/2009 17:40:54.796:    DEVICE ARRIVED
07/11/2009 17:40:58.250:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot open drive -> error code 14
07/11/2009 17:41:01.234:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvDevOpen(): 3 - bad address given as parameter !!!
07/11/2009 17:41:02.359:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::ReadRecorderDiscInfo(): 203 - burn support - open device failed !!!
07/11/2009 17:41:44.593:   Open Project: CONFESSIONS_INTIMES -- dvd project 2009-11-07
07/11/2009 17:41:46.843:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\
07/11/2009 17:41:47.125:   dll version
07/11/2009 17:41:50.359:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
07/11/2009 17:41:52.031:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
07/11/2009 17:41:54.109:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 875823104
07/11/2009 17:41:56.031:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 131072, Typ 0
07/11/2009 17:41:56.031:   Title an Stelle 131072, Länge 131072, Typ 0
07/11/2009 17:41:57.718:   Title an Stelle 262144, Länge 875560960, Typ 1
07/11/2009 17:41:59.140:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
07/11/2009 17:44:01.453:   Step 1 of 6, Encodage du film 1...
07/11/2009 17:44:05.046:   Step 1 done
07/11/2009 17:44:06.984:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_1.VOB
07/11/2009 17:44:14.343:   Step 2 of 6, Création d'une image disque...
07/11/2009 17:44:16.359:   Step 2 done
07/11/2009 17:44:21.218:   Step 3 of 6
07/11/2009 17:44:22.656:   Step 3 done
07/11/2009 17:44:23.843:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
07/11/2009 17:44:25.875:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
07/11/2009 17:44:26.750:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: on
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
07/11/2009 17:44:29.187:    Booktype: don't care
07/11/2009 17:44:29.218:   setting write speed to 8310000  bytes/sec
07/11/2009 17:44:32.250:   this equals 6,000000x DVD / 47,108845x CD Speed
07/11/2009 17:44:33.500:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
07/11/2009 17:44:35.171:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
07/11/2009 17:44:36.234:   Step 4 of 6
07/11/2009 17:44:37.656:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
07/11/2009 17:44:40.140:   create volume... OK
07/11/2009 17:44:42.453:   verify option OFF
07/11/2009 17:44:43.031:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
07/11/2009 17:44:44.093:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
07/11/2009 17:44:46.312:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_1.VOB"
07/11/2009 17:44:49.296:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_0.IFO"
07/11/2009 17:44:50.984:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_0.VOB"
07/11/2009 17:44:52.500:   Step 4 done
07/11/2009 17:44:53.906:   ------------ done ----------------
07/11/2009 17:44:55.156:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
07/11/2009 17:44:56.750:   time:
07/11/2009 17:44:59.000:   Step 5 of 6
07/11/2009 17:45:02.031:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: on
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
07/11/2009 17:45:03.250:    Booktype: don't care
07/11/2009 17:45:04.000:   setting write speed to 8310000  bytes/sec
07/11/2009 17:45:06.875:   this equals 6,000000x DVD / 47,108845x CD Speed
07/11/2009 17:45:08.546:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
07/11/2009 17:45:11.343:   -- Volume mounted --
07/11/2009 17:45:11.343:   -- Recording on "E: PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-760A" --
07/11/2009 17:45:12.453:   -- Medium is "DVD-R" --
07/11/2009 17:45:14.359:   -- Manufacturer "MCC 03RG20" --
07/11/2009 17:45:20.343:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot re-open drive -> drive is in use by another application
07/11/2009 17:45:22.171:   !!! AVSDK error: BurnToDisc() calling AvVolWriteToDisc(): 106 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 17:45:23.968:   Step 5 done
07/11/2009 17:45:26.796:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 17:45:28.046:   ------------ done ----------------
07/11/2009 17:45:29.062:   time:
07/11/2009 17:45:31.109:   project burning failed
07/11/2009 17:45:32.734:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 17:45:34.078:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 17:49:36.625:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive e:
07/11/2009 17:49:36.625:    DEVICE REMOVAL
07/11/2009 17:49:56.625:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive e:
07/11/2009 17:49:56.625:    DEVICE ARRIVED

-------------------------- 07/11/2009 22:24:18 --------------------------

07/11/2009 22:24:18.218:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
07/11/2009 22:24:18.218:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
07/11/2009 22:24:18.218:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
07/11/2009 22:24:18.328:   AVSDK Version 8.1.185
07/11/2009 22:24:18.328:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
07/11/2009 22:24:18.328:   AVSDK: 2 device(s) found
07/11/2009 22:24:18.328:   Adapter=5  ID=0  LUN=0   D:PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-108 Revision:1.19
07/11/2009 22:24:18.328:   Adapter=5  ID=1  LUN=0   E:PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-760A Revision:1.00
07/11/2009 22:24:18.328:   AVSDK: 2 record device(s) available
07/11/2009 22:24:18.328:   ------------ done ----------------
07/11/2009 22:24:18.515:   setting no speed limit
07/11/2009 22:24:18.515:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 202 - burn support - invalid device !!!
07/11/2009 22:24:43.953:   Open Project: CONFESSIONS_INTIMES -- dvd project 2009-11-07
07/11/2009 22:24:43.953:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\
07/11/2009 22:24:43.953:   dll version
07/11/2009 22:24:43.953:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
07/11/2009 22:24:43.953:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
07/11/2009 22:24:43.953:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 873299968
07/11/2009 22:24:43.953:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 131072, Typ 0
07/11/2009 22:24:43.953:   Title an Stelle 131072, Länge 131072, Typ 0
07/11/2009 22:24:43.953:   Title an Stelle 262144, Länge 873037824, Typ 1
07/11/2009 22:24:43.953:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
07/11/2009 22:24:58.968:   Step 1 of 6, Encodage du film 1...
07/11/2009 22:24:58.968:   Step 1 done
07/11/2009 22:24:58.968:   Step 2 of 6, Encodage du menu du film...
07/11/2009 22:24:59.437:   Step 2 done
07/11/2009 22:24:59.437:   Step 3 of 6, Encodage du menu de chapitrage 1...
07/11/2009 22:24:59.437:   Step 3 done
07/11/2009 22:24:59.437:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_1.VOB
07/11/2009 22:24:59.437:   Step 4 of 6, Création d'une image disque...
07/11/2009 22:24:59.500:   Step 4 done
07/11/2009 22:25:01.609:   Step 5 of 6
07/11/2009 22:25:01.609:   Step 5 done
07/11/2009 22:25:01.609:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
07/11/2009 22:25:01.671:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
07/11/2009 22:25:01.671:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: on
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
07/11/2009 22:25:01.671:    Booktype: don't care
07/11/2009 22:25:01.671:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
07/11/2009 22:25:01.671:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
07/11/2009 22:25:01.671:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
07/11/2009 22:25:01.671:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   Step 6 of 6
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   create volume... OK
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   verify option OFF
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_1.VOB"
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_0.IFO"
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   Step 6 done
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   ------------ done ----------------
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   time:
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   Step 6 of 6
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: on
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:    Booktype: don't care
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   -- Volume mounted --
07/11/2009 22:25:01.687:   -- Recording on "E: PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-760A" --
07/11/2009 22:25:01.703:   -- Medium is "DVD-RW" --
07/11/2009 22:25:01.703:   -- Manufacturer "MCC 01RW4X" --
07/11/2009 22:25:06.703:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot re-open drive -> drive is in use by another application
07/11/2009 22:25:06.703:   !!! AVSDK error: BurnToDisc() calling AvVolWriteToDisc(): 106 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 22:25:06.703:   Step 6 done
07/11/2009 22:25:06.703:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 22:25:06.703:   ------------ done ----------------
07/11/2009 22:25:06.703:   time:
07/11/2009 22:25:06.703:   project burning failed
07/11/2009 22:25:06.703:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 22:25:06.703:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 22:25:36.625:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive e:
07/11/2009 22:25:36.625:    DEVICE REMOVAL
07/11/2009 22:25:55.625:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive e:
07/11/2009 22:25:55.625:    DEVICE ARRIVED
07/11/2009 22:31:17.203:   Open Project: CONFESSIONS_INTIMES -- dvd project 2009-11-07
07/11/2009 22:31:17.203:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\
07/11/2009 22:31:17.203:   dll version
07/11/2009 22:31:17.218:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
07/11/2009 22:31:17.218:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
07/11/2009 22:31:17.218:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 873299968
07/11/2009 22:31:17.218:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 131072, Typ 0
07/11/2009 22:31:17.218:   Title an Stelle 131072, Länge 131072, Typ 0
07/11/2009 22:31:17.218:   Title an Stelle 262144, Länge 873037824, Typ 1
07/11/2009 22:31:17.218:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
07/11/2009 22:31:36.765:   Step 1 of 6, Encodage du film 1...
07/11/2009 22:31:36.765:   Step 1 done
07/11/2009 22:31:36.765:   Step 2 of 6, Encodage du menu du film...
07/11/2009 22:31:37.203:   Step 2 done
07/11/2009 22:31:37.203:   Step 3 of 6, Encodage du menu de chapitrage 1...
07/11/2009 22:31:37.203:   Step 3 done
07/11/2009 22:31:37.203:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_1.VOB
07/11/2009 22:31:37.203:   Step 4 of 6, Création d'une image disque...
07/11/2009 22:31:51.500:   Step 4 done
07/11/2009 22:31:53.593:   Step 5 of 6
07/11/2009 22:31:53.593:   Step 5 done
07/11/2009 22:31:53.609:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
07/11/2009 22:31:53.656:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
07/11/2009 22:31:53.656:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: off
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
07/11/2009 22:31:53.656:    Booktype: don't care
07/11/2009 22:31:53.656:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
07/11/2009 22:31:53.656:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
07/11/2009 22:31:53.656:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
07/11/2009 22:31:53.656:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
07/11/2009 22:31:53.656:   Step 6 of 6
07/11/2009 22:31:53.656:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
07/11/2009 22:31:53.656:   create volume... OK
07/11/2009 22:31:53.656:   setting verify option to "VerifyByComparingData"
07/11/2009 22:31:53.656:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
07/11/2009 22:31:53.671:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
07/11/2009 22:31:53.687:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_1.VOB"
07/11/2009 22:31:53.687:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_0.IFO"
07/11/2009 22:31:53.687:   Step 6 done
07/11/2009 22:31:53.687:   ------------ done ----------------
07/11/2009 22:31:53.687:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
07/11/2009 22:31:53.703:   time:
07/11/2009 22:31:53.703:   Step 6 of 6
07/11/2009 22:31:53.703:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: off
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
07/11/2009 22:31:53.703:    Booktype: don't care
07/11/2009 22:31:53.703:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
07/11/2009 22:31:53.703:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
07/11/2009 22:31:53.703:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
07/11/2009 22:31:53.703:   -- Volume mounted --
07/11/2009 22:31:53.703:   -- Recording on "E: PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-760A" --
07/11/2009 22:31:53.703:   -- Medium is "DVD-RW" --
07/11/2009 22:31:53.703:   -- Manufacturer "MCC 01RW4X" --
07/11/2009 22:31:58.703:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot re-open drive -> drive is in use by another application
07/11/2009 22:31:58.703:   !!! AVSDK error: BurnToDisc() calling AvVolWriteToDisc(): 106 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 22:31:58.703:   Step 6 done
07/11/2009 22:31:58.703:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 22:31:58.703:   ------------ done ----------------
07/11/2009 22:31:58.703:   time:
07/11/2009 22:31:58.703:   project burning failed
07/11/2009 22:31:58.703:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 22:31:58.703:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 22:32:13.625:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive e:
07/11/2009 22:32:13.625:    DEVICE REMOVAL
07/11/2009 22:32:30.625:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive e:
07/11/2009 22:32:30.625:    DEVICE ARRIVED
07/11/2009 22:33:15.968:   Open Project: CONFESSIONS_INTIMES -- dvd project 2009-11-07
07/11/2009 22:33:15.968:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\
07/11/2009 22:33:15.968:   dll version
07/11/2009 22:33:15.968:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
07/11/2009 22:33:15.968:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
07/11/2009 22:33:15.968:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 873299968
07/11/2009 22:33:15.968:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 131072, Typ 0
07/11/2009 22:33:15.968:   Title an Stelle 131072, Länge 131072, Typ 0
07/11/2009 22:33:15.968:   Title an Stelle 262144, Länge 873037824, Typ 1
07/11/2009 22:33:15.968:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
07/11/2009 22:33:19.015:   Step 1 of 6, Encodage du film 1...
07/11/2009 22:55:01.953:   Step 1 done
07/11/2009 22:55:01.968:   Step 2 of 6, Encodage du menu du film...
07/11/2009 22:55:02.437:   Step 2 done
07/11/2009 22:55:02.437:   Step 3 of 6, Encodage du menu de chapitrage 1...
07/11/2009 22:55:02.437:   Step 3 done
07/11/2009 22:55:02.453:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_1.VOB
07/11/2009 22:55:02.453:   Step 4 of 6, Création d'une image disque...
07/11/2009 22:55:13.296:   Step 4 done
07/11/2009 22:55:18.234:   Step 5 of 6
07/11/2009 22:55:18.234:   Step 5 done
07/11/2009 22:55:18.234:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
07/11/2009 22:55:18.281:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
07/11/2009 22:55:18.281:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: off
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
07/11/2009 22:55:18.281:    Booktype: don't care
07/11/2009 22:55:18.281:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
07/11/2009 22:55:18.281:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
07/11/2009 22:55:18.281:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
07/11/2009 22:55:18.281:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
07/11/2009 22:55:18.281:   Step 6 of 6
07/11/2009 22:55:18.281:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
07/11/2009 22:55:18.281:   create volume... OK
07/11/2009 22:55:18.281:   setting verify option to "VerifyByComparingData"
07/11/2009 22:55:18.281:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
07/11/2009 22:55:18.281:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VIDEO_TS.VOB"
07/11/2009 22:55:18.281:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_1.VOB"
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image CONFESSIONS_INTIMES\VTS_01_0.IFO"
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:   Step 6 done
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:   ------------ done ----------------
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:   time:
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:   Step 6 of 6
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: off
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:    Booktype: don't care
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:   -- Volume mounted --
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:   -- Recording on "E: PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-760A" --
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:   -- Medium is "DVD-RW" --
07/11/2009 22:55:18.296:   -- Manufacturer "MCC 01RW4X" --
07/11/2009 22:55:23.296:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot re-open drive -> drive is in use by another application
07/11/2009 22:55:23.296:   !!! AVSDK error: BurnToDisc() calling AvVolWriteToDisc(): 106 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 22:55:23.296:   Step 6 done
07/11/2009 22:55:23.296:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 22:55:23.296:   ------------ done ----------------
07/11/2009 22:55:23.296:   time:
07/11/2009 22:55:23.296:   project burning failed
07/11/2009 22:55:23.296:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
07/11/2009 22:55:23.296:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!

-------------------------- 09/11/2009 12:35:42 --------------------------

09/11/2009 12:35:42.262:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
09/11/2009 12:35:42.262:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
09/11/2009 12:35:42.262:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
09/11/2009 12:35:42.355:   AVSDK Version 8.1.185
09/11/2009 12:35:42.355:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
09/11/2009 12:35:42.355:   AVSDK: 2 device(s) found
09/11/2009 12:35:42.355:   Adapter=5  ID=0  LUN=0   D:PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-108 Revision:1.19
09/11/2009 12:35:42.371:   Adapter=5  ID=1  LUN=0   E:PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-760A Revision:1.00
09/11/2009 12:35:42.371:   AVSDK: 2 record device(s) available
09/11/2009 12:35:42.371:   ------------ done ----------------
09/11/2009 12:35:42.558:   setting no speed limit
09/11/2009 12:35:42.558:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 202 - burn support - invalid device !!!
09/11/2009 12:36:02.308:   Open Project: 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE -- dvd project 2009-11-09
09/11/2009 12:36:02.308:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\
09/11/2009 12:36:02.308:   dll version
09/11/2009 12:36:02.308:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
09/11/2009 12:36:02.308:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
09/11/2009 12:36:02.418:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 915931136
09/11/2009 12:36:02.418:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 915931136, Typ 1
09/11/2009 12:36:02.418:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
09/11/2009 12:36:02.418:   Step 1 of 3, Encodage du film 1...
09/11/2009 12:45:50.699:   Step 1 done
09/11/2009 12:45:50.699:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE\VTS_01_1.VOB
09/11/2009 12:45:50.699:   Step 2 of 3, Création d'une image disque...
09/11/2009 12:45:55.043:   Step 2 done
09/11/2009 12:45:59.887:   Step 3 of 3
09/11/2009 12:45:59.887:   Step 3 done
09/11/2009 12:45:59.902:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
09/11/2009 12:45:59.949:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
09/11/2009 12:45:59.949:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: on
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
09/11/2009 12:45:59.949:    Booktype: don't care
09/11/2009 12:45:59.949:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
09/11/2009 12:45:59.949:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
09/11/2009 12:45:59.949:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
09/11/2009 12:45:59.949:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
09/11/2009 12:45:59.949:   Step 3 of 3
09/11/2009 12:45:59.949:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
09/11/2009 12:45:59.949:   create volume... OK
09/11/2009 12:45:59.949:   verify option OFF
09/11/2009 12:45:59.949:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
09/11/2009 12:46:00.058:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE\VTS_01_1.VOB"
09/11/2009 12:46:00.058:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE\VTS_01_0.IFO"
09/11/2009 12:46:00.058:   Step 3 done
09/11/2009 12:46:00.058:   ------------ done ----------------
09/11/2009 12:46:00.058:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
09/11/2009 12:46:00.058:   time:
09/11/2009 12:46:00.074:   Step 3 of 3
09/11/2009 12:46:00.074:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: on
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
09/11/2009 12:46:00.090:    Booktype: don't care
09/11/2009 12:46:00.090:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
09/11/2009 12:46:00.090:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
09/11/2009 12:46:00.090:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
09/11/2009 12:46:00.090:   -- Volume mounted --
09/11/2009 12:46:00.090:   -- Recording on "E: PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-760A" --
09/11/2009 12:46:00.090:   -- Medium is "DVD-RW" --
09/11/2009 12:46:00.090:   -- Manufacturer "MCC 01RW4X" --
09/11/2009 12:46:05.121:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot re-open drive -> drive is in use by another application
09/11/2009 12:46:05.121:   !!! AVSDK error: BurnToDisc() calling AvVolWriteToDisc(): 106 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 12:46:05.121:   Step 3 done
09/11/2009 12:46:05.121:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 12:46:05.121:   ------------ done ----------------
09/11/2009 12:46:05.121:   time:
09/11/2009 12:46:05.121:   project burning failed
09/11/2009 12:46:05.121:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 12:46:05.121:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 12:58:48.965:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive e:
09/11/2009 12:58:48.965:    DEVICE REMOVAL
09/11/2009 12:59:40.965:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive e:
09/11/2009 12:59:40.965:    DEVICE REMOVAL
09/11/2009 13:00:00.965:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive e:
09/11/2009 13:00:00.965:    DEVICE ARRIVED
09/11/2009 13:00:04.512:   Open Project: 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE -- dvd project 2009-11-09
09/11/2009 13:00:04.512:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\
09/11/2009 13:00:04.512:   dll version
09/11/2009 13:00:04.512:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
09/11/2009 13:00:04.512:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
09/11/2009 13:00:04.621:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 915931136
09/11/2009 13:00:04.621:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 915931136, Typ 1
09/11/2009 13:00:04.621:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
09/11/2009 13:00:07.840:   Step 1 of 3, Encodage du film 1...
09/11/2009 13:10:21.340:   Step 1 done
09/11/2009 13:10:21.355:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE\VTS_01_1.VOB
09/11/2009 13:10:21.355:   Step 2 of 3, Création d'une image disque...
09/11/2009 13:10:25.683:   Step 2 done
09/11/2009 13:10:30.480:   Step 3 of 3
09/11/2009 13:10:30.480:   Step 3 done
09/11/2009 13:10:30.480:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
09/11/2009 13:10:30.543:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
09/11/2009 13:10:30.543:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: on
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
09/11/2009 13:10:30.543:    Booktype: don't care
09/11/2009 13:10:30.543:   setting write speed to 8310000  bytes/sec
09/11/2009 13:10:30.543:   this equals 6,000000x DVD / 47,108845x CD Speed
09/11/2009 13:10:30.543:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
09/11/2009 13:10:30.543:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
09/11/2009 13:10:30.543:   Step 3 of 3
09/11/2009 13:10:30.543:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   create volume... OK
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   verify option OFF
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE\VTS_01_1.VOB"
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE\VTS_01_0.IFO"
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   Step 3 done
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   ------------ done ----------------
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   time:
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   Step 3 of 3
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: on
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:    Booktype: don't care
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   setting write speed to 8310000  bytes/sec
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   this equals 6,000000x DVD / 47,108845x CD Speed
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   -- Volume mounted --
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   -- Recording on "E: PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-760A" --
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   -- Medium is "DVD-R" --
09/11/2009 13:10:30.558:   -- Manufacturer "MCC 03RG20" --
09/11/2009 13:10:35.558:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot re-open drive -> drive is in use by another application
09/11/2009 13:10:35.558:   !!! AVSDK error: BurnToDisc() calling AvVolWriteToDisc(): 106 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 13:10:35.558:   Step 3 done
09/11/2009 13:10:35.558:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 13:10:35.558:   ------------ done ----------------
09/11/2009 13:10:35.558:   time:
09/11/2009 13:10:35.558:   project burning failed
09/11/2009 13:10:35.558:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 13:10:35.558:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 13:31:55.965:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive e:
09/11/2009 13:31:55.965:    DEVICE REMOVAL
09/11/2009 13:32:39.590:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot perform device control function -> access denied
09/11/2009 13:32:39.590:   !!! AVSDK error: OpenCloseTray() calling AvDevControl(): 5 - request not allowed !!!
09/11/2009 13:35:25.293:   Open Project: 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE -- dvd project 2009-11-09
09/11/2009 13:35:25.293:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\
09/11/2009 13:35:25.293:   dll version
09/11/2009 13:35:25.293:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
09/11/2009 13:35:25.293:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
09/11/2009 13:35:25.402:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 915931136
09/11/2009 13:35:25.402:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 915931136, Typ 1
09/11/2009 13:35:25.402:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
09/11/2009 13:35:28.996:   Step 1 of 3, Encodage du film 1...
09/11/2009 13:44:35.824:   Step 1 done
09/11/2009 13:44:35.824:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE\VTS_01_1.VOB
09/11/2009 13:44:35.824:   Step 2 of 3, Création d'une image disque...
09/11/2009 13:44:40.387:   Step 2 done
09/11/2009 13:44:44.980:   Step 3 of 3
09/11/2009 13:44:44.996:   Step 3 done
09/11/2009 13:44:44.996:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
09/11/2009 13:44:45.058:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
09/11/2009 13:44:45.058:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: on
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
09/11/2009 13:44:45.058:    Booktype: don't care
09/11/2009 13:44:45.058:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
09/11/2009 13:44:45.058:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
09/11/2009 13:44:45.058:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
09/11/2009 13:44:45.058:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
09/11/2009 13:44:45.058:   Step 3 of 3
09/11/2009 13:44:45.058:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
09/11/2009 13:44:45.058:   create volume... OK
09/11/2009 13:44:45.058:   verify option OFF
09/11/2009 13:44:45.058:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE\VTS_01_1.VOB"
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image 2_EME_MONTAGE_A_BORD_DE_NORMANDIE\VTS_01_0.IFO"
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   Step 3 done
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   ------------ done ----------------
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   time:
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   Step 3 of 3
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: on
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:    Booktype: don't care
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   -- Volume mounted --
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   -- Recording on "D: PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-108" --
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   -- Medium is "DVD-R" --
09/11/2009 13:44:45.074:   -- Manufacturer "MCC 03RG20" --
09/11/2009 13:44:50.074:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot re-open drive -> drive is in use by another application
09/11/2009 13:44:50.074:   !!! AVSDK error: BurnToDisc() calling AvVolWriteToDisc(): 106 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 13:44:50.074:   Step 3 done
09/11/2009 13:44:50.074:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 13:44:50.074:   ------------ done ----------------
09/11/2009 13:44:50.074:   time:
09/11/2009 13:44:50.074:   project burning failed
09/11/2009 13:44:50.074:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 13:44:50.074:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 13:47:23.965:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
09/11/2009 13:47:23.965:    DEVICE REMOVAL

-------------------------- 09/11/2009 14:38:54 --------------------------

09/11/2009 14:38:54.855:   DLLAV32.DLL loaded, all entry points available
09/11/2009 14:38:54.855:   AVSDK MsgCbFunc registered
09/11/2009 14:38:54.855:   AVSDK: StatCbFunc registered
09/11/2009 14:38:54.949:   AVSDK Version 8.1.185
09/11/2009 14:38:54.949:   ------------ Reading Device Info ----------------
09/11/2009 14:38:54.949:   AVSDK: 2 device(s) found
09/11/2009 14:38:54.949:   Adapter=5  ID=0  LUN=0   D:PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-108 Revision:1.19
09/11/2009 14:38:54.949:   Adapter=5  ID=1  LUN=0   E:PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-760A Revision:1.00
09/11/2009 14:38:54.949:   AVSDK: 2 record device(s) available
09/11/2009 14:38:54.949:   ------------ done ----------------
09/11/2009 14:38:55.199:   setting no speed limit
09/11/2009 14:38:55.199:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::InvalidateDiscInfo(): 202 - burn support - invalid device !!!
09/11/2009 14:39:13.949:   setting no speed limit
09/11/2009 14:39:29.590:   setting no speed limit
09/11/2009 14:46:03.402:   setting no speed limit
09/11/2009 14:46:55.855:   Open Project: Essais_graveur -- dvd project 2009-11-09
09/11/2009 14:46:55.855:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\
09/11/2009 14:46:55.855:   dll version
09/11/2009 14:46:55.855:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
09/11/2009 14:46:55.855:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
09/11/2009 14:46:55.965:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 1963294720
09/11/2009 14:46:55.965:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 1963294720, Typ 1
09/11/2009 14:46:55.965:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
09/11/2009 14:46:55.965:   Step 1 of 3, Encodage du film 1...
09/11/2009 15:09:45.590:   Step 1 done
09/11/2009 15:09:45.590:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Essais_graveur\VTS_01_1.VOB
09/11/2009 15:09:45.590:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Essais_graveur\VTS_01_2.VOB
09/11/2009 15:09:45.590:   Step 2 of 3, Création d'une image disque...
09/11/2009 15:10:08.543:   Step 2 done
09/11/2009 15:10:14.621:   Step 3 of 3
09/11/2009 15:10:14.621:   Step 3 done
09/11/2009 15:10:14.621:   ------------ InitializeBurningProcess Point ----------------
09/11/2009 15:10:14.683:   setting PoINT cache size to 16777216l
09/11/2009 15:10:14.683:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: on
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
09/11/2009 15:10:14.683:    Booktype: don't care
09/11/2009 15:10:14.699:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
09/11/2009 15:10:14.699:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
09/11/2009 15:10:14.699:   ------------ done: succeeded ----------------
09/11/2009 15:10:14.699:   ------------ CreateAPIProject ----------------
09/11/2009 15:10:14.699:   Step 3 of 3
09/11/2009 15:10:14.699:   creating DVD project in prepfile mode...
09/11/2009 15:10:14.699:   create volume... OK
09/11/2009 15:10:14.699:   verify option OFF
09/11/2009 15:10:14.699:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Essais_graveur\VIDEO_TS.IFO"
09/11/2009 15:10:15.902:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Essais_graveur\VTS_01_1.VOB"
09/11/2009 15:10:15.902:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Essais_graveur\VTS_01_2.VOB"
09/11/2009 15:10:15.902:   adding file "C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\DVD Image Essais_graveur\VTS_01_0.IFO"
09/11/2009 15:10:15.902:   Step 3 done
09/11/2009 15:10:15.902:   ------------ done ----------------
09/11/2009 15:10:15.902:   ------------ BurnToDisc ----------------
09/11/2009 15:10:15.902:   time:
09/11/2009 15:10:15.965:   Step 3 of 3
09/11/2009 15:10:15.980:   Used burn options:
 simulation: off
 DiscAtOnce: off
 BurnOver: off
 BurnProof: on
 FormatDisc: off
 ShortLeadOut: off
 NoDefectMgmt: off
09/11/2009 15:10:15.980:    Booktype: don't care
09/11/2009 15:10:15.980:   setting write speed to 5540000  bytes/sec
09/11/2009 15:10:15.980:   this equals 4,000000x DVD / 31,405897x CD Speed
09/11/2009 15:10:15.980:   Check on previously direct recorded session...OK
09/11/2009 15:10:15.980:   -- Volume mounted --
09/11/2009 15:10:15.980:   -- Recording on "D: PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-108" --
09/11/2009 15:10:15.980:   -- Medium is "DVD-R" --
09/11/2009 15:10:15.980:   -- Manufacturer "MCC 03RG20" --
09/11/2009 15:10:21.058:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot re-open drive -> drive is in use by another application
09/11/2009 15:10:21.058:   !!! AVSDK error: BurnToDisc() calling AvVolWriteToDisc(): 106 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 15:10:21.058:   Step 3 done
09/11/2009 15:10:21.074:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::BurnToDisc(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 15:10:21.074:   ------------ done ----------------
09/11/2009 15:10:21.074:   time:
09/11/2009 15:10:21.074:   project burning failed
09/11/2009 15:10:21.074:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 15:10:21.074:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
09/11/2009 15:22:59.777:   setting no speed limit
09/11/2009 15:23:18.965:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
09/11/2009 15:23:18.965:    DEVICE REMOVAL
09/11/2009 15:23:56.090:   WM_DEVICECHANGE( VOLUMECHANGE ) for drive d:
09/11/2009 15:23:56.090:    DEVICE ARRIVED
09/11/2009 15:23:56.090:   AVSDK Message - ERROR: :Cannot open drive -> error code 14
09/11/2009 15:23:56.090:   !!! AVSDK error: ReadRecorderDiscInfo() calling AvDevOpen(): 3 - bad address given as parameter !!!
09/11/2009 15:23:56.090:   !!! DBK error in CBurnDevSupportPoint::ReadRecorderDiscInfo(): 203 - burn support - open device failed !!!
09/11/2009 15:23:56.746:   Open Project: Essais_graveur -- dvd project 2009-11-09
09/11/2009 15:23:56.746:   VideoMode: PAL   Temp Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\André\Mes documents\MAGIX_Video_deluxe_16_Premium\Disc Images\
09/11/2009 15:23:56.746:   dll version
09/11/2009 15:23:56.762:   PrepareDVDVideoFiles() - Abschätzen des Splitpunktes
09/11/2009 15:23:56.762:   EstimateLayerSplitPoint()...
09/11/2009 15:23:56.762:   Splitpunkt 4271833088 auf Disk mit Größe 10092544
09/11/2009 15:23:56.762:   Title an Stelle 0, Länge 10092544, Typ 1
09/11/2009 15:23:56.762:   ... Split möglich nach aktuellem Title, -> Abbruch
09/11/2009 15:24:14.465:   Step 1 of 3, Encodage du film 1...
09/11/2009 15:24:28.058:   Step 1 done
09/11/2009 15:24:28.058:   ConvertMovie() - encoded file: C:\Documents and S


Maggico Posté à 01/04/2010 09:09

C'est trop bête d'encombrer ce forum en répétant 3 fois un message.
Celui qui crée un message à la possibilité de le supprimer, alors merci de supprimer les deux messages identiques ci-dessus.
Pour réaliser une bonne gravure il faut déjà posséder un PC en bon état, il peut y avoir des conflits avec des programmes téléchargés ici ou là.

Il est fortement conseillé de disposer d'au moins 2 disques durs, un pour le programme et l'autre pour stocker les données. Ces disques ne doivent pas être trop encombrés et défragmentés régulièrement.

Si toutes ces précautions sont prises on a de fortes chances pour que la gravure se passe bien.

Sinon je passe la main.

Peut-être faut-il contacter la hotline.



PS : Merci de supprimer les 2 autres messages identiques
d-track Posté à 01/04/2010 09:54
Bonjour, dans votre rapport, il y a "DBK error in CBurnDevSupport::BurnProject(): 322 - drive in use by another appl. !!!
Je vais encore me répéter, mais Google est ton ami :
En résumé, une application se lance audémarrage de windows, un logiciel de gravure xp, vista ou Seven, et Magix ne peut pas utiliser le graveur qui est déjà occupé par une autre application. En gros, vous pouvez commencer par supprimer les programmes de démarrages inutiles pour ne garder que l'essentiel, explorer, antivirus et varte graphique. Ce n'est pas un problème lié à Magix, c'est un conflit d'applications, peut être avec Deamon tools, avez vous vérifié que les pilotes de votre graveur soient à jours et que c'est bien ce graveur qui est sélectionné pour la gravure et non un lecteur virtuel ?


PS : Merci de supprimer vos deux, trois autres "Post" identiques comme l'a écrit Maggico, ce serait sympa de votre part.